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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Italy

ID #1518005567
Added Wed, 07/02/2018
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 

On a cold night December 6, 1978, a night guard pier zanfretta, who (Pier Zanfretta) was on patrol in the village of Torriglia when he stumbled upon a terrible extraterrestrial beings.

History of Zanfretta began when he inexplicably lost control of the car, on the way to the house of the client.He looked out the window and saw four light source moving in the garden of the house he was about to see. Assuming that the rays emanate from the torches the robbers, zanfretta, who got out of the car with a revolver and flashlight in hand.

The guard tried to quietly slip through the gate and sneak along the wall to catch the robbers off guard. When he was ready to pop up to confront these violators, he felt something touch his shoulder from behind. Zanfretta, who turned around, but instead to see the alleged offender, he saw an entity that he described as:

"An enormous green, ugly and frightful creature, with undulating skin ... he were very fat or dressed in loose gray tunic ... not less than 10 feet (3 meters) in height".

Then he realized that the two of them.

He later clarified that the creatures have hairy, greenish skin, horns on the sides of their faces, yellow triangular eyes and red veins on his forehead. He also described a unique, self-cleaning mechanical apparatus, which was on top of their mouth.

Zanfretta, who was so stunned by their appearance that he ran.

When he approached his car, then flashed him a bright light. Zanfretta, who looked over his shoulder and saw a massive triangle that glowed very brightly. He covered his eyes with his hand and looked at how this giant UFO ascended up with a "hiss" and breathed his searing wave of heat.

The guard finally returned to his car, where he contacted his security company. The radio operator testified that incoherent babbling consisted of descriptions of supernatural creatures: "... they are not people, they are not men ... my God, they're ugly!»

After an hour, the other two security guard found that zanfretta, who is lying on frost covered ground, though his clothes were still warm. The guards also found a horseshoe-shaped traces in the ground behind the house, which seemed to have been made extremely heavy object.

Later at least 52 residents Torriglia reported bright light emanating from the area. In subsequent months, the guards claimed that they are repeatedly faced with these (and other) beings. Huge footprints and other tangible evidence was discovered in the alleged landings.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

On the frigid night of December 6th, 1978, night watchman Pier Zanfretta was on a routine patrol in the village of Torriglia, when he stumbled into a series of terrifying encounters with extraterrestrial beings that would make him question everything he had come to believe about reality. Zanfretta’s upsetting tale began when his car inexplicably lost power en route to a client’s unoccupied home. The confused security man glanced through his window and spied four lights moving in the garden of the house he was coming to inspect. Assuming that the beams were emanating from the flashlights of prowlers, Zanfretta climbed from his car with his revolver and flashlight in hand.

The watchman silently slipped through the gate and crept along a rock wall in an effort to get the jump on what he still assumed were ordinary burglars. Just as he prepared to leap out to confront these trespassers, he felt something touch his shoulder from behind. Zanfretta spun around, but instead of finding a human criminal he saw an entity that he described as being: “An enormous green, ugly and frightful creature, with undulating skin… as though he were very fat or dressed in a loose, gray tunic… no less than 10-feet tall.” It was flanked by two similar beasts.

Zanfretta would include more explicit descriptions of these beings including hairy, greenish skin, horns on the sides of their faces, yellow triangular eyes and red veins embedded in their the foreheads. He also described a unique, self-illuminated mechanical apparatus that fit over their mouths.

Zanfretta was so stunned by the sight of before him that he sprinted away from these bizarre brutes.

As he approached his dead car, he insisted that a brilliant light loomed up behind him. Zanfretta looked over his shoulder to see a massive, triangular shape, which blinded him. He shielded his eyes with his arm and stared in awe as this gigantic UFO ascended with a “hiss” and blasted him with a searing wave of heat.

Struggling, the guard finally made it back to his car where he contacted his security company. The radio operator testified that his friend’s incoherent babbling consisted of descriptions of inhuman beings: “… they aren’t men, they aren’t men… my God, are they ugly!”

An hour later two other guards discovered Zanfretta lying on the frost covered ground. Shockingly his clothes were still warm. The guards also discovered horseshoe shaped markings in the ground behind the house that seemed to have been made by an extremely heavy object.

No less than 52 Torriglia residents reported spying a bright light emanating from the same area. In the months followed, the watchman claimed to have been confronted by these (and other) creatures numerous times and huge footprints and other tangible pieces of evidence were even found at the scenes of these alleged abductions.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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