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Mt Vic Hooters


Added Fri, 17/01/2020
Release date
Original title
Wellington Paranormal (season 2, episode 2)

Wellington Paranormal

TV Show|2018
New Zealand's capital is a hotbed of supernatural activity... so Officers Minogue and O'Leary, who featured in the vampire documentary What We Do In The Shadows, take to the streets to investigate all manner of paranormal phenomena.

The third episode of the second season of the series called "Retro-COP" (orig. "Mt. Vic Hooters").


Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

The series begins with Minogue and O'leary set up the tunnel the mount Victoria sign prohibiting irrational use of the car horn, causing accidentally trigger the Ghost of a policeman named Constable Miller, who died in 1930-ies. The Ghost begins to patrol the streets of Wellington and punish citizens for violations of outdated laws, including applying flogging and imprisonment for indecency, as well as closing bars that sell alcohol after 18: 00.

Sergeant Maak instructs officers Minogue and O'leary to get rid of Miller. After a long chase through Wellington, they are able to reach a compromise with the Ghost by lifting the ban on the use of vehicle horns, as well as appointing him responsible for keeping order in the tunnel.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Phenomena in artwork: Ghost

The reason for the appearance of a Ghost is setting the sign says "Please do not horn unnecessarily" about the road tunnel. The Ghost is the spirit of a policeman who worked in Wellington in the 30-ies of XX century, who so loved his work that did not want to leave her after death. It moves on its usual route on patrol and tries to resolve all violations of known laws.

The Ghost looks like a normal pale man in an old-fashioned police uniforms. He does not have the standard spectral features such as translucency or glow in the dark, instead, it is constantly shrouded with clouds of black acrid smoke. The Ghost effortlessly interacts with the outside world, making the sound of the whistle, causing people a shock baton, talking with them and even arresting them, putting the Ghost camera (which also turns into smoke with the disappearance of the spirit).

Get rid of the Ghost succeeds only after a police Sergeant instructs him to patrol the tunnel with the admonition to work invisibly and silently.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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