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Forecasters explained the reason for the appearance of "hairy" clouds over Saratov

Added Mon, 27/04/2020
Дата публикации
Fri, 24/04/2020

In the evening of April 23 the residents of Saratov saw an unusual cloud over the city. It could be seen just a few minutes, but many managed to capture it on photo and video.

The townspeople compared what he saw with footage from the sci-Fi movie "war of the worlds" directed by Steven Spielberg. Some social media users dubbed the cloud "hairy" and "shaggy".

The correspondent of the IA "Region 64" asked the meteorologist and found the cause of the unusual phenomenon.

"Eve was the cool weather, came the Arctic air mass. Presumably, it was the stripes of the falling content of clouds: rains fell, but the land was not reached and hung, as "tangles". Rather, they consisted of ice phases," - said the forecaster Larissa Vasilieva.

She noted that in nature many amazing phenomena that we can't see, and encouraged more often to raise my head to admire or wonder.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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