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35225 facts from 177 countries related to 1198 phenomena have been registered in Archive. 2834 of them were solved, another 11033 are under verification for compliance with one of the 322 versions.

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This section accumulates world news published in the media and concerning facts, phenomena and/or versions.


The solar wind caused an unusual auroras

Last Saturday, during a geomagnetic storm caused by solar wind flow, the photographer Harlan Thomas is located among the sand pillars Judus in the canadian province of Alberta, hoping to catch on c

In Zaporozhye found fresh tracks of the Yeti

Incredibly, in the heart of the industrial Zaporozhye, in the protected zone of the island Khortytsya, home to a mythical Bigfoot. It is reported TimeNews.

UFO in the sky of Tashkent

Citizens of Tashkent saw in the night sky a bright object, which they took for an alien flying saucer.

Of the missing in the Bermuda aircraft disappeared all passengers

The U.S. coast guard found the wreckage of a private airplane that disappeared near the Bahamas in the Bermuda triangle, reports TASS.

Eerily realistic sculpture of the dead whale made from plastic garbage

Plastic trash is a real scourge of the oceans, and to draw attention to this important issue of the Philippine branch of Greenpeace has decided to hold a pretty bold dripping.

In Antarctica found the scales of the dragon

A rare form of ice, known as "dragon skin" or "dragon scales", managed to find a scientist in Antarctica at the end of April 2017.

Scientists explain the mysterious nature of flares on satellite images of the Earth

Astronomers from NASA announced a new explanation of the mysterious pale blue flashes that appeared regularly in the photographs obtained by the space probe DSCOVR.

Mass appearance of the aliens in the form of "Michelin men" were observed around the world

Little green or gray men with huge black eyes – isn't that such associations arise at the mention of the word "aliens"?

The black hole from the window of the suburban garden: video from "Roscosmos"

He expects to see cottager, looking out the window of his house? Apples, potatoes, greenhouses, perhaps neighbors, but not a black hole!

Gus was deprived of the light of the American city and ended up in the video

Gus de-energize the American city and paid for it with his life, reports "Ribbon". The incident occurred in Muskegon, Michigan.

On the shores of Indonesia nailed a 15-foot corpse of an unknown animal

Residents of the Indonesian island of Seram found on the beach the carcass of a giant sea animal. Carcass length — 15 meters, weight unknown creature — 35 tons.

The evil spirit that has entered the blue-eyed doll Sarita, tortured family from Peru

The nuñez family from the Peruvian city of Callao believes that their blue-eyed doll named Sarita was possessed by the spirit of the deceased relative.


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