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34947 facts from 176 countries related to 1183 phenomena have been registered in Archive. 2820 of them were solved, another 10889 are under verification for compliance with one of the 320 versions.

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This section accumulates world news published in the media and concerning facts, phenomena and/or versions.


A man set himself on fire at the post office in Kaluga from-for low pensions

Moscow. July 21.

The plane is flying tail shocked Internet users

This year one of the cameras, shooting the panorama over the stadium, decorated with plane. The plane is actually advertising airlines Emirates Airlines.

The military exercises at the Kapustin Yar

Large-scale military exercises are held in these days at Kapustin Yar in the Astrakhan region. Participating in these generals and officers of the missile troops and artillery Russia.

Mystery of Voronezh Chupacabra!

in the night from 20 to 21 April, some animal snuck into the yard of the family of Brezhnev, broke down the door to the barn and задушило18 adult hens and one duck.

UFO is really a balloon

Planetarium of Bogota was removed with the help of a telescope a balloon, taken by people for UFOs.

In the sky over Mariupol "wobbles" some kind of flying object: the security forces say it's a weather balloon

As reported by "the Staff of defense of Mariupol on his Facebook page, no reason to panic, which is to catch up among residents of the city and nearby villages, no.

"Blasts of air" has solved the mystery of the Bermuda triangle

In the Bermuda triangle mysteriously disappeared about 75 aircraft and hundreds of ships, reports Science hosts for the history channel s What on Earth.

Paratroopers from the suburbs

The story on TV3 about flying skydivers, equipped with a special glowing lights over the suburbs.

Spontaneously igniting another baby turned up in India

About the farmer Rajeshwari of Pondicherry and its “unusual” children of the world heard a half years ago, when doctors in Chennai trying to solve, is there a reasonable reason at samovozgorayuschi

The defense satellite did not reach orbit

The carrier rocket "Soyuz-2.1 B" spacecraft "Meridian" was successfully launched from the cosmodrome "Plesetsk" at 16.08 GMT 23 Dec 2011 At 16.11 GMT the vehicle was taken to the support means of t

Astronomers: the American stage of the Falcon 9 rocket exploded over the Annunciation

18 Jan 0.50 Moscow time on Blagoveschensk (far East, Amur region) there was an occurrence in the Earth's atmosphere of the large space object.

Studies show that intuition helps to improve the accuracy of solutions

Intuition helps people to make quick, confident and accurate decisions, study says scientists from the University of New South Wales. It was published in may, the journal Psychological Science.


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