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I Walked with a Zombie


Added Sat, 17/10/2020
Release date
Original title
I Walked With a Zombie

I Walked With a Zombie is an American horror film released in 1943.

Canadian nurse Betsy Connell goes to an island in the West Indies to take care of Jessica Holland, the wife of wealthy planter Paul Holland. Here she meets not only the owner, but also his half - brother Wesley Rand.

Her patient is living in a strange twilight state: she is taciturn, moves like the living dead, and wanders at night like a Ghost. Betsy, who believes that Jessica is suffering from a nervous breakdown, learns that a voodoo cult is common among the locals. She learns about the ceremonies and decides that if official medicine cannot help her ward, then perhaps such "shock therapy" will help Jessica get out of her condition.

One night, the nurse leaves the clinic with a patient, but the voodoo experiment fails. It turns out that Jessica is not sick at all, but is a zombie. Responsible for Jessica's condition is her mother-in-law, Mrs. Rand. After learning the truth about the girl, Wesley throws her body into the sea waves.

Phenomena in artwork: Witchcraft

The film shows voodoo magic, with which local wizards are able to turn a person into a zombie – to suppress his will and turn him into a weak-willed doll. The process of becoming a zombie involves the death of the victim (or a condition similar to it, such as a coma). A warlock can command a zombie directly by voice when it hears its master, or indirectly by using a doll. To create such a doll, you need something that belongs to a zombie (for example, a piece of cloth from its clothes). Using the same doll, the sorcerer can harm the zombie and even kill it by piercing the doll with a needle.

For voodoo rituals that involve the participation of a large group of people, a secluded place is chosen, protected from outside eyes. On the approaches to this place are placed scaring amulets, as well as a zombie guard, who only lets people with conventional signs on their clothes (pinned with a piece of fabric of a certain color).

Phenomena in artwork: Zombies

Zobmi are people who are enchanted by voodoo magic. The ritual of becoming a zombie involves the death of the victim or a death-like condition, such as a coma.

The zombie completely loses its own will and obeys the sorcerer's commands, received directly or transmitted by influencing the doll. Zombie wounds don't bleed. A sorcerer can kill a zombie by sticking a needle into a doll that represents him.

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