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35225 facts from 177 countries related to 1198 phenomena have been registered in Archive. 2834 of them were solved, another 11033 are under verification for compliance with one of the 322 versions.

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This section accumulates world news published in the media and concerning facts, phenomena and/or versions.


"A ghostly hand with six fingers" photographed at the wedding

User, who wished to remain anonymous, says that photographed in advance of your expected Ghost.

A strange anomaly in Argentina: during the night the water of the local river has turned blood red

Residents of Buenos Aires were puzzled when the Parana river less than a day changed its color: the water for one night has become scarlet-red hue.

Lava flows Hawaiian volcano night

Although the volcano Kilauea continuously erupting since 1983 (the active crater of Puu OO), the situation took a dangerous turn in may 3, 2018, when in a residential area Leilani-estates opened ne

A rotating cloud of frightened residents of Belgium

May 22 this year citizens of Belgium were surprised by the phenomena arising in the sky. We are talking about the mysterious cloud, which in appearance was like a whirlpool.

Huge UFO wreckage was discovered by the people of China

In a small Chinese village, the locals saw in the bushes the wreckage of a UFO. terrified residents contacted ufologists, and shared pictures of his finds on the Network.

Strange "Chupacabra" is not a joke frightened drivers.

In the Russian Rostov under the wheels of cars almost hit korotkolapye eyeless creature that sends from-ua.com.

A huge worm-like monster from Linton

The story of this Scottish Riptide dates back to 1100 years.

Gomel tornado struck the giant size and black color

A giant tornado swept through the Gomel region of the Republic of Belarus on may 24. A natural phenomenon, rare for this area, immediately became a hit on social networks.

Sprites-jellyfish in the sky over Oklahoma

Thursday, may 24, in the skies over Oklahoma appeared a flock of glowing jellyfish.

Mystery Aussie believes that suffered the curse, because he took a stone from the sacred site

"I was an idiot when he wanted to take it with you. Would be better if I left the stone where he lay" - in desperation, says Aussie Steve hill from the suburb of Stirling.

Out of the ground in Hawaii sees a mysterious blue fire

For nearly a month in Hawaii raging Kilauea volcano, flood, tropical American, lava, falling asleep with ashes and grass all alive with clouds of toxic gases.

Giant jets in the sky over Texas

Although officially summer has not started yet, but in the Great plains are already a summer storm.


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  • Новости уфологии
  • UFO Insights
  • Mundo Ovnis



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