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A curious phenomenon shining boys-ghosts

Added Tue, 15/01/2019
Дата публикации
Tue, 15/01/2019

This unusual form of ghosts is mostly found in Germany and here they even have a special term kindermorderinn.

The origin of these restless spirits is usually associated with great tragedy as they are said to be ghosts of children who were killed by their own mothers, that has doomed them to walk the earth not only as ghosts, but as harbingers of disaster and death.

Indeed, people say that to see the Radiant boy is a sure sign that it will be followed by failure or death. This makes them frightening paranormal force that no one wants to face.

The reasons why in past centuries the mother wanted to kill their children vary, but in 1600-1700 years, when dark Ghost story started to develop, this was mainly due to the fact that children born out of wedlock. In more rare cases, parents simply did not have enough money to feed the children that made them resort to murder. Sometimes the killing of children was a consequence of the harsh medieval law, according to which the second wife would inherit the share of property of her husband if all his children died.

The ghosts of the Shining boys as a phenomenon, it originated in Germany, and later this phenomenon was in English districts of Cumberland and Northumberland with German immigrants in the 18th and 19th centuries.

There are numerous reports of encounters with these ghosts who are usually described as glowing young-looking boys or (much less frequently) girls that usually look bare and bathed in bright light, which can be of different colors. The entities are often indifferent to their surroundings, but cast a rather disturbing atmosphere which usually leaves a witness in a state of shock.

Of course, the most famous case of the Radiant boy occurred in September 1803 in the town under the name of Corby Castle (Corby Castle) in Cumbria, England which was the ancestral home of the powerful family of the Howards.

Here, the Ghost appeared in front of Reverend Henry Regulski, Patriarch Howard, who came to the castle to visit and just got in a beautiful bedroom with ancient tapestries with his wife. Subsequent Reverend described later in his diary:

"Shortly after we went to bed, we fell asleep; and then, somewhere between one and two hours in the morning, I woke up. I noticed that the fire was totally extinguished; but, although there was no light, I saw a glimmer in the center of the room, which suddenly increased to a bright flame.

I looked around, realizing that something caught fire, when, to my amazement, I saw a beautiful boy clothed in white, with bright locks resembling gold, standing by my bed. In this position he remained some minutes, looking at me with a soft and friendly expression. Then he gently slid to the side of the chimney where it is obvious there was no real way out, and disappeared completely.

I was back in the dark, and we were all silent till the usual hour of sunrise. I have to say that this is a true description of what I saw at Corby castle, upon my word clergyman."

The next day the Reverend and his wife hastily left the castle.

Another, more sinister case of the Radiant boy allegedly happened with Lord Castlereagh, also known as Captain Stuart. At the time he was in Ireland and one day went hunting in the countryside when the weather deteriorated. As soon as he realized that a storm is coming, it dawned on him that he was so lost in the forest that could no longer find his way back. The story goes that he wandered the wasteland before he found a house and asked for refuge there for the night. His room was modest, almost without furniture and with small fireplace in the corner.

He soon fell asleep, but was awakened by a bright light, like "coming from the world of dreams." A further incident was later included in the book Butler Yeats, "fairy Tales and folk stories of the Irish peasantry":

"He thought I slept about a couple hours when suddenly I woke up and was amazed by such a bright light in the room that thought it burns, but turning to look at the grate, he saw that the fire went out, although the fireplace was still bright light. He sat up in bed, trying to figure out what it was when he saw the image of a beautiful naked boy, surrounded by a dazzling radiance.

The boy looked up at him solemnly, and then the vision suddenly disappeared, and everything became dark. Captain Stewart, so far from the assumption that he had seen a Ghost, had no doubt that the owner or the visitors were just trying to scare him. Accordingly, he began to resent this treachery, and the next morning when he appeared at Breakfast, he made sure to show their dissatisfaction with the stock of his behavior and announcing his intention to leave immediately".

In response to these claims the owner of the house admitted that the room where Stewart slept, almost never used, and it is precisely because there had often seen the Ghost of a family ancestor who was killed by his own mother. It was believed that the fire was to keep the evil spirit. It was also said that to see the Radiant boy is a bad omen, and that damn room was indeed closed for many years, and it was opened only for him. It was also ominously stated that the one who will see the Shining Boy will find a large force, but then becomes obsessed horrible death.

Indeed, this meeting brought Captain Stewart luck and soon he became an influential political figure. But then he began to lose money and a series of deaths began to take away one family member after another. First his father died and he took the mantle of Lord Castlereagh, second Marquis of Londonderry, and then his older sister died in a boating accident. After that, his condition rapidly declined, his health began getting worse, a mental state brought him to the brink of madness. In the end he killed himself by cutting his throat in 1822, fulfilling the dark prophecy of what the vision of the Shining boy will lead to a frightening violent death.

Another alleged Shining boy, as they say, haunts the Castle Chillingham, the medieval castle in Chillingham, Northumberland, in the Northern part of Northumberland, England. The castle was originally a monastery back in the 12th century, after which it became a strategic place in medieval times, playing a large role in the battles between England and Scotland, and in subsequent years as barracks for the army during the Second world war.

In all this time period was the story of a Shining Boy from the castle, which looked like a completely naked child surrounded by a blue glow, which was often visible in the area of the castle called "the Pink Room".

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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