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35225 facts from 177 countries related to 1198 phenomena have been registered in Archive. 2834 of them were solved, another 11033 are under verification for compliance with one of the 322 versions.

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This section accumulates world news published in the media and concerning facts, phenomena and/or versions.


Snow rolls — joke windy winter

Large, barrel-like, or small and fragile as cotton candy, snow rolls (eng. Snow rollers) are formed on the slopes of the hills, when a stray wind rolls the wet snow on the ground.

In Westbrook formed a 90-metre perfectly round ice that doesn't melt

Strange, very evenly rotating ice circles in rivers are extremely rare in nature.

Red sprites shot in the off-season

Summer is the season of sprites. These strange red formations shoot from the tops of strong thunderstorms. Through the release of heat energy from the atmosphere formed exotic to up zip red.

In North Carolina, saw "the snow man with glowing eyes"

Police Mocksville began receiving calls from witnesses who allegedly saw Bigfoot in a wooded area.

Purple lights — what is it?

Winter brings many interesting optical phenomena. This professional language is called purple glow. It is well studied and fairly widespread, although rarely intense.

Frosty flowers: amazing winter phenomenon

Walking through the woods in late autumn or early winter, you may notice a small elegant ice sculptures, like ribbon or flowers.

In Estonia arose a spinning ice disk

The river Vigala in Estonia at first glance, unremarkable, but has a special plot, which is sometimes unusual — perfectly smooth ice disk.

Sounds like the earth's atmosphere?

What kind of noises does the earth's atmosphere? Very, very strange. Acoustic signals recorded in the stratosphere at altitude of 35.4 km, as if taken from the series "Secret materials".

Colorful light pillars over the new Hampshire

Early Saturday morning, January 12, Stephenie Groudons of Lebanon (new Hampshire, USA) went out before dawn and to his surprise saw over the snowy landscape rise bright heavenly lights.

A curious phenomenon shining boys-ghosts

This unusual form of ghosts is mostly found in Germany and here they even have a special term kindermorderinn.

In the Siberian sky and saw a mirror reflection night city

Scientists of the Siberian branch of the RAS watched the sky Tomsk with panoramic optics station comprising a camera with a wide angle lens, and on the next series of pictures noticed a strange lig

Venus and Jupiter converge in the pre-dawn sky

In case you haven't noticed, the day begins with a bright light in the East. The sun? No. Venus and Jupiter, which converge at one point in the predawn sky.


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