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35225 facts from 177 countries related to 1198 phenomena have been registered in Archive. 2834 of them were solved, another 11033 are under verification for compliance with one of the 322 versions.

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This section accumulates world news published in the media and concerning facts, phenomena and/or versions.


Scientist: afterlife has a scientific explanation

Yuri Serdyukov, doctor of philosophical Sciences, Professor of "Philosophy, sociology and law", far Eastern state transport University (Khabarovsk) offered the scientific community a new concept of

A secret operation off the coast of Iceland, associated with a UFO

Beginning January 12, 1993, due to a heavy storm raging for three weeks, the small Icelandic vessels have had to take refuge in the fjord of Langeness.

Over St. Petersburg noticed a huge UFO

In the sky over St. Petersburg today noticed a huge UFO. It was later revealed that the "alien ship" was an ordinary airship.

In the summer solstice over Russia there are silver clouds

Yesterday, the summer solstice, noctilucent clouds were seen in different parts of our country.

How to catch the Sun in a jar?

Summer in the Northern hemisphere came into its own, and for Jan Koeman from the Netherlands this means one thing: it's time to open a can of beer.

The tropical sun has turned chameleon into a mummy

The writer and Creator of films about the wild Janaki Lenin recently witnessed terrible pictures in India.

Archaeologists revealed a mysterious mummy from the Peruvian Atacama desert

In 2015, in the Atacama desert (Peru) were found two stone sarcophagi with mummies creatures clearly not of earthly origin.

In Peru mummy found alien

Archaeologists finally found the mummy of the alien? Note that this already ufologists assert that this discovery, or should be, or she was and carefully concealed.

The black sea and the Bosphorus dramatically changed color

The American national space Agency has published the latest pictures of the Black sea.

The magical city of lights

Italian town of Canneto di Caronia (Canneto di Caronia) in the past 10 years and attracted the attention of the media who regularly put all the incidents in it to the top of the news.

Mysterious rockfalls in California town

The poltergeist, or noisy Ghost, is capable of all sorts of tricks: can move objects, throw stones, pouring water on the floor...

Moscow real estate haunted

Lately, in the realtor directories there was a category of "haunted houses". Someone avoid these apartments, and someone tends to buy or rent an apartment, or a mansion inhabited by ghosts.


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  • Новости уфологии
  • UFO Insights
  • Mundo Ovnis



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