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The confluence of the Rhone and Arv rivers: an incredible natural phenomenon

Added Fri, 27/05/2022
Дата публикации
Fri, 27/05/2022

This incredible photo shows the confluence of the Rhone and Arve rivers in Geneva, the second most populous city in Switzerland, and this is a truly amazing natural phenomenon. The Rhone River is blue, and the Arv River is brown.

The Rhone is one of the largest rivers in Europe, originating in Switzerland and flowing from there through southeastern France.

The Arve River receives water from the glaciers of the Chamonix Valley (mainly from the Mer de Glace), and then flows into the Rhone, where its much higher silt level creates a striking contrast between the two rivers.

Subsequently, the color of the river is leveled, but as if separated "by a ruler" (a small "fence" at the confluence helps to strengthen the impression), the Rhone and the Arv always delight numerous tourists.

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