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The Alien

Added Sun, 08/01/2017
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The alien is a hypothetical representative of an intelligent extraterrestrial civilization. It is considered a passenger of the "flying saucer", so it is closely associated with the UFO phenomenon, although it appeared in the mass consciousness much earlier.

As with the origin of the unidentified objects, the true origin of the aliens is unknown. According to various versions, they can be aliens from other planets (aliens), and from other worlds ("parallel Earth"), and even representatives of the future population of the Earth.

This category can include any "hidden people" from folklore, because there are common features:

  • they come from another world (sometimes kidnapping a person and taking them to it)
  • they differ in the level of development from a person
  • share knowledge or devices
  • time in their world lasts differently from that on earth
  • they look very similar to people, but with some obvious differences (strange facial features, unusual clothing, etc.).)
  • at the place of appearance, traces of crushed or burnt grass can be left
  • they may have sexual relations with the abducted person
  • their appearance is often accompanied by blinding light

Now all such meetings are associated with extraterrestrials.

According to the versions of the explanations, the aliens look like ghosts. Usually, it is customary to refer to the aliens as anthropomorphic entities, but there are exceptions. Until recently, they were also related to the ghosts by the circumstances of the meetings, after which there were no obvious traces left. However, in the last few decades, the usual observations and contacts have been supplemented by evidence of implants left by aliens in the human body, as well as reports of the discovery of the corpses of unknown creatures similar in description to the aliens.

It is believed that the aliens are not only intelligent, but also far ahead of earthlings in technological and cultural development.

The aliens represent something unknown, bringing with them new experiences, new opportunities and, at the same time, potential danger. The image of an alien, most often a humanoid alien, is actively exploited by modern mass culture.

It even has five "classic" images.:

  • Humanoid. These are aliens who look exactly like humans. Their height varies from small (gnome-like), to tall (see Nords). They differ in gender, age, and appearance. The clothes of W on a human, but more reminiscent of the suits or diving suits.
  • Greys, or "greys". They look like short humanoid creatures with gray or light green skin, without hair. The descriptions also usually feature a disproportionately large head with huge slanted black eyes.
  • The Nords. Outwardly, they look like people of high stature with geometrically perfect facial features and physique.
  • Reptilians. They are usually described as giant humanoid lizards.
  • Insectoids. In the descriptions of eyewitnesses, they are distinguished by an obvious comparison with terrestrial insects.

As you can see, these descriptions also fit many representatives of the "hidden people".

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Phenomena count: 2

Dwarves are small anthropomorphic creatures that live most often in the mountains, underground or in the forest (sometimes it is believed that their homes are hidden in a parallel world connected to ours).


Divas, devas (avest. 𐬛𐬀𐬉𐬎𐬎𐬀 daēuua, daāua, daēva) - supernatural humanoid beings.

In various Indian religious and mythological traditions, under this name "Devas" it is customary to understand many supernatural beings, also called deities, gods or demigods. 


Blind dwarfs from Greek folklore appearing in the human world at Christmas. They ride lame, blind and crippled chickens or horses and donkeys as tall as a dog. They are usually accompanied by a lame-legged kutsodaimon. They usually mess up or curse people.


A character in Irish folklore (from "leath brogan" (shoemaker)). A wizard who fulfills wishes, traditionally depicted as a short man dressed in green. A kind of fairy, goblin or dwarf. He is the keeper of ancient treasures buried in a pot. Very malicious and cunning. By nature, he is close to gins. It is believed that he is usually always a little drunk.


A mythical people of mouthless people who feed on the smell of fried fish and floral aroma from medieval bestiaries.

In different versions they may have different names (for example, in Slavic bestiaries it is known as Astonii or Astromove).

Moon - eyed people

One myth of Native Americans is inextricably linked with the story of the moon-eyed people.

These are prehistoric red-haired and red-bearded giants who could not see during the day.


In Finnish folklore, there are creatures that come from the underworld, but prefer to live in the forest. They are considered his masters.

They are described as humanoid creatures of small stature with some small external deformities, for example, a hump or a backward-turned foot. Maahis can confuse the traveler and lead him astray (to prevent this from happening, you need to turn your clothes inside out). You cannot spend the night in the forest or build a house without Maahisa's permission.


The Menehuns (Manehune, Menehune) are a mysterious highly developed people who, according to Polynesian myths, descended from the sky on the "large 3-tiered island of Kuaihelani". ​‌​​​‌ ​​‌‌​‌ ​​‌‌‌‌ ​​‌‌​‌ ​‌​​​‌ ​​‌‌​‌ ​​‌​​‌ ​‌​​​‌ ​​‌‌‌​ ​​‌‌‌​ ​​​‌‌​ ​‌​​‌‌ ​‌​‌​‌​ ​‌‌​‌‌​ ​‌‌‌​‌‌ ​​‌‌‌‌

In the mythology of the Polynesians, these are dwarfs - the masters of the forests. They live in caves and sometimes shoot people with their bows.


Mouros (port. Mouros, or port. Mouro) is a race of supernatural beings inhabiting the lands of Galicia, Asturias and Portugal since the beginning of time. For unknown reasons, they were forced to hide underground, and now they are usually seen by people near Castro and large mounds. Mouros work with gold, silver and precious stones, they collect huge treasures that are protected by cuelebre.

Mouros usually do not leave their homes, except for food and also on special dates, like the summer solstice.


In the myths and legends of the Cherokee Indian people there are stories about a race of little people who were called "Nunnihi" (Nunne'hi), which has two versions of the translation "People who live everywhere" and "People who live forever" ("Immortal people") or "Yunwi Tsunsdi", which simply meant "Little people". They lived in the territory of the modern states of North Carolina, Tennessee and Georgia. Outwardly they looked like Indians, only they were very small (about 50 cm).

Insect - like alien

Insectoid is a term that denotes a representative of an intelligent race that either looked like insects, or evolved from insects, or were insects themselves. Also robots of the same appearance.

They often live in hives, have many legs, mandibles and eyes, are creepy in appearance and are often hostile. 

Insectoids are a specific, very rare alien race. Often, but not always, they are a biological civilization with living ships.

Nordic Aliens

Nordic aliens are described by some contactees and ufologists as human—like creatures similar to Europeans, or more precisely, to immigrants from countries Scandinavia.

Nords are often described as two-meter tall men and women with long blond hair and blue eyes. Their skin has a shade from pale pink to tanned, and they, as noted by witnesses, wear tight clothes.

Monk Bunian

On the Malaysian island of Borneo (the nearby peninsula of Malacca), there are legends about a people called: Hidden People, People of Light, Whistling people or Orang Bunian, which translates as "People making sounds." It is believed that this people does not belong to our world.


Creatures from British mythology.

There are pixies, like mosquitoes (they look like moths shining with a bright yellow light) to a normal human. A typical pixie has red hair and a snub nose. He wears a green jacket, and on his head he wears a huge peaked cap that covers his narrowed eyes, afraid of sunlight.

Pixie Stallion

A kind of pixie in Hampshire, who, having turned into a stallion, leads horses into swamps, or drives garden thieves.

Alien Reptile

Intelligent humanoid reptiles from the mythologies of various peoples of the world, which still appear in fiction and science fiction genres, ufo texts, in various conspiracy theories, yellow press articles, modern urban legends and in popular culture. It is believed that these beings, having extraterrestrial origin, are able to take the form of a human.

One of the first authors who began to massively disseminate ideas about the existence of reptiloids was David Ike, according to whom lizard-like aliens from outer space have seized power over humanity.

The Grey Alien

Grey aliens, also known as The Greys and Greys are a hypothetical race of humanoid beings of extraterrestrial origin (aliens) who are mentioned by UFO witnesses.


In Romanian mythology, a creature that looks like a man, only many times smaller (an analogue of an elf or a dwarf). They live in the hollows of trees, in the roots of flowers and grasses. They can be both evil and kind. They live in large groups and are excellent craftsmen.

It is believed that spiridushi know the secrets of underground treasures, understand the language of plants and animals. In some fairy tales, they serve sorcerers.


In Cornish folklore, little mountain men, skilled miners who know the location of every vein in the thickness of the rocks. Sometimes you can hear them banging their hammers in abandoned tunnels. If any of the people have to like the Stukans, they will tell you where to dig.


A mythological creature found in the traditions of the North Spain, in particular, in Asturias and Cantabria. Also found in legends Portugal. In other parts Europe under the names "dwarf", "sylph" or "kobold". The origin of the creature is Celtic and Roman, and its homeland is Northern Europe.


The word comes from the Swedish "troll" — charm, witchcraft. This is a supernatural creature from Scandinavian mythology. They are mountain spirits associated with a stone, usually hostile to man. 

In mythology, trolls are not only huge giants, similar to ogres, but also small, gnome-like creatures that usually live in caves (such trolls were usually called forest trolls). The details of the image of trolls in folklore strongly depend on the ethnicity. Sometimes they are described in a variety of ways, even in the same legend.


The character of the Icelandic tales inherited from the old Icelandic pagan myths. Etymologically, the word "trel" (Lis. tröll) is not different from the word "Troll", but there are a few differences tretli are evil, ugly giants (their image similar to the image of the Jotun of the ancient Icelandic mythology), while trolls, characters of the folklore of other Germanic-Scandinavian people are not always giants, and even can be positive characters.


There are among the characters of Gypsy stories and creatures close to European mythology - Urmas.

These are familiar fairies who arrange their dances at night and are able to determine the fate of people. According to legend, they live on the tops of mountains in huge golden palaces. During the day they dance and frolic, and at night, when the gypsies are sleeping, they descend from the mountains, approach the cradle of newborns and determine their fate.

Interestingly, the urms always go three together:


In Celtic and Germanic folklore, a creature with inexplicable, supernatural powers, leading hidden life. It's quite a large group of beings of small stature, which rarely show people, but sometimes can lead them into your world.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


A kind of fairy from Suffolk. They are small and very funny creatures. It was believed that the person who disturbed their peace, climbing the stairs on the same day in any of the houses on Tavern Street, noticed that large bright sparks were flying from under his soles. Sometimes they kidnapped children.


Phenomena count: 3

A mythological anthropomorphic creature of small size, with wings like a butterfly. Fairies could cast spells on the victim, taking them to their own world, where months could pass, although it felt like only a few minutes. They often harmed everyone who met them. According to some sources, they turned into animals.

Hitotsume-Kozo too

In Japanese mythology, a mischievous and like children the little one-eyed goblins. They have one huge eyes, long red tongue and a shaved head, and they dress as tiny Buddhist monks. They are quite harmless, they love to appear suddenly in the dark streets to scare people.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


The "hidden Inhabitants" (isl. huldufólk) are characters in Icelandic folk tales. They used to be called "aulvas", which is etymologically the same as "elves".

They practically do not differ from people: they are born and die, they run a household, they have their own churches, priests and cemeteries.

Outwardly Hidden inhabitants also differ little from humans: the only difference is the absence of nasal cartilage or a vertical fossa between the upper lip and nose.

The man with the black eyes

These creatures look exactly like humans, only their eyes (sometimes only the iris, and sometimes the entire white) are filled with black. Visual age, according to eyewitnesses, is most often children's, but there are also adults. It should be noted that the color of the eyes can be not only black. They say that similar creatures are found with completely white, red, and even glowing eyes.


Chanek or Chanek (Chanekeh, Chaneque or Ohuican Chaneque) are small, spirit-like creatures from Mexican folklore, considered to be elemental forces and guardians of nature.

In ancient legends, these creatures attacked intruders, scaring them so that their soul left their body, which they imprisoned in the depths of the earth. If the victim does not restore his soul with the help of a certain ritual, he will get sick and soon die.


According to the gypsies, among the mountains and forests, there lives a tiny people of Shignomanushi. Its representatives keep the riches hidden in caves. However, if you invite one of them to live in your house, then he becomes the keeper of the hearth, bringing health, happiness and prosperity to the owners. Thus, from a representative of the mountain people, Shignomanushi becomes a house spirit.


In Albanian mythology, a small, but very powerful magical people invisible to the human eye. They can marry people.


Tiny kind elves of Welsh folklore, helping with the housework.


Magical folk from Germanic-Scandinavian and Celtic folklore. They are also known by the names alva (Scandinavian), sida (Ancient Irish). The word "elf" itself is associated by some researchers with the Roman root "alb" — "white", according to another version it came from the Welsh "ellyl" or the Irish "aillil" — "shining", going back to the Sumerian "ellu" ("shining"). According to the descriptions of elves and fairies differ little.

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