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In the 17th century, people dreamed about travelling to the moon with ducks and swans

Added Mon, 04/12/2017
Дата публикации
Sun, 03/12/2017

In the 17th century people were planning to make a trip to the moon in a chariot drawn by ducks and swans. This intention confirms the book of John Wilkins "discovery of the world on the moon" 1640.

His vision of conquering Earth satellite, the writer showed in the pictures. And the source of his inspiration was the work of Francis Godwin's "Man on the moon". There were present illustration depicting the conquest of the moon with the help of chariots drawn by these birds. To the creation Wilkins was not a mere plagiarism, the author has supplemented it with excerpts from the studies of Galileo Galilei. Already at that time, Wilkins believed travelling to the moon is real and stressed that in the near future people will fly this night light.

The writer did not avoid the phantasmagorical ideas of conquest of outer space, stressing that so people will have an extra incentive. In the second edition of his work he illustrated the flight to the moon and depicted the chariot with birds. According to Wilkins, the people will be hard to replenish food stocks during such trips, but was sure that the Terrans will cope with it and find a way to overcome such obstacles.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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