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Land creatures. United States

ID #1518169435
Added Fri, 09/02/2018
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Mendenhall Loop Road
United States

The city of Juneau, Alaska recently were agog with the story of a local resident. She insisted that she saw in the sky a huge bird, and that it probably was the Thunder bird from native American legends and myths.

The thunder Bird is a legendary creature in the mythology of the North American Indians with supernatural power. It is often represented and is revered by the Indians of the Pacific coast, but also found in various forms in the American southwest and Great plains. The name "Thunder bird" comes from the belief that the giant wings of this bird raise winds and cause thunder.

As reported on 2 February Alaska newspaper Juneau Empire, a huge bird in the sky was observed in the Mendenhall valley (there is a famous glacier of the same name) and the wingspan of her was as the width of the road Mendenhall Loop Road, which passes by a glacier. The report on the observation of the bird was posted to the Facebook page of the local urban community "Juneau Community Collective".

It was a post from a woman of Tabitha Bauer:

"I was driving down the valley from the cinema and saw hovering in the sky a huge black bird. Its wingspan was at least 20 feet (6 meters) and they seemed the same width as the road on which I rode. I have lived here all my life and never seen anything like it. Assure you. it was a big crow, and certainly not an eagle. I'm not entirely joking. The creature in the sky looked like a small plane. Maybe someone else has seen this bird?".

Message Tabitha quickly began to comment on other residents of Juneau. Someone tried to joke in the style of "pterodactyls flew, probably to the rain", but many took it with seriousness. Bauer later added that the bird was shaped like an eagle, only five times larger than any eagle.

Also, the woman said that the bird she had observed on 16 January 2018 in the late afternoon. It was raining and she turned on the wipers to clear the windshield on the car and when she looked up, we saw a huge bird. The bird was pitch black and flew low enough "on the level of the treetops". Tabitha said that she saw a bird flapping its huge wings and then I flew higher and flew right over the car Tabitha.

"I slowed down to better view, and she flew towards the glacier. It was the biggest thing I've seen in my life. One her body was in length 6-8 feet (2-2,5 meters)".

Tabitha said that have spotted the birds black feathers, but can't remember what was her beak.

"I know it looks like I'm crazy and I have already written enough nasty things in Facebook. But I wrote my post only in an attempt to find more people who saw this creature."

The journalists interviewed local residents and found a woman named Diana, who said that once saw a huge black bird that tried the night, to perch on the tree, standing near the house of Diana. The bird was making this noise and woke Diana.

"It was so big that I almost in the dark could see his silhouette".

Morning after that the woman saw that the ground near the tree, all littered with broken branches. In history there are earlier posts about seeing Alaska huge birds.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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