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34949 facts from 176 countries related to 1183 phenomena have been registered in Archive. 2821 of them were solved, another 10890 are under verification for compliance with one of the 320 versions.

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This section accumulates world news published in the media and concerning facts, phenomena and/or versions.


What an amazing Eshim Ohashi bridge in Japan?

Eshim Ohashi (jap. Eshima Ohashi) — car concrete bridge that passes over lake Nakaumi, connecting the cities of Matsue (Shimane Prefecture) and Sakaiminato (Tottori Prefecture).

At night the sky thousands of lights. Event "Rays of goodness"

Pandemic coronavirus has forced cultural institutions, concert organizers and all event industries to go online.

Dusty whirlwind lifted into the air the truck

May 9 in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous region of China was an unusual accident.

Why green in the Antarctic snow?

Scientists from Cambridge University and the British Antarctic service examined data of satellite monitoring and ground-based observations in the Antarctic to assess the prevalence of snow green al

Giant flocks of migratory birds were observed meteorological radar

Meteorological radar, located on the territory of South Florida and designed to monitor the zone between the U.S. and Cuba, recorded in the beginning of the month a giant flock of migrating birds.

The villagers got scared of a UFO: the city is looking light show

Saturday, may 23, at the disposal of edition "Notepad Volga" has got the video. A local resident took the phone luminous spots in the night sky.

The connection of Venus and mercury in the lake

This charming picture was taken on may 21 after sunset, Venus and mercury were in the connection in the Western part of the sky.

Started the season of noctilucent clouds

In the high latitudes of the Northern hemisphere kicked off the season of noctilucent clouds. Specializing in monitoring the satellite recorded the first AIM noctilucent clouds on may 17.

Sun halo over Mexico

Residents and guests of resorts in the state of Quintana Roo (Mexico) watched a beautiful celestial phenomenon of a solar halo.

Meteor over Australia was part of the Russian rocket

On Friday, may 22 in a Network there are many videos of the state of Victoria in Australia. They eyewitnesses captured a huge glowing object, which slashed the night sky, after the bright flash.

Treasure island: will surprise you for sure the Iranian island of Hormuz

Ormuz, or Hormuz, island in the Strait of Hormuz, part of the ostan of Hormozgan Islamic people's Republic.

Abnormal Les Hoya-Baciu in Romania

Les Hoya-Baciu, located near the Romanian city of Cluj-Napoca, rightly bears the title of one of the most mysterious places of Europe. It is called the "Bermuda triangle of Transylvania".


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