Added | Tue, 18/10/2016 |
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Дата публикации | Thu, 16/06/2016
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Intuition helps people to make quick, confident and accurate decisions, study says scientists from the University of New South Wales. It was published in may, the journal Psychological Science.
In the experiment, the participants were shown dots moving across the screen. Participants were asked to determine ("unemotional behavior") in which direction will move the point. To activate the subconscious mind, the scientists used images that are not perceived by consciousness. Next to points for a moment appeared a colored square. Sometimes it was just a square. Sometimes inside it appeared the image disappeared so quickly that the conscious mind did not have time to fix it. The images evoked positive or negative emotions.
If you want to show images of positive people take better decisions. They were more confident in their decisions, which in the end often turned out to be correct.
Translated by «Yandex.Translator»
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