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This section contains information about phenomena that are generally believed to have a supernatural, mystical nature, and the very existence of which is currently in doubt.Phenomena Hierarchy

Land creatures

Added Mon, 14/08/2017
Область распространения All over the world

The group of phenomena in which we are talking about creatures of unknown origin that live on land (also associated with it or seen any action on the ground). Unlike ghosts, which can only observe with unknown creatures, the witness can directly interact and even be affected by their actions.

Unlike ghosts, the mechanism of getting these creatures to our world is not limited to the transition from a parallel world. According to one version, the Earth can exist a certain number of species, the number of which is sufficient for self-sustaining populations, but small for the detection of zoologists with the help of existing methods. This opinion cryptozoology.

Cryptozoology ("study of hidden animals", from ancient Greek. κρυπτός — "secret, hidden" and Zoology) - non-academic direction, the subject of which is a focused search for animals considered to be legendary or non-existent, including animals that are now considered extinct (such as dinosaurs); the animals described in legends and myths (such as unicorns) or eyewitnesses (like Chupacabra or Bigfoot); and animals, whose existence is considered impossible in a given geographical area because of she is at a considerable distance from their natural habitat.

Description of unknown creatures can be found in the folklore and stories of eyewitnesses around the world.

This caregory phenomena will get eyewitness accounts describing a variety of unusual creatures, which can not be attributed to ghosts, and they are not so common to allocate them a separate category.

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Phenomenon in mass culture



A creature from Abkhazian mythology that lives in the forest. The literal translation is "forest man".

This is a huge furry humanoid monster with a steel protrusion sticking out of its chest (in some sources, an axe), characterized by extraordinary physical strength and rage. He has huge claws, and his eyes and nose are like ordinary people. It is believed that it is able to talk.

It lives in dense forests (there was a belief that one lives in each forest gorge).


Agach kishi (Ağac kişi is the original Azerbaijani spelling of the name, literally "tree man"). Sometimes he is called Mesha-adam, which translates literally "forest man".

A creature from Balkar and Azerbaijani mythology. Lives in mountain forests. He usually looks like a hairy creature, having an intermediate appearance between a monkey and a man, having an unpleasant smell.

It was believed that at night he came to people's gardens and vegetable gardens, putting on clothes thrown away by people. The creature is afraid of dogs.



A supposed little humanoid biped from mythology in East Africa. He was reported to be between 1.2 and 1.5 m (4 to 5 ft) tall with brown or reddish-brown hair covering his body, with yellowish-red or copper skin under the coat. His feet are about 12 cm long.

It was first discovered in 1900 by Captain William Hitchens, but an article about it appeared only 37 years later in the December issue of Discovery magazine.


Agropelter is the original English spelling.

Anthrocephalus craniofractens is a variant of the pseudoscientific Latin name, literally "human—headed skull"

Brachviipotentes crainiofractans is another variant of the pseudoscientific Latin name.

Sitting in the trunk of a tree, the creature seems to be waiting for an unwary person and throws chips, twigs and branches at the uninvited guest. According to some descriptions, this creature moves so fast that it is impossible to notice it. His cubs are always born on February 29 and always in odd numbers.


Phenomena count: 2

A supernatural being in the form of a dog. It first appears in Greek mythology, and then passes into Northern European folklore. The earliest mention of hellhounds is found in De nugis curialium (1190) Walter Map and the Welsh cycle of mythology The Four branches of the Mabinogi (ca. X—XII centuries).

Hellhound is the English spelling of the name of hellhounds.


In the folklore of the Hottentots from Kalahari (Namibia), these are humanoid creatures with eyes on their feet that tear people to pieces.

There is a variant name Aigamuchab or Aigamuxa.


In the folklore of the Canadian Inuit, amayuryuk is a giant woman with a pocket on her back, smelling of rotten algae, where she puts her children.

Latin spellings vary: Amajaruk, Amajorssuk, Amajurjuk, Amautalik, Amayuquq.

It is believed that when meeting with amayuryuk, one can neither run away from her, nor go to meet her. A person who does this can get very sick or even die. ​‌​​​‌ ​​‌​‌‌ ​​‌‌‌‌ ​‌​​‌‌ ​‌​‌​‌​ ​‌‌​‌‌​ ​‌‌‌​‌‌ ​​‌‌‌‌

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In Egyptian mythology, a monster that devours the souls of sinners, according to one version, has the body of a dog and the head of a crocodile, according to another, it is a monster with the body of a hippopotamus, lion paws and mane, the mouth of a crocodile. It lives in the Duat.

She ate a person's heart if great The Ennead pronounced a guilty verdict on him at the afterlife court Osiris in Amenti. In the tombs of the pharaohs, Ammat was depicted not as a monster, but as a protector.


The creature is found in ancient, medieval and fantasy literature. It is described as a venomous snake with two heads on both sides of the body. Sometimes wings and one pair of legs are added to the description. She has glowing eyes, and she is so hot that she melts snow.

It moves by rolling a wheel on the ground.

It is almost impossible to catch amphisbaena by surprise, since while one of her heads is asleep, the other is always awake (although, according to ancient authors, her eyesight is not important).


According to Filipino folklore, the centaur is exclusively female, depicted with a single horn like a unicorn. It appears when it rains in a clear sky. It is often mentioned along with tikbalang as his companion. They say she sits on a tree in the forest and calmly watches travelers passing by.

 It is usually said that they are attracted to precious stones and jewelry. It is believed that their homeland is located in Santo Tomas, Batangas.

Anschikh Titva Pyalt

An old man the length of a Hare is a literal translation of the name of Anschikh Titva Pyalt.

A character in Mansi fairy tales, a dwarf with incredibly long ears trailing behind him on the ground, and with a harelip opening from ear to ear.


In the mythology of the indigenous Guarani, insatiable flesh-eating boar-eater. During prosecution of the victim he makes the sound "Ao-ao-ao". It is impossible to escape, because he will haunt the victim no matter what (unless you climb a palm tree: due to the unknown mechanism of the effect on it of its juice, he will stop the persecution).

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According to Japanese mythology, a bizarre big blue-skinned and one-eyed monk with strong magic. A super-strong creature capable of killing people by strangulation.

Aobodzu (я 青, "Blue Buddhist monk", "blue Buddhist monk" or "immature Buddhist monk", arch. a man with a shaved head). Appears in the artist's book Toriyama Sekien's "Illustrated Night Parade of 100 Demons".

In Okayama, they are described as two-eyed giants who settle in abandoned or uninhabited houses. In other stories, they appear in wheat fields, or on dark, lonely roads.


A giant mottled serpent from Egyptian mythology. It usually curls in rings, and when it stretches, it reaches a length of 450 cubits (about 230 meters).

Represents darkness and evil, the eternal enemy of the sun god Ra. ​​Apop dwells in the depths of the earth, where his struggle with Ra takes place.


A two-headed frog from Yakut legends.

If you catch it at sunrise and, after wrapping it in birch bark, throw it into an anthill, and then pick up two of its bones from there: a hook—shaped one — you should sew it to the inside of the right sleeve, in the form of a slingshot - to the left sleeve. So the frog's charms passed to a person and he could win over another person by touching him with his right hand, and if it was necessary for the interlocutor to fall behind, they used their left hand.


In Polynesian mythology the sea guardian in the form of a dragon, living in the Northern part of New Zealand.

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According to ancient and medieval authors, the African people, whose representatives move on all fours, like animals. They also roar and growl instead of speech. It is believed that its representatives do not live up to 40 years.


In the southwestern part of Alaska, near Lake Illiamna, a local yeti appears: Arulatag or Nantina or Urayuli ("shaggy").

This creature is 2 to 3 meters tall (sometimes even higher), covered with shaggy dark fur. He looks very similar to a large monkey with very long arms that hang down below the knees in a standing position. His eyes are red and burn brightly in the dark.

The creature swims very well, can steal livestock (especially dogs), food or fish from fishermen. The proof of its existence is considered gigantic footprints that are found near the lake.


A creature from the folklore of the Ashanti people (West Africa). It is believed that pronouncing the name of Asanbosama alone can cause trouble.


In Roman mythology, this is a rather strange Scandinavian animal resembling an elk, but with stiff legs and a huge upper lip, because of which he can only walk backwards.

He lives in the Hercynian Forest (this is more the name of the edge of the known world in the north than the real forest. This name denoted a huge wooded area extending from the Rhine to the north and east almost to infinity, and in reality — approximately to the Carpathians).


In Abkhazian, Ossetian and Adyghe mythology, a dwarf is from a people who lived on earth before the age of humans. Now they live underground and have a very small stature (not visible in the grass). They had a broad chest and powerful shoulders, and were distinguished by great physical strength. They bred small cattle, which were kept in atsanguars, rode hares and milked deer.

Btsentæ is the Ossetian name of atsanov

Zheki — Balkarian and Karachai name of atsanov

Isps and Spi — Adyghe names of atsans


The Babadook or Mr. Babadook is a creature from the 2014 Australian horror film. This character is not based on real legends. According to one version, his name is an anagram of "A Bad Book", according to another - a sound imitation of blows on the door, which are heard as "ba—ba-duk" or "ba-ba-duk-duk-duk" (it all starts with the fact that he knocks on the door three times).


A creature from the folklore of the northern part Italy. There are only two of them. No one knows where they live. But every year on January 3, they come and start wandering around the mountainous outskirts of two small towns in the Italian province of Brescia: Cevo and Andriste.

This is a Christmas character in the guise of a giant, sheepskin-covered worm with a huge mouth, glowing eyes and small cow horns. He usually lives in the forest near the village.

Badaliski are engaged in abducting young girls.


One of the spirits is the khantu of Malay folklore, which takes the form of a marten (or a forest ferret - because this is a direct translation of the word "Polecat"). Attacks women and their children during childbirth.


Baijie (kit. trad. 白,, upr. 白,, pinyin: Baí Zé) or Hakutaku (Japanese: 白?) — a fantastic creature of Chinese and Japanese folklore, a mythical chimera with a human face, with six or nine eyes all over her body, possessing exceptional wisdom, understanding human speech and able to foresee the future.


A creature from Caribbean folklore, comes from a mixture of Guyanese and African beliefs. His original homeland is West Africa.

He presented himself as a short pygmy with magical powers.

Usually Buck lives next to people, but in dark places, like an attic. In order not to anger him, he needs to put a plate with blood and milk. The creature is mischievous, intelligent and quite insidious. He is able to change his shape, make himself invisible and torment others. They are mostly active at night.


In the folklore of the Philippine province, it is a creature stealing and eating corpses. It has sharp claws and teeth to dig up graves and tear clothes on the dead. It is also endowed with a wonderful nose, and from afar feels the smell of dead bodies. A terrible smell constantly emanates from his mouth.

In the beliefs it is said that instead of stolen bodies, in order to deceive people, Bal-bal puts fragments of banana tree trunks into the devastated graves.


Creatures from Swiss and French mythology.

The name probably came from the French "barbes glacées" — "frozen beards".

He looks like a little man covered in white fur with a long beard and huge legs. He rides down the mountains on his huge feet as if on skis. 

The usual sounds they make when communicating are similar to the whistle of a groundhog. To communicate at a long distance, barbegazi emit an intimidating howl, which can be mistaken for the whistling of the wind or the sound of an Alpine horn.


A creature from the folklore of the North England (in particular in Yorkshire). This is the name of the legendary monstrous black dog with burning eyes, huge claws and fangs, which guards the grave of its owner and meeting them is a harbinger of imminent death.

The Bargest appears only at night. He also preys on capricious children, scaring them. It can scare a traveler to the point of loss of speech, and in some cases to death.

The origin of the name is unknown, it probably came from the merger of two words "burh" and "ghest", that is, a city ghost.


In Japanese mythology, a wonderful flightless fire-breathing bird, similar to a rooster with a giant crest. Dissolves into thin air if it detects an observer.

Basan has a bright red cock's crest and spits a brilliant fire, which, however, is cold and does not scorch.

Basan usually lives in bamboo groves of mountain valleys, but sometimes, in the late evenings, it can appear in the surrounding human villages. When Basan flaps his wings, there is a terrible rustle, similar to the sound of "bass-bass").

White wolf

The Indians of Western Virginia, there was a legend about creatures called creatures White, or White wolves, and later a White dog.

Outwardly, this creature appeared to them in the form of a very large wolf, which was much more powerful and angrier than usual animal. Basically, it was a harbinger of death and see the huge, pale wolf, moving silently between the trees for any Indian meant quick death to himself or someone from the family.


Gray man (shotl. gal. Am Fear Liath Mòr) — a mysterious creature from Scottish Celtic folklore, described in various stories as a cryptid monster or ghost, which allegedly often appears on the tops of the terrain and passes of Mount Ben Macduy, the highest mountain in the Cairngorms chain and the second highest peak in Scotland (and all the British Isles).

This creature is described as an extremely tall humanoid figure covered with short gray fur, or as an invisible creature that causes a feeling of horror in people climbing to the top.


A creature from German folklore. 

Variants of the spelling of the names of Bilvises: Belewitte, Bilwis, Bilwiß, Bilwitz, Bilwiz, Bulwechs, Pilbis, Pilbiz, Pilwiz.

They were represented in the guise of men wearing linen clothes and dark brown cocked hats, and sickles grew on the thumbs of their left feet instead of nails. They live in flocks in tree hollows and in fields. They lead a nocturnal lifestyle, only with the onset of evening these creatures come out of their hiding places.


Wild boar from the Chinese mythology with two heads on opposite parts of the body.

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The Goddess

A character known in Lesser Known, Southern Mazovia, in the areas of the Polish-Ukrainian and Polish-Slovak borderlands.

The creature is described as an evil ugly woman with a tall, ungainly figure, a disproportionately large head, a swollen belly, crooked legs, black teeth, large breasts that were thrown back over her shoulder. It lives in caves, in swamps, near reservoirs, in ravines. They appear most often at night in inclement weather. She is known for abductions and substitution of children.

Bodmin beast

The "Bodmin beast" is a creature from English folklore. This is a large cat-like animal that has been seen more than 60 times in the Bodmin moor area (Cornwall, England) since 1983. In some versions of the story, he is referred to as "the Ghostly wildcat of Bodmin moor" or even "The monster of Bodmin moor".

Big Muddy

In the 1970s, in the southern part of Illinois (near the city of Murphysboro), a strange creature called the Big Mudd by locals was often noticed.

It is described as a large and very smelly creature that bears some resemblance to a yeti: a bipedal hairy creature, as tall as a man and covered from head to toe with dirty white fur, exuding a disgusting smell. The creature is capable of making terrible screams.

The first eyewitness was an 11-year-old boy.


A mythical animal in the form of a bull with horns wrapped inside, which defends itself from enemies by throwing scalding manure at them.

It is this feature that is reflected in almost all illustrations in medieval manuscripts and it is this feature that is the only mysterious detail in the appearance of this animal. The original description is taken from the "Natural History" Pliny the Elder:


Bonnacon (bonnacon, bonasus, bonacho) is a legendary creature from medieval bestiaries. The word comes from the Greek βόνᾱσος (bonasos), which means "bison".

He is described as a bull with horns bent inwards and a horse's mane. The fur is reddish-brown or black. 

Since his horns were useless for self-defense, Bonnacon was said to spew large amounts of caustic feces from his anus into his pursuers, burning them and thereby ensuring his escape.



A Chinese monster from the Catalog of Mountains and Seas, a ram with nine tails and four ears, as well as two eyes on its back.

The name of the creature differs in different editions of the book: in the first edition of 1965 — it is called Fato, in the second, 1987 — Futo.It is difficult to say whether Fato is the same Bochi, or they are different creatures, but the similarity of the texts is obvious.​‌‌‌​‌‌ ​​‌‌‌‌

British big cats

British big cats, also known as "anomalous ("alien“) big cats "(English: Alien Big Cats, ABC), "phantom cats", "mysterious cats" — large representatives of the cat family unknown to science (or known, but abnormal for the fauna Great Britain), living on British Isles and found in rural areas.

In particular, sightings of "Panthers", "Cougars" and giant "black cats"were reported. They also found animals that were killed by the typical methods of killing big cats (usually Cougars).


Bubak or Budak is a creature from Czech and Polish legends that looks like a demonic scarecrow. He imitates the crying of a small child to lure travelers, whom he kills, and then weaves a cloth from the souls of his victims. 

Glowing eyes and mouth make it look like Jack with a lantern. And sometimes Bubac is described as a kind of evil version of Santa who travels in a cart pulled by black cats on Christmas Night.

According to the stories, beboks inhabit forests, swamps, dark basements and other similar places.

Buka (Slavic folklore)

Buka or boogeyman (English Bogeyman) is a folklore character who frightened naughty children.

A creature from Slavic mythology. He usually looks like a furry creature with a huge open mouth and a long tongue. He can turn into a pile of hay, and also make the sounds of a growling dog, while remaining invisible. Sunlight is deadly for him.

In modern ideas, he lives under the bed or closet, where he can pull at night.


Bungisngis — (from tag. ngisi — giggle).

According to the representations of Tagalogs (Philippines) a fabulous giant cyclops with a hypertrophied upper lip who laughs all the time.


A creature from Filipino folklore, a not very intelligent ogre with one eye in his forehead and two large fangs.

Buena ft

Snow man living in a drainage channel in Buena Park (orange County, California, USA). He is described as tall, hairy beast rising 8 feet (2.4 m), similar to humans.

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Bjera (bjära, mjölkhare, trollhare, pukhare, puken, trollkatten, baran, bärarn, trollnøste, trollnøa — nesun, milk hare, witchy hare/cat/tangle — shv., fin., norv.) - a common name for all spirits-getters stealing neighbor's milk for their master in the South-the western regions of Sweden. ​‌​​​‌ ​​‌​‌‌ ​​

The witch's familiar in Scandinavian folklore. In the form of a cat, a hare or a ball of yarn, she sucks milk from cows and spits it into the witches' milk containers, and also goes home and licks cream. 


Waira — Latin spelling of the name

わい — - the original Japanese spelling of the name Vaira

In Japanese folklore, an ugly animal with a large, cow-like body and long limbs with a single claw on each. 


In Arabic mythology, a tree with fruits in the form of human heads making articulate sounds. These sounds are considered by the locals to be a bad omen.

Vaca de lumbre

Creature from Mexican folklore that looks like a fire cow run very fast through towns and villages.

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The ancient people of two-mouthed and one-eyed giants in the folklore of Chechens and Ingush. They have several heads.


A mythical animal from the folklore of the American colonists. A furry animal from North American folklore that behaves like a real caterpillar. Vapalusi live in the forests of the Pacific coast. They are the size of a dachshund, with fluffy fur, paws like a woodpecker, which helps them climb a tree like a caterpillar, and a spiked tail.


The idea of this creature came from Greek mythology (a small snake with a white spot on its head), but in medieval Europe it underwent some changes. There he turned into a monster with the body of a toad, the tail of a snake and the head of a rooster. His fetid breath kills everything in the neighborhood, and his gaze makes you petrify.

Vevey Gombel

A supernatural female being or a vengeful ghost in Javanese mythology.

Traditionally, Wwe Gombel is depicted as a woman with long hanging breasts, and modern images include vampire fangs.


In the mythologies of different countries and peoples, mythological plants have certain parts or features characteristic of humanoids (while the plant component predominates over human parts or properties).

The roots used for the formation of this concept are transparent: Latin "vegetatio" — plant, growth and — ancient Greek "ἀνήρ" — man, man. At first glance, some plant people are obtained. Moreover, in the work itself, they are roughly also defined: "plants that have something related to man."


In East Slavic mythology, an anthropomorphic squat creature whose gaze kills. His eyes are usually covered with huge eyelids and eyelashes. According to Russian and Belarusian fairy tales, Viy's eyelids, eyelashes or eyebrows were raised with pitchforks by his assistants, which caused a person who could not stand Viy's gaze to die.

Before his appearance, a terrible howl is heard. He is able to remove the protection of any spells and charms. 


In ancient Indian mythology, tiny (no more than eighteen inches or 43.18 cm) toothy creatures that appear near houses in which someone is about to die. Their skin is fiery red (or they are surrounded by a blood-red mist), and their teeth are sharp and colored red depending on the amount of blood consumed.

Only a sorcerer can drive virika away; however, there is another way — in honor of this virika, you need to build a sanctuary and fill it with food and flowers. If Virika accepts the gifts, he will leave, and the dying will be given a respite to leave this life in peace.


In the folklore of the inhabitants of the Shetland Islands (an archipelago in Scotland), a man with a wolf's head, who is covered with short brown hair. He likes to fish and can leave his catch at the doors of poor people.


In the mythology of the Goldy man: he only has one arm, one leg, one eye and one ear. When he hits himself with his only arm, all around fall and fall asleep. To interrupt a witch's dream can only be someone more powerful if the three clap my hands.

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A creature from the mythology of Wales. It is female, capable of taking the form of a goat. At night it lies in wait for travelers on mountain roads and leads them astray. Sometimes it makes strange sounds similar to a scream, the source of which cannot be determined.

Fresh water is brought to them and they are especially careful that there is no knife or other cutting tool in the corner by the hearth where the Fairy is sitting. "Because trouble often happens to those who don't take care of it."


APE-like creature from the folklore of the Maltese. In his appearance blended the traits of a monkey and a cat. He peeks out from behind the bushes and sometimes produces an unpleasant cat cry.

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A creature from the folklore of the inhabitants of the Isle of Man, living by the roads. He is small and lives in groups. Their main entertainment is to magnetize stones on the side of the road so that cars pull over to the side of the road, despite all the efforts of drivers.

But there is a lot of contradictory information about the creature.

Stupid Xiaoyang Giants

According to Chinese beliefs, savages are cannibals with their knees turned back. They have a human face, huge height (more than 3 m), and the body is covered with long hair. The legs of the savages bend in the opposite direction, and they run fast as the wind.

They catch and eat people. Usually the stupid giants of the Xiaoyang country lay in wait for lonely travelers in the mountains, opened their dog's mouth, twisting their huge lips to the forehead, and began to laugh. Having laughed enough, the savages devoured their prey.


An aggressive giant pig from the folklore of Southern Sweden. She has huge fangs, her eyes are burning, and sparks fly from under her hooves. He grunts very loudly. On her back she has a sharp bristle, which forms something resembling a saw blade.

Glusun can be found in the cemetery, but often in other places. Its appearance is described in different ways. It can be black, red, or headless, and can be accompanied by seven or twelve piglets.

The oldest mention dates back to 1587, where he is a harbinger of death.


An ugly anthropomorphic creature in Western European folklore. He loves to send excruciating nightmares, to unnerve with the noise he makes, to turn over the milk crates, to break chicken eggs in chicken coops, to blow soot from the oven into the newly cleaned hut, to blow out candles at the most inopportune moments.

The word comes from the Old Norman Fr. gobelin, which goes back to Lat. gobelinus from others-Greek. κόβαλος — "rogue", "demon". From the same root comes the "kobold".


A creature from Greek mythology. This is usually a woman with a snake tail instead of legs and snakes instead of hair. It is believed that its gaze can turn to stone.

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This is a two-tailed cat with a tripod stand on its head, which sneaks into houses when the owners are absent or asleep, sits down in front of a cooled hearth and ignites it with fiery breath using its pipe.


A four-legged monster that kidnaps children at night and devours wandering hunters. He was protected from arrows because of the armored shell. 

It seems that the myth was invented on the basis of the shells of glyptodons.


In English folklore creature the appearance of a yearling foal with sparkling eyes, standing on his hind legs. It may be a harbinger of fire, death, or other ills.

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Gremlin is a mythical creature from English folklore, which he hates, and breaks equipment.

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In the folklore of the peoples of Western Europe creature in the guise of a black dog (in Sweden - calf). Usually appear in cemeteries, but also often come to the home and its howling foretell the death in the likeness of wailing Banshees.

The most famous Grima is Grima Church.

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In the folklore of Iceland and the Faroe Islands, a giant ogre with twenty-four tails, who comes to people once a year before Christmas. Having descended from the mountains, she eats naughty children, those who have not got new woolen clothes for the holiday, or cuts out the stomachs of those who eat meat during lent.


Creature from Ossetian mythology. It is a monstrous seven-headed giant, rough and strong, living in caves and inaccessible fortresses.

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In the mythology of the peoples of the Komi Republic image of the fairy tale of a monstrous giant with 3, 6, 9, 12, 24 heads. Often has a human face, rides a horse, lives in the home, performs the household work, etc.

Probably under the influence of Russian folklore with the 40-ies of the XXth century, it starts to be represented by a giant serpent, the dragon. Is iron shirt comes in the night. Lives under water, the earth, in the mountain, on the mountain in the sky. This files most often out of the water or flying in the form of a black cloud, blue mist, black smoke.

Gugerty Com

In Ossetian mythology a horrifying monster that lives on the slopes of the White mountains above the village of Course. His upper jaw touches the sky, and the bottom — lands. Being very loud and terrifying roars. It is able to attract and catch mouth anything or anybody.

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In Slovak and Polish folklore under this name the famous giant forest woman with black legs. She catches men and strangles them, thrusting his chest hrimne hanging the victim in the mouth. Sometimes it is not visible, but audible as she hysterically howling in the woods.

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Gyampom Pig Bear

A creature from the folklore of American immigrants. It inhabits the territory from the mouth of the Columbia River south to the Klamath

It is a small, pointed-nosed, curly-haired variety of the Cordillera brown bear. It feeds on pigs, which it pushes down the mountain.


In the mythology of African peoples, the beast, digging up and devouring corpses. It is believed that he has human hands and feet and body and head of a wolf. It is also able to emit a creepy trumpet sounds, through which you can know that he is somewhere close.

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In Arabic-Persian folklore, creatures with long, soft, boneless legs, which they wrap around their victims and force them to work for themselves. Its long legs resemble snakes or belts, and above the waist it looks like a man.


In Chinese mythology, strange creatures that live in the mountains within the County of Linchuan, Jiangxi province. They appear most often during storms and rainfall, making sounds similar to a whistle. Can put into people arrows. Those in whom they appear, in the same instant covered with sores — from the strong poison.

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A creature with horns and hooves from folklore The Alps, which lives only in the mountains. 

Since this animal is a mountain animal, its evolution has evolved towards shortening the legs on the one hand and lengthening on the other so that it can stand normally on steep slopes.


A creature from Somali folklore. She is usually described as a large, tall and very strong woman with long, donkey ears that can hear the steps of her victim for many kilometers, and blood-red eyes with very sharp vision. She moves very fast.

A deluvial bolter

A creature from the folklore of American immigrants. In the mountains of Colorado, where the forests are teeming with tourists in summer, the deluvial bolter is of the greatest concern.

Jaba Fofi

Translated from the dialect of the Baka tribe from the Congo means "giant spider". 

According to local folklore, they live in underground tunnels, and their trap nets are placed close to the ground among trees and bushes to catch mainly small mammals and birds, although sometimes deer and even people can get into their web. According to representatives of the Baka tribe, these spiders are much stronger than humans.


Jack the Jumper, or Jack-springs-on-heels, is a character in English folklore Victorian era, a humanoid creature, notable primarily for its ability to make jumps of amazing height.

The very first reports of the appearance of Jack the Jumper in London are dated 1837, the last date of his appearance is considered to be 1904. Appeared in many places in England and Scotland.


Jenglot (jenglot [DʒɛŋlɔT]) is a creature from Indonesian culture and mythology.

It is reported that Jenglot first mysteriously appeared in Indonesia, in particular, on the island of Java, in 1997.

He is several inches tall and looks like a tiny human being, but with sharp fangs, long nails and long hair.


According to Gypsy folklore, living in the mountains and forests of monstrous giants with the dog's legs and head. I can help people. The hair on his head heal.

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The Carpathian variety of forest creatures. They live in caves, and at night they run among the mountains, across fields and forests to tickle a random traveler to death.

They are tall, pale, with long hair, completely naked, except for a belt of grass. According to some reports, in addition to long hair, they have wings, and also clothes in the form of long magical dresses or bedspreads, under which they hide legs with hooves.


A creature from the folklore of the New England states. It looks like a panther with a ball on the end of its tail. Loggers often hear a knock of unknown origin in the woods, as if someone is hitting the trees with something hard, and attribute these sounds to this creature.


In Catalan myth the evil black hairy dog, sucking people's blood. She was limping on one leg.

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In the mythology of the Turkic peoples of the Volga region, Western and Southern Siberia, Kazakhstan, Central, Near and Minor Asia, as well as some Iranian peoples, a huge (three-, six-, nine- or twelve-headed) creature.

The image of diyu has its roots in pagan times. In Turkic-Tatar mythology, this is a deity with unlimited possibilities, usually an evil, dangerous enemy of the epic hero.

Diyu's appearance is described in different ways, but his monstrous size is always emphasized:

"The head obscures the light, the torso fills the whole world"

The Dover Demon

A humanoid creature is a cryptid, which was probably observed several times near Dover (Massachusetts) in 1977.

The name of the animal was given by the writer Loren Coleman. He was described as a short (3-4 feet or 0.9-1 m) "peach-colored" humanoid with a large head on which only two round glowing eyes are visible. The neck, limbs and fingers of the creature are long and thin.

Eyewitnesses claimed that the creature had rough skin, devoid of hair.


Dogman or Dogman (Dogman) a relatively “new” monster in cryptozoology, it is called creatures similar to large dogs or wolves, walking vertically, on two paws, like a person. It lives mainly in the USA. They are considered werewolves, but they have never noticed a change in their body shape.

A creature from folklore Michigan.  This creature is described as bipedal, similar to a dog-man seven feet tall (213.36 cm) with blue eyes or amber eyes, with a human torso and a terrible howl similar to a human scream. 


In Japanese folklore, cursed women are thieves with very long arms covered with tiny bird eyes.


In the folklore of the Ketov (small people Western Siberia) is a female creature living in the taiga and mountains. Scares people with his scream.

It is capable of destroying a person, but even if he is not afraid, he can cope with it, win with cunning, intelligence, courage. ​‌‌​‌‌​ ​‌​‌‌‌‌ ​​​‌​‌ ​​‌​‌​ ​​‌​‌‌ ​‌​​​‌ ​​‌‌​​ ​​‌​​​ ​‌​​​‌ ​​‌‌‌​ ​​‌​‌​ ​‌​​​‌ ​​‌​‌‌ ​​‌‌‌‌ ​‌​​‌‌ ​‌​‌​‌​ ​‌‌​‌‌​ ​‌‌‌​‌‌ ​​‌‌‌‌ ​‌​​​‌ ​​‌​‌‌ ​​‌‌‌‌ ​‌​​‌‌ ​‌​‌​‌​ ​‌‌​‌‌​ ​‌‌‌​‌‌ ​​‌‌‌‌


In the myths of the Indians of North America, ogres are ogres with copper claws, long hanging breasts and black skin. He whistles to lure people to him.

If you burn dsonokva, mosquitoes will be born from its ashes. If you take a giantess by surprise, she can share some of her wealth with a person.


Characters of urban legends of the United States (most often in Michigan, Ohio, North Carolina, and Connecticut). They are also called " Melonheads "(Melonheads) or"Melonheads".

They describe these creatures as people with huge, swollen heads. Melonheads are found in remote rural areas, mainly in Ohio, but sometimes they are seen in other states.

The creatures are often seen in the woods near Kirtland. They don't look like humans, but they have very large heads. 


In the myths of the Evenks there is a giant snake. He lays riverbeds, heals people.


It has parallels in the mythology and folklore of many other peoples.

The cult of Elan, his deification, and worship of him were widely reflected in the most ancient Turkic-Tatar samples. The image of Elan has many faces. It was believed that the snake king Ak Elan (White Snake) is friendly to people, and Kara Elan (Black Snake) personifies forces hostile to man.

The Tatars still have a belief that a white snake found on the farmstead is fortunately, a black one is in trouble.


In the epic of the Ingush and Chechens, an anthropomorphic monster (of indeterminate gender) with nine eyes, nine arms and legs guarding the entrance to the world of the dead.

He has a huge body, overgrown with long hair, covered with lice. With a hair torn from his beard, he is able to bind a person. Probably drinking blood.

Sometimes the Eshap appears in female form. In fairy tales, Eshap is a sorceress who sucks people's blood or devours them; that is, a kind of analogue of the Slavic baba yaga.

The beast of gevaudan

Voskopodobnoe beast-eater that terrorized the Northern French province Gevaudan in the 60-ies of the XVIII century. Described by eyewitnesses as a predator like a wolf, but the size of a cow, with a very wide chest, a long, flexible tail with a tassel on the end like a lion, elongated snout, like the Greyhound, with small pointed ears and large, protruding fangs from the mouth. His hair was yellowish-red, but along the ridge of the back was present unusual stripes or spots of dark wool.

The Roaring Beast

In Celtic mythology and in European legends about King Arthur, a fantastic beast with a lion's body, a snake's head, deer's legs, made a terrible roar.

Earthen cat

In the Urals it is believed that under the earth there is a cat with flaming ears. Usually it shows only a glowing blue ear. Where it appears - there is a buried treasure.

It is believed that superstitions of the miners is being hit as a personification of burning sulfur gas coming out of the ground.

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In the mythology of the Chilean island of Chiloe, a boy abducted from home, over whom witches are experimenting, turning into zombies. One of his legs is bent behind his back and has grown to his spine, his arms are deformed, and his head is turned back. His whole body is covered with thick fur.


In Basque mythology, small demons, friendly to people. In their behavior, they are very similar to British brownies — they are ready to work all night for food left by diligent owners in a prominent place.


Phenomena count: 1

The creature looks like a large ape up to 3 meters tall, covered with dark brown, dark red or gray fur. This creature has large feet (the number of fingers varies from 2 to 6 from time to time). It is assumed that the creature moves well in a wooded area, climbs trees.

Yule Cat

An Icelandic mythological character, a monstrous black cat the size of a bull, living in the mountains of Iceland. 

The story of a scary black cat living in the mountains was first recorded in the XIX century. He enters villages and wanders at night during Yule (Yuletide), attacking and eating those who did not get some woolen new clothes for Christmas (according to a later version, he steals only festive treats).

Cactus Cat

A creature from the American colonists' photo gallery. It lives in vast cactus areas, it is especially common between Prescott and Tucson. They also tell about the lower valley Yaquis in Old Mexico, and the cholla-covered hills of Yucatan.


In medieval mythology, it is a creature that lives in Africa, with a camel's head with two horns bent back and a leopard's torso. It has great strength and ferocity.


Creature from the Belarusian folklore. Usually the traveler only sees the distant light, which is very difficult or even impossible to reach. He is ahead of where the person is not turned. It is believed that this fire kindle the man in wide-brimmed hat (hence the name), able to turn into a bird or beast.

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A creature from folklore Ethiopia. It is a small wild animal with sedentary limbs and a huge head that is constantly lowered to the ground. Everyone who looks into his eyes immediately dies.


It is found in the folklore of the western states of the USA. The creature is practically devoid of wool (except for rare patches of tough vegetation on the chin and thick eyebrows), and his skin resembles rubber in properties (it stretches very much, any weapon bounces off it). It can swallow even a very large animal whole, stretching in all directions. Very flammable.


In Greek mythology, a creature with a horse's body and a human torso.


In Okinawan folklore, small creatures living in banyan trees. They have red skin and thick bright red hair. They move by jumping. They can help people around the house, but sometimes they lean on people's chests when they are sleeping, or put out the lights at night.


Kinocephalus or Pseglavets is a creature known since the mythology of Ancient Greece, but legends about a creature with such a description can be found all over the world. It looks like a man with a dog's (sometimes wolf, jackal or hyena are mentioned) head. Sometimes they mention legs like a bull.

According to ancient writers, kinocephals lived in India, Libya, Ethiopia, Scythia — on the borders of the then ecumene. Aristotle in Animal stories mentions kinocephalians among monkeys, which researchers interpret as a description of baboons.


A creature from Welsh mythology that lives exclusively in mines and mines. By knocking on the walls of the mine workings, he indicates to the miners a rich ore horizon or a gold-bearing vein, and sometimes he warns of danger. 

Science explains that this knock can occur from water droplets flowing down cracks into the voids of the rock, and indeed indicate the presence of metals.


Creature from Slavic bestiary, combining goat and elephant.

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A creature from European mythology with the head of a rooster, the body and eyes of a toad and two snake tails (one of which is equipped with a sting). Can kill with a look.


In East Slavic mythology, the assistants of witches and sorcerers, outwardly similar to a cat or a hare with a large bag-like goiter, in which he brings his master supplies and money from other houses.


In Chilean folklore, it is a small creature that looks like a rat. It mixes the features of a rooster, a snake and a rat. His muzzle looks like a pig. There are several rows of teeth in the mouth. The eyes are bright red and pop out of their sockets.

When it is unnoticed, it can be given out by a squeak similar to a baby crying. At night, he sneaks into houses, sucks saliva and moisture from the eyes of the sleepers, which soon leads to death from desiccation and suffocating cough.

Boxes .

In Japanese folklore, dwarfs are dwarfs with long arms, crooked legs and unkempt beards.

It is believed that the Korobokuru came to Japanese folklore from the Ainu (the oldest population of the Japanese Islands, to

Cow Death

Personification of the death of cattle among the Eastern Slavs. 

It appears in the form of a cow or a cat (most often black), or a dog, sometimes in the form of a cow skeleton (a symbol that originated on the model of the popular image of human death) or an old disgusting woman.

Its appearance is accompanied by a mass death of livestock.

It was believed that Cow death appears most often on the day of Agafya Cowshed. 

Cat Bayun

Kot Bayun (Bayun cat, cat Bahari) - a character in Russian fairy tales, a huge man-eating cat with a magical voice.

He speaks and lulls with his talk and singing approaching travelers and those of them who do not have enough strength to resist his magic and who are not prepared for a fight with him, the sorcerer cat kills with iron claws. But the one who can catch a cat will find salvation from all diseases and ailments-Bayun's fairy tales are healing.

Paluga Cat

Cat Paluga (English Cath Palug, also known by the names Cath Paluc, Cath Balug, Cath Balwg, Chapalu, Capalu, Capalus).

A monstrous huge cat from Welsh and French legends, also appearing in the Arthurian cycle. Its name may come from the Welsh word "palug" meaning "to scratch". According to legends, she appeared on the island of Anglesey, where she killed and ate nine warriors.

Sometimes the Paluga cat is mentioned in cryptozoological reports about the so-called British big cats.

Whirling whippus

A bloodthirsty creature of considerable size from the folklore of American immigrants. He has a gorilla-like head and body, as well as huge front legs.

His unique method of getting food is dancing on the trail, usually at the turn of the trail, where he spins on his tiny hind legs. The speed increases until the animal becomes invisible, and the movement causes a strange humming sound that seemed to come from the trees above the head.


According to Japanese belief, creation, taking the form of the calves with a human face. His appearance — a sign of some significant historical events. This development never lives longer than a few days.

With the birth of analysis can speak human languages. Immediately after birth, he utters one or more prophecies.

The content of these prophecies is different. Some kodani spoke of the great harvests or the terrible famine that some had predicted calamities and droughts, and someone war. The prophecies of kudana always come true. Predicting anything, he dies immediately.


This character in Mokshan bears the name "Kuygorozh" (from kui — "snake", and korozh — "owl").

A fantastic creature in Moksha and Chuvash mythology. According to legend, if a rooster lives for six years, then in the seventh year he lays an egg. If you put this egg under your arm, you can take out the kuigorozha. He fulfills all the orders of his master by helping around the house. It can turn into a flying light.


In Brazilian folklore, is a witch with body parts (most often), head of a crocodile.

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In Babylonian myths (in particular, in the tales of Gilgamesh), a giant monster in the form of a multi-legged and multi-armed creature.


The Curinqueãs are a tribe of black giants from Brazilian mythology. Their lips and noses have gold piercings. There aren't many of them, but most American Indians seem to fear and respect them.


A creature known in Japanese folklore as Kurodzuka or oni-baba ("old demon woman"). A woman who killed her pregnant daughter became a demon and began to lure people to her shelter, offered to spend the night there, and then killed in her sleep and devoured their remains.


A horrible demon from Greek folklore with a huge head, tongue sticking out of his mouth, horns and a hump on his chest. He rapes girls and horns pierces the bellies of pregnant women.

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A man with a dog's head, a half-man, half-dog in Romanian mythology. He has two heads or two muzzles (mouths) and a dog, which is on the back of the head. According to some reports, they have four eyes on the back of their heads.

These are cannibals, swallowing whole children or large pieces of human meat with bones and everything else in one of their mouths, and spitting out inedible waste from the other.


A creature from ancient mythology. The upper part of the body in her human, and the lower snake. She feeds on the blood of their victims, but can eat the whole thing. Takes out eye and puts them in the bowl to go to sleep. Can turn into a beautiful girl and to deprive a man of semen.


In the Slavic bestiary lion with a human head, which moves very quickly.

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Being of Italian mythology, appearing in the form of a little man, who seduces women and sends nightmares if they refuse him.

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A creature from medieval literature. He is described as a cross between a hyena and a lioness with a huge mouth, capable of imitating human speech.


In Polish mythology, a creature living in forests in the southwest of the łódź Voivodeship of Poland. Oklikema human voices and laughing, took away the travelers into the jungle, lured into the swamp, appearing in the guise of a deer, stuck in a swamp. Who was it that attacked with hooves and horns. Also, in order to have a hunter in the wilderness, could take the guise of a beautiful girl.

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A creature from Hungarian mythology. It has two versions of origin. A chicken hatched from an egg that has been under a person's arm for 24 days, which helps with the housework and brings wealth.

A creature that descended on a shooting star, took the form of a man and sits on his chest in the middle of the night and drinks blood from his lover.

In general, this name is often associated with lights of unknown origin, whether it is a shooting star or a will-o'-the-wisp.


In the folklore of Northern Belarus living in the well or in the garden creature with a long tongue, able to lick a naughty child to the blood.

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Little furry creatures from Italian folklore who sneak into bedrooms at night through keyholes and strangle sleeping people by sitting on their chests. Does not tolerate disorder and will begin to pick up the seeds if they are scattered.

Laplandsky frog

Urban legends in American Lowlands (Ohio) lives a 1.2-meter bipedal frog.

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Being of Gypsy folklore in the guise of the plague the red mouse, which causes people with skin problems.

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Elk Frodi

The hero of the Icelandic Saga. He is a half man, paulose. Eventually his own name became a household word, and now Icelanders call any of the centaurs.

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The witch, the ruler of Pohjela from Finnish mythology. Has the ability to change shape, and cast spells. 

The word "louhi" or "catch" can also refer to a state of magical trance.


Far Eastern (particularly Chinese) dragon. The Chinese dragon has horns, claws and scales, and on the ridge — a series of sharp teeth. He is usually depicted with a pearl (a symbol of the sun), which he either swallows or spits out (in this pearl of his power). Without it, it is harmless.

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Crane People

In medieval European literature, a monstrous tribe of people with long necks like cranes.

For the first time in European literature, the crane man appears in the XIII century in The Roman Acts, a collection of short stories of an entertaining or even anecdotal nature, the plots of which were generously drawn later by such authors as Chaucer, Boccaccio, Shakespeare. The crane people in the Roman Acts are the inhabitants of Europe.

These are humans, but they have a crane's head, neck and beak.

Scorpio People

In Akkadian mythology, mixanthropic creatures whose lower body is borrowed from huge scorpions.


In American mythology, a four-legged animal the size of a horse, with a lush tail in the middle of its back. Be afraid of your reflection. It has a deadly bite, but bites only on July 12.


A creature from Belarusian mythology. He is represented as an ugly freak, all in red hair, with wings and one eye in his forehead. He makes people sick, half-crazy, deprives them of consciousness, turns them into different animals.


Creatures from Ukrainian and Polish folklore living in the Carpathian forests, caves and mountain pastures. They look like ordinary girls, tall, round-faced, with long braids, but from the back she is not covered with skin and you can see all her insides.

Initially, this is a non-malicious creature. Over time, ideas about her changed, and stories began to occur where she already sucks the life force out of a person, and can also lead away with the help of some intoxicating charms.


Mayantu is a creature from Peruvian legends, with a body similar to a dwarf or elf, and a face like a frog.

According to legend, Mayanta can be found high up in the trees of the Amazon forest. Unlike other spirits and creatures, Mayantu is not evil, and appears to a person only when he needs help.

Therefore, Mayanta is often considered a kind spirit of the forest, which, however, will not help people who came to the forest with bad intentions to destroy the forest or harm its inhabitants.


The tribes of the north of the Gulf of Guinea have a spirit of water in the form of a half-woman-half-fish or half-woman-half-snake. It can change its appearance, kidnap people, send pregnancy to women, as well as inhabit the bodies of young attractive girls and engage in sexual relations.


In Spanish folklore, horned dwarfs in red hats and red trousers. They help with homework. In different parts of Spain, these creatures are known by different names: diablillo in Galicia, maridillo and maneiro in Catalonia (Catalan maneiro, however, look like big black beetles), pauto in Asturias, menge in Cantabria, carmeno in Andalusia.


Creatures from the mythology of the Cree (an ethnic community in North America). They are described as dwarf-like "little men" creatures with long, thin legs and arms.

They say that they have twelve fingers (six on each hand). They have round, domed, hairless heads with large eyes and no nose, apparently, quite large compared to their small bodies. They are responsible for the pictographs found on rocks in the area and their homes are among the rocks near rapids.


Manticore, Manticore also (lat. mantichōra, epibouleus oxisor from ancient Greek. μαντιχώρας, μαρτιχόρας, μαρτιοχώρας (mantikhṓras, martikhóras, martiokhṓras) "man – eater", "tiger" from ancient Persian. *𐎶𐎼𐎫𐎹-𐎧𐎺𐎠𐎼 (*martya-χvāra, "Ogre") is a mythical creature, a monster with the body of a lion, a human head and the tail of a Scorpion; some of the descriptions has a red mane and three rows of teeth, and blue eyes.


Creature from the folklore of Northern Portugal, living among the ruins of old castles and underground tunnels. They are short, thin, have a wrinkled face, bright eyes and claws instead of hands. Their main ability is to Wade through even the narrowest gap.

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In Italian folklore, short supernatural beings with old faces helping around the house. Massarioli's laughter resembles a horse neighing.

They have a weakness for beautiful young girls, although they never incline to actions of an intimate nature.

Nandi Bear

The Nandi bear is a cryptid resembling a bear and is rumored to live in Africa.

The creature is larger than a brown bear, 130-150 cm tall at the withers and resembles a huge hyena. The neck is almost indistinguishable. The back descends steeply to the back and is covered with thick black hair. The coat covers the entire body, including the legs, and has a color with shades from red-brown to dark. The muzzle is elongated, the ears are small. The beast moves with a shuffling gait comparable to a bear's.


A popular legend that tells about the giant people. The Metelilainen, so they were nicknamed because, moving through the forest, the giants made a lot of noise. Translated, Metelilainen means "making noise". 

Over time, the Finns and Laplanders displaced the giant people, and they were forced to leave the Karelian lands.

But even in our time, local residents find a lot of evidence that the Metelilien really once lived in these parts. This is evidenced by: strange places with piles of huge stones, huge remains, as well as plows of incredible size.

The Minotaur

In Greek mythology, a half-wolf is a half-man.

According to Greek legend, the Minotaur is a mutant monster with the body of a man and the head of a bull, descended from the unnatural love of the daughter of Helios Pasiphae, the wife of King Minos, to Poseidon (in some sources Zeus), sent by the god of the seas the bull, which was then tamed by Hercules and killed by Theseus.

A mystical creature with hooves and its tracks

Phenomena count: 18

Hoof-like footprints in many cultures are traditionally associated with evil spirits. Different peoples consider devils, demons, the devil, as well as witches with hooves instead of legs, the damned, etc. to be the source of their origin.


In Japanese folklore creature in the guise of a hairy, brutish old man, which is a very old bat.

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Creature from the mythology of Guarani. A huge serpent with two straight, colorful horns on his head that serve as antennas. His possession is open space (fields). Has the ability of telepathy and hypnosis. Loves to steal and hide food.

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Monster of tuttle bottoms

Tuttle bottoms (Tuttle Bottoms) is a swamp in the woods to the North of the city of harrisburg (Illinois). Since 1960-ies of local residents regularly saw a strange creature, nominee giant anteater (height over 2 meters, if it stands on two legs). His body looked massive and covered with long thick hair. When this creature is absolutely not aggressive toward man.

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Motelomama is a huge turtle carrying a piece of Jungle on its shell, on which the forest continues to grow.

The mother of all turtles of the Amazon jungle, Motelomama remains motionless most of the time, trees and shrubs grow on top of it, forcing travelers not to notice the danger, so people approach it without fear.

When the Motelomama moves, it provokes the movement of the earth and water around it.

It is believed that the Motel has always existed and will exist forever.


In Galician, Portuguese and Asturian mythology, a race of supernatural beings who inhabited the North-West of the Iberian Peninsula since the beginning of time, but pushed to the ground with the arrival of people. Commonly described as a skillful blacksmiths of gigantic proportions. They have a lot of treasures.

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Muddy, CRS

Creature from the folklore of the Isle of man. It's a black dog that lives exclusively in the castle Drank. It is described as "large, about the size of a calf, with eyes like pewter plates".

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In Indian mythology, a half-man is a half—snake (Sanskrit: nag - "snake"), capable of magic and werewolf.

They live in caves and reservoirs, on the ground, in water or underground.

In Cambodian art, nagas are depicted with nine heads.


In Japanese mythology, scary creatures living in the mountains along the northern coast of the Sea of Japan, with bright red or blue skin, disheveled hair and wild eyes. They have wide mouths full of sharp teeth, and often horns on their foreheads. They are dressed in straw wraps and raincoats, and they hold large knives in their hands. At the same time, they attack only those who have been lazy or angry for a year.

Nandi bear

A creature from folklore Kenya and Uganda. Eyewitnesses describe it as a large predatory animal, larger than a brown bear, covered with red-brown or black fur, leading a nocturnal lifestyle, moving with a shuffling gait comparable to a bear, and killing people and animals. Sometimes he walks on his hind legs, which makes him more anthropomorphic.


Strange humanoid creatures of Arabic mythology, who have only one eye, one cheek, one arm, one leg, half of the trunk, half of the heart.


Forest creature from the folklore of Kenya, having the form of a man with an iron claw in the palm of one hand, which he thrusts it in person, in order to drink his blood.

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In the folklore of the peoples of West Africa, huge dangerous snakes with skin made of gold, living in forests and swamps and feeding on lost children. The breath of this creature burns trees and grasses. They are werewolves and can appear in the guise of a ram or a girl.

Nobusumi from Kochi

A character from Japanese folklore in the form of invisible obstacles, the local variation of Nurikabe from the Japanese Prefecture of Kochi.

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In Japanese mythology, mighty and ancient snake-like spirits of the fields, looking like a hairy meter-long caterpillar without eyes with an upward-pointing mouth. It can also take a humanoid form, representing a monk without eyes, nose, hair, ears, but with a large gaping mouth on the top of his head.


Dog-headed people in the folklore of the Mongolian peoples.

Night Crawlers

Night crawlers look like they are short (about 1.2 meters tall) whitish creatures with tiny (or missing) heads, small torsos, and disproportionately long legs. According to the records, they are completely devoid of hands. They are usually spotted near swamps.


In the folklore of the Japanese Prefecture of Niigata, a monster the size of a child that loves to ride on the back of people. With each step becoming heavier and heavier, almost crushing the man with his weight, while he gnaws his head off.

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The ogre giant from the mythology of Central Europe. He looked like a very tall man (height from 2.5 to 4 meters), shaggy, smelly, long-armed, fat and with large fangs, who was not very intelligent.

According to one hypothesis, the French ogre comes from the French Hongrois, "Hungarian". According to another hypothesis, ogre comes from the Latin orcus, "hell".


A mythological headless fat worm that lives in deserted deserts Mongolia and killing cattle and people at a distance, presumably by poison or electricity discharge. From Mongolian, its name literally translates as "a worm like a cow's colon". In English-language literature and cinema, it is known as the Mongolian death worm.

It is believed that the worm inhabits the western or southern Gobi. In the 1987 book Altain Tsaadah Govd, Ivan Mckerl described it as moving underground, creating waves of sand on the surface that allow it to be detected.


Creature from the folklore of southern Siberia. It looks like a man, but with stretchable limbs. The creature lives in the trees, they prey on strangers and, rushing to them, first, entwining arms and legs, and then, biting through her jugular vein, sucking the blood.

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In ancient Greek mythology, a two-headed dog with a snake's tail.


In Cantabrian folklore, scary one-eyed ogres are cannibals with superhuman strength. They are over three meters tall. They are hairy and red-bearded, and they have ten fingers on their hands and feet.


Pukwudgie these are short men from the legends of the American Indians. The creature has smooth gray skin that glows in the dark. He can light a fire, appear and disappear at will, change shape and harm people. It has a height of 2 to 3 feet (61 to 91 cm).


A creature from mythology Scythia. Commonly referred to as the "shape-shifting beast". It is believed that it is able to change the color of its fur.


Peikko, in the legends of the Fins and Karelians, is an ugly and evil, humanoid creature.


A creature from the Czechoslovak urban legend in the years World War II.

The first mention of it dates back to 1940, when rumors about a certain "jumping man" began to appear in police reports: an unknown person appeared in different quarters of Prague, jumping high on some devices in the form of springs. He often jumped out of dark alleys and intimidated ordinary citizens to death.


Piatek (Փիաթեկ) — the original Armenian spelling of the name of Piatek and its transliteration in Latin. ​​‌​‌‌ ​‌​​​‌ ​​‌‌​​ ​​‌​​​ ​‌​​​‌ ​​‌‌‌​ ​​‌​‌​ ​‌​​​‌ ​​‌​‌‌ ​​‌‌‌‌ ​‌​​‌‌ ​‌​‌​‌​ ​‌‌​‌‌​ ​‌‌‌​‌‌ ​​‌‌‌‌

In ancient Armenian mythology, a creature similar to a wingless griffin. This animal had a very large beak and strange hair that stood on end.

Pipu mort

Pipu mort or "aspen man". A character in the mythology of the Komi peoples.

According to one of the folklore versions, the hunter, being on a fishing trip, got tired of loneliness and decided to make a companion out of an aspen log, persuading him to wake up to life. When the figure came to life, she helped the hunter for a long time in the fishery, but he became afraid of his friend. When trying to escape, the aspen man began to pursue his creator, gnawing through all the doors, but at that time a cock crowed, the wooden monster fell lifeless, and for complete safety was burned.

The pisachas

In Indian mythology, evil and malicious demons attacking people, eating them and drinking their blood.

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A mythological figure in the Andes region of South America, particularly in Peru and Bolivia. In some parts of the Andes, pishtako is called harisiri, or nakak, or Likichiri in the Aymara language. Pishtako comes from the word in the local Quechua language "pishtai", which means "to behead, cut the throat or cut into slices".


The legendary hero, the Slavic splint analogue of the centaur: half-horse, half-man.


Creature from the mythology of the Guarani Indians of Paraguay. Other names: Pombro, Pomberito, Pÿragué, Karai Pyhare ("night people"), and in Argentina he is known as Senor de la noche ("Lord of the night").

Pombero appears only at night, loves to fool around and scare children. Can wet the bed and may force young girls to kiss you and to join with him in sexual contact, from which are born ugly, hairy children.


Creature from the mythology of Tanzania. He is described as a dwarf with one eye in the forehead, small sharp ears, wings and claws of a bat. It is believed that he anal rapes sleeping in the beds of men doubting his existence.

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Funeral Mountain terrashot

A creature from the folklore of American immigrants. He has a coffin-shaped body six to eight feet long, a carapace along the entire back and four long wobbly legs. Because of this, the terrashot wobbles unpredictably from side to side and back and forth when walking.

This amazing beast was first told by Mormon emigrants who observed a strange procession descending into the desert from a mountain range, later called the Funeral Mountains. They also witnessed the tragic demise of all the animals.


In Chinese mythology, one of the nine sons of the dragon is the moon, a lover of bell ringing. This is a fairly small dragon with two heads on different sides of the body.


Chelovekolev (leontokentaur or sphinx) India and Southeast Asian countries, scaring away evil spirits.


According to Gypsy folklore, this is living underground men of small stature, covered with dense hair and whose life is kept in the egg inside the black chicken. They can kidnap a child or adult Gypsy, but do it rarely. They can bestow a person's underground riches.

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The personification of evil, black magic and death in Balinese mythology and culture. Demon that eats children and corpses.

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Rake (also called Rake Man and Pale Crawler) – the most popular character of urban legends of North America and Europe. Initially, meetings with him took place in a rural part of New York.

Rey is a thin pale humanoid creature with long claws. Moves on all fours, does not wear clothes. There are no signs of sex in the creature.


In the natural science literature of the XVIII century, a man-eating animal with human ears, rabbit head, badger arms and bear legs, which is said to have been found in India and Africa.


A creature from the mythology of the American lumberjacks-colonists. It is believed that these are the spirits of the first Spanish cattle breeders. The creatures are quite large (about the size of a small horse). They look like a duck with a huge lasso instead of a beak. It emits a sound similar to the "rattle" sound of a giant rattlesnake.


In Japanese mythology, one of the most strange youkai, legends which are widespread in the prefectures of Fukuoka and Kumamoto in Kyushu. This is the living head of a dead horse hanging from the tree.

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Japanese legendary monster with eight heads and three eyes, a youkai from the Prefecture of Kochi.

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In Philippine folklore, a huge muscular creature with jewels in his ears, combining the features of man and mingorance Buffalo tamaraw. In anger he emits smoke from his nose.

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A Japanese legendary monster from Gifu Prefecture, having a monkey head and a snake tail on a tiger body.


Mythical intelligent apes-people living in the mountains of the Japanese prefecture of Gifu. The creature eats travelers, rapes women, but is most famous for its supernatural ability to read a person's thoughts and pronounce them aloud before a person realizes them himself.


This creature from Peruvian legends is considered the mother of the forest, this monster reaches 60 meters in length and has a huge head and such a huge throat that it can swallow any living creature at one moment.

This mysterious animal lives in the remote jungle, it lies almost motionless, luring its prey with a harmless appearance – it seems as if it is just an old fallen tree overgrown with grass and shrubs. This camouflage easily deceives the gullible traveler.


A mythological creature from Dominican folklore. This is a woman with brown or dark blue skin, legs twisted back and long, smooth hair that covers her naked body.

They say that these creatures live in the mountains of the Dominican Republic.

Ciguapa is nocturnal. Due to the fact that her legs are twisted backwards, it is never possible to determine exactly where Siguapa was moving, if we consider her tracks.


In Irish mythology, creatures living inside the hills.

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Underground dwarfs from Samoyed (Nenets) mythology with gray skin and big white eyes. They are very strong physically and magically.


A cross between a hare and a capercaillie, probably living in Sweden.

It is believed that the "stuffed" of this fictional creature was created in 1918 for a joke by the Swedish taxidermist scientist Rudolf Granberg and has been on permanent display at the Norra Berget Museum in the city ever since. Sundsvall.


A creature (pseudo-Latin name Lacrimacorpus dissolvens) from the folklore of American colonists. It lives mainly in Pennsylvania. He looks rather sickly and pathetic. The creature is constantly crying. It can turn into bubbles.


The character of the Icelandic tales inherited from the old Icelandic pagan myths. It tretli feminine. They are ugly, stupid and evil, but at the same time a loving and maglubiyet beings. They kill livestock and attack people, and are also often kidnapped men, and if you fall in love with them, turn them into trella.

They turn to stone under the action of daylight.

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In medieval bestiaries, a tribe of one-legged people with a huge foot.


In the folklore of the counties of Yorkshire and Lancashire, a demonic dog, characterized by a terrible howl. You can see it, then only in front of you. The cries of this creature are heard while the animal itself remains invisible. It is translucent and ethereal. It appears rarely and disappears at any slightest distraction.


A creature from the mythology of the Indians of North America, fleecing in the area of the active stratovolcano St. Helens (Washington state).

The word "Skookum" (Skookum) was called a creature or creatures that lived on the mountain. It is translated from the extinct Chinook jargon (the language of communication between Indians and whites in the northwestern United States) as "strong", "powerful", "brave" or "monstrous" and "evil spirit".

Skunk Monkey

The skunk Ape is a cryptid ape—like creature that, according to cryptozoologists, inhabits forests and swamps in the southeastern United States.

Most leading scientists have historically ignored the existence of the skunk monkey, considering it the result of a combination of folklore, mistaken identity and a practical joke, and not a real animal. The creature has infiltrated the popular culture of the southern United States, especially in Florida.


A faceless man in a strict black suit with a head without a face (sometimes only a mouth), long arms and legs, very tall. It has the ability to stretch already long limbs to almost any size and even turn them into tentacles.

Snow Vasset

In the folklore of Canadian lumberjacks, the snow vasset is a dangerous voracious predator that lives under the snow.

It is said about the vasset that, unlike most wild animals of the north, it hibernates only in the warmest weather, and its fur curls and turns green in cranberry swamps. In summer, he grows rudimentary hind legs, with which he can crawl slowly to stay in the shade all the time.


A creature from the folklore of the American colonists. It is a predator similar to a shaggy crocodile without paws, with a huge spike on its back and a kind of bone screw on its tail.


In Inca mythology, it was believed that dogs were able to travel between life and death and see the souls of the dead. In addition, the Incas believed that dissatisfied dead spirits could appear to people as black dogs.

According to reports, the Aymara people in Bolivia believed that dogs were associated with death and incest. They thought that people who died had to cross the ocean into the afterlife in the ear or muzzle of a black dog.

Splinter Cat

The splinter cat (Felynx arbordiffisus) is a cryptozoological animal from the feline family found in North American lumberjack folklore.

They are best known for their endurance, as they can destroy entire forests by simply hitting each tree with their head without damaging the skull.


In Cornish folklore, there are creatures guarding treasures that can grow to gigantic sizes and bend the winds to their will. They look like miniature frisky ugly old women armed with spears.

They do not tolerate sunlight.


Stick, Stickman (Stick Men, Stick Figures) is something very thin and long and at the same time black.

These creatures seem to be created from several sticks. In some cases, they seem to be completely two-dimensional, that is, if this creature turns sideways, it will become invisible. Stickmen are usually not aggressive towards people and they are more often noticed quite by accident.

Stregoni of benefici

A character from Italian folklore. The good vampires or the vampire hunters in the Italian folklore.

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Lower Silesian underground demon in the guise of a dwarf with claws instead of hands. He pursued proud of the girls, cutting people spit or done at the bottom of the hole, revealing bare buttocks.

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In Serbian folklore, a demonic creature that makes their shoes of the human vocal cords.

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The Sphinx

A creature from Egyptian mythology. Usually it is a creature with the head of a woman, the paws and body of a lion and the wings of an eagle.

However , in ancient Egypt there were three types of sphinxes:

  • androsphinx — with a lion's body and a human head; cryosphinx — with a ram's head and a human body; hieracosphinx — with a falcon's head and a human body.

He can point the way (skip) to the treasures or share knowledge. He is known as a lover of riddles.


Syöjätär (pronounced [ˈsyøjætær] , lit.  "the devourer"), sometimes called sometimes called Ogress or "ogress", is a character in Finnish folklore. It is associated with the origin of some diseases, as well as unpleasant (or useless) creatures, such as a snake, lizard or wolf. Also<span>, the Seeder plays the same roles in Finnish folklore as Baba Yaga</span> in Russian, but only her evil functions.



In the mythology of Easter island, demonic creatures. They are very thin (skin tight bones so much that they resemble living skeletons). Are constantly hungry. Move at night.

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The Theia Yagua

Monster from the mythology of South American Indians. It looks like a huge lizard with seven dog heads and eyes spewing fire. He is the protector of hidden treasures.

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Terloith teig

Tiny good elves of Welsh folklore. They have light skin color (sometimes they are translucent) and golden hair, they wear white clothes.


In Icelandic folklore, a creature created by a witch to steal milk. Only women can create it and own it. The creature is known only in Eastern Iceland and has two names: tilbury in the north and snakkur in the south and west. There are no written references to Tilbury before the 17th century, although one of the authors mentions a witch who was punished for owning it in 1500.


In Chinese and Japanese demonology is a General term for creatures that live in the mountains, forests, swamps, stones and other natural objects. They have humanoid faces and animal bodies. They feed on dead bodies. Often forced to stay on the road, where the attack on her and killed.

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In Japanese and Chinese mythology, the demons of forests and mountains, devouring the corpses. Able to change form.

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Creature from the folklore of Equatorial Africa. This animal is about the size of a sheep, covered with black wool, with dog's teeth and vicious nature.

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In Chilean mythology, is low man, clad in rags and leaning on a cane or small axe, as the feet end up ugly stumps. He lives in the branches of a tall tree. The creature has great strength and mesmerizing look. He kills men and women incline to sex (which she may povitica child).

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A mysterious creature that is said to be hiding in the California desert. It has been described to have two shortening or telescoping legs and a kangaroo-like tail, which it uses to balance while aiming. However, four-legged varieties of tripodero have also been spotted in Texas. They don't have a long tail, and they look more like pigs. The body of the tripodero is small but sturdy, and the head consists almost entirely of a muzzle.


Cave people living in Ethiopia from medieval bestiaries. They live in caves, move very quickly and make sounds similar to the squeak of bats.

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The local name of the fairies living on the Scottish Islands.

Trow pose the greatest danger to humans. Not because they are very vicious. They just like how people spend their time and they try to participate in the general celebrations. But they can only do this by assuming the guise of someone from people. And to do this, they need to kidnap a real person, whose disguise they decided to adopt.


In Zulu folklore, a monster similar to a hyena, but with a head in the form of an elongated and flat basket. Likes to feast on fresh brain.


Short creatures from Eskimo folklore, representing large human heads on small legs. It is believed that they never enter the ice, under which there is no land, they can settle in an abandoned igloo, which was not cleaned by the previous owners when they left it.


In Lithuanian mythology, a creature in the form of aurochs or deer with Golden glowing horns and/or hooves, appearing in the distance in a forest or swamp. From afar might look like a wisp.

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Te no me

In Japanese folklore, a creature that looks like an elderly man with eyes on his palms. At night, he wanders through unfenced fields and cemeteries, hunting people.


In Japanese beliefs, a creature living between the ceiling and the roof in the guise of a naked, ugly old woman with a hanging tongue and long disheveled hair. Usually in the middle of the night, she climbs out, hanging from the ceiling to scare people.


In Japanese folklore, a lanky demon with a very long tongue that licks and eats dirt from ceilings and rafters. Because of it, dark stains, moisture and stains appear on the walls, support beams and roof.


The Incas believed that gods, spirits and long-dead ancestors could manifest on earth in the form of natural objects, such as mountain peaks (apu), rivers, springs, caves, rock outcrops and even stones of unusual shape.


In the folklore of South America there are stories of primitive people, usually covered with thick hair, tall (over three feet). The legend went from the Indians inhabiting this region. Now they are analogue snejnogo person.

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According to the beliefs of the Filipino people of Ifugao, huge dog-like ghoul, eating only the thumbs of the dead.

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A variant of the hobgoblin, living only on the Isle of Man, is called Fenoderee (Fenoderee, Finoderi).

These are shaggy fairies with ugly facial features (according to some sources, the first Finodiri was Prince Ferrishin and the ugliness of his descendants is a punishment for falling in love with a mortal woman and refusing to attend some of the holidays of the Magical Land for her sake)  

These creatures have solid strength and can, if they want, help with the harvest and haymaking when bad weather is coming.


Familiar (English familiar, French familier) — a magical theriomorphic (mythical ability of a person to transform into other animals by reincarnation) spirit, according to medieval Western European beliefs, served witches, sorcerers and other practitioners of magic.

The familiar is a supernatural creature from the legends of England in the 1500s and 1600s. They were referred to as the witch's little helper animal.


In Scottish and Irish mythology, a monstrous giant with one eye, one leg and one arm growing from the middle of his chest.


In the German folklore of the forest giants, which sometimes help people. Have the ability to turn leaves into gold.

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In the folklore of the inhabitants of the Isle of man being an increase of about 3 feet (0.9 m), loving the hunting and stealing people things.

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In the folklore of the inhabitants of the Isle of man giant, who stole the people's cattle and loves to throw huge rocks.

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Fuka is a harmful Irish variety of puck, bogie, or werewolf. The word "Phouka", sometimes used as a synonym for the word "pak", in medieval English meant the devil.

He can take on different guises, most often a horse, but also an eagle or a bat, but he can look like a skinny old man dressed in rags.

Usually helps people, but can joke and play pranks.


In Jewish folklore, a female demon c the bird's feet and beak, killing small children.

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In Japanese folklore, women are demons who appear on the stage of the theater.


In Belarusian and Ukrainian folklore, a mythical creature that kidnaps young children and all Jews, regardless of age. Often invisible, but can transform into various people and entities. He moves very fast.


Is the term in Finnish mythology, originally denoting sacred places, and then different types of mythological entities, then another, and demonic entities. Oral folklore describes them as trolls or giants.

Often considered malicious or at least frightening. They live on the capes, gorges, big rocks (the most revered called the gardens of the Underworld), forests and hills. Later they were considered to be evil spirits just like the trolls.

The underworld can walk in a noisy crowd, and attack people who are not outsiders.


In Japanese mythology, a demon who takes the form of a gray-haired old woman who wanders from house to house and blows out lanterns.

Her goal is to make the world darker, that's why she extinguishes the beautiful paper lanterns that decorate Japanese homes. Youkai by nature do not like bright light and fun. Baba also creates more suitable conditions for other youkai, who are no longer so harmless.


In Japanese and Chinese mythology, living in the mountains, a huge APE-like beast with long black fur and a large mouth. When he sees a person, can not resist not to laugh, uttering a loud "hee-Hee-hee-hee!", but his long upper lip rises up and closes his eyes.

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In the Belarusian mythology little creature that outwardly resembles a monkey with horns, who laughs at the moment when a man might happen.

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A creature from the folklore of the American colonists. This animal has been variously described by foresters from Wisconsin and Minnesota. Opinions about the appearance of the beast are divided. Some claim that he is covered with horns and spikes and has a manic nature.


The creature from the folklore of Wisconsin. It is quite large, covered with bony growths on the head and back, has a horn with a rectangular tip. Afraid of lemons, eats porcupines. Out of the woods you can sometimes hear it grimace a sob.

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Hodumodumo (translated as "bush with gaping mouth") is a cryptid from South Africa, discovered around the 1930s. 

Described as a nocturnal animal that silently broke into cattle pens to kill sheep, goats and calves. It was capable of climbing or jumping over 6-foot fences with prey in its mouth and left circular footprints with 2-inch claw marks. 

There were numerous attacks on kraals in the area of Graaf Reinet, Eastern Cape, and a detachment of more than 100 settlers could not find the animal.


In ancient Armenian mythology, the giants, the Nephilim or giants.

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A creature from the folklore of the American colonists, resembling an elk, but with perfectly straight legs and a huge upper lip.


In Scandinavian folklore, a beautiful girl with a cow's tail. She usually grazes cows in the forest. Can have sexual relations with people. Refers to the "hidden people" (a creature with unexplained, supernatural abilities, leading a hidden way of life: fairies, fairies, etc.).


In Japanese mythology, the little hairy creature carrying a disease. They are short, with a bald head, sharp claws and a mouth full of teeth, which are especially visible because of the constant malicious grin. The body is covered with thick, greasy hair that collects on the dust, dirt and fat and remains wherever they go. Who will hear his laughter and laugh in response, will be immediately covered by a fever and die within hours.

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Central American propeller

A creature from the folklore of the American colonists. 

Its head is attached to its body by a swivel neck; as is its short, tapering tail; both can be rotated at a speed of one hundred revolutions per minute. The body is long, triangular, with three full sets of legs; this is a great convenience in an earthquake-prone country, since the animal is not disturbed by earth tremors. If the floor suddenly becomes the ceiling, it's not. It doesn't matter, because the propeller is always close to your feet. His hair is bristly, all tilted forward at an acute angle.

Central American Winchester

One of the most absurd creatures in the folklore of the American colonists. A small beast with a rotating swivel head, and three sets of limbs and a triangular body.

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Hell hound

Cerberus (Kerber) a three-headed dog of enormous size from Greek mythology. In some descriptions it has body parts of other animals: crocodile head, hippopotamus croup, snake heads, etc.


In Chinese mythology, ape-like creatures inhabiting the Shu region and abducting women to procreate. Having caught a woman, they take her to themselves and try to conceive a child for her. Those of the women who remain childless are not allowed to return for the rest of their lives. After a while, the woman's mind becomes clouded, and she no longer wants to return. If a woman gives birth to a son, then she is immediately sent home with the baby. Born children are no different from people.


In the folklore of inhabitants of Western Polissya probaby-polygamy who strangled their children with their iron Breasts.

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Creature from the folklore of the Indians of Central America. They are demons in the form of tiny old men living in the woods. They can help person to play it.

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In Korean mythology, toothy shaggy giants. They are anthropomorphic, 30 feet (9 m) tall, their teeth are like a saw, their paws are hooked, and their body is overgrown with black fur.

Man-goat with the Face of Pope road

Monster of Fisherville (a suburb of Louisville, Kentucky), lives on the bridge (or under the bridge) on the overpass.


In the folklore of the United States described the creature called the Man-rabbit. He lives in a tunnel on the Colchester road, which the locals call "the Bridge-Man's rabbit." The creature looks like a man in a white suit with long ears similar to a rabbit costume. It attacks the witnesses with an axe and inaudible shouts.

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Lizard Man

The creature is a cryptid with a skin resembling the skin of reptiles, which was observed in North America. This creature, according to reports, had a height ranging from 0.5 to 2 meters or more. It was reported that it appeared out of the water and attacked cars.

In some cases, the observations of the chupacabra, the descriptions of the witnesses correlate with the descriptions of the lizard man.

Black Annis

A character from the local village legends of central England, a cannibal witch with a blue face and iron claws. Attacked the victim from a tree and devoured.

Black pig Orsha Mlyn

According to local legend, the once well-known in Orsha (town in the Vitebsk region of the Republic of Belarus) near the old water mill is often seen a black pig who appears from nowhere and disappearing into nowhere.

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In Chinese mythology, one of nine sons of the dragon-the moon is responsible for the protection against bad winds and fire safety.

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In ancient Chinese mythology, a dragon with a human face. It is believed that he holds a fire in his mouth, with which he illuminates the heavenly gates.


In ancient Chinese mythology, "Dragon-pig" or "Crocodile-pig". It has a length of about three meters, a short mouth and four legs, its back and tail are covered with hard and thick scales.


Creature from the folklore of the Chilean port city of Coquimbo. It looks like a little man. Loves to prank people.

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In Russian folklore, the people of white-eyed giants with faces on their chests, who lived in the north.

According to another version, they live underground and are close to European dwarfs in meaning: people of short stature, while fabulously rich.


The word "chuyachaki" in Quechua, one of the most common languages in Peru, means "different legs".

Chuyachaki is a forest creature, his left foot is small, like a deer's hoof, and his right foot is of normal size. Chuyachaki can take the form of a man, an animal, a bird or a flower to laugh and make fun of travelers who have entered the forest, deceiving them with his appearance.


The creature attacking the livestock bleeds them and disappears silently, leaving only small round wounds on the victim's body.

The description of the animal itself varies: it is attributed to the presence of a pig's snout (sometimes a coyote's muzzle), wings, spikes, clawed paws, glowing eyes (sometimes vice versa – black without whites). It jumps over high fences, runs fast, and in some cases even flies. The sizes vary from several tens of centimeters to several meters, the shape of the head varies (from oval to elongated pointed), the color ranges from coal black to bright green with dark green speckles. The presence of thorns, scales, and fur also varies from case to case.


In the folklore of the Canadian province of New Brunswick, there is a creature called a Shagamaw. He has different paws: the front ones are like a bear, and the hind ones are like a moose. He usually walks on 4 legs, but in case of danger he stands on his hind legs and moves already on them.

Basically, it was reported by workers from sawmills, according to whose stories the creature ate their unattended boots and mittens.


The unicorn of the Islamic medieval bestiaries.

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In Indian mythology, a mighty eight-legged animal resembling a wild deer living somewhere in the Himalayas. One of the incarnations of Shiva.


A mystical creature from the folklore of Hungarians and residents of Transcarpathia.

This creature often acts as a treasure keeper, protecting them from prying eyes. Most often he is depicted as a huge scaly dragon or a winged snake, but sometimes he can acquire the features of other creatures, including a demon. It is also believed that this is an evil and dangerous demon that drags hail clouds, eats people and cattle, can even eat the sun, causing solar eclipses.


A creature from Turkish mythology. It looks like an extraordinarily beautiful woman who has a snake's tail instead of legs. She lives in another world, controls snakes and can share knowledge.

According to a legend that went among the Turks:

SCHUNK Varakin

This creature with a mind like a hybrid of the African hyena and the wolf.

In nature of North America such creatures are not officially carried out even in ancient times. In the legends of the Indians of Iowa these predators have termed SCHUNK Varakin (Shunka Warakin), which translates as "the thief the dogs".


The northerners call the legendary beast Yrhuim, which resembles, according to descriptions, a giant bear. 

The monster, allegedly reaching more than three meters in height, standing on four paws. It lives in the caves of the Koryak Highlands, rarely gets out, but then it does not spare anyone from running, jumping and even flying animals.

It is better for a person not to meet him, although there are stories that yrhuim is even able to come to the aid of a lonely traveler, driving away wolves from his camp.


A creature from medieval bestiaries the size of a hippopotamus, an elephant's tail, boar's jaws and movable horns, with which he attacks alternately in battle. The color is black or red.


Creatures from the mythology of South America, who have no head, and his face is on the torso. According to the records of the Walter Raleigh (1596), these creatures lived the whole tribe.

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According to the Paraguayan Chamacoco, the Eintykára bees produce golden honey. This honey can cause mild hallucinogenic effects due to the presence of ergot fungus on plants visited by bees. 

But even more remarkable is their ability to come together and transform into a person with milky-white skin and honey-golden hair. 


A creature from Greek folklore. This is an anthropomorphic inhabitant of the underworld who can change her appearance, but always has a bronze leg and a flaming face. Can have sexual relations with people.


APE-a kind of Kappa from the Japanese Prefecture of Hiroshima, and from the regions of Chugoku and Shikoku. Attacks man and pulls him from the back passage bowel, raping human women. The offspring of his birth has teeth and a deep groove on the head.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


In the folklore of Switzerland and northern Italy, the earthen folk with crow's feet instead of legs.

They predict whether the next year will be fruitful, help farmers take care of pets, are able to turn tree leaves into gold and precious stones, as well as control the weather. Be afraid of sunlight and ringing of bells.


In the mythology of Central Africa and South America, a tree with a short trunk and huge movable branches, studded with fangs that drank the blood of the victims.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Jag mort

In the mythology of Komi, a giant, as tall as a pine tree, looking like a wild beast, in clothes made of uncut bearskin. He stole cattle, women and children, and people were powerless against him.

Yag mort, translated from the Komi language means "forest man".


A narrowness from the mythology of Ancient and Medieval Europe. A small mythical non-flying snake (or dragon), most often with wings, and sometimes with front paws. It is also known by the names "snake-spear", because according to the representations, it hid in the branches of trees and rushed from there at passing animals with such force that it pierced them like a spear.


In Japanese mythology, a demon in the form of a short elderly man with one leg and one eye.The body is covered with short gray hair, he is dressed in worn clothes or dirty rags, and sometimes completely naked. He has very sharp and strong teeth.

Yamata no Orochi

Japanese dragon, a giant snake with eight heads and eight tails. He has bright red eyes and a red belly. The size of the monster is so large that its torso covers a distance of eight valleys and eight hills. Firs and cypresses grow on his back, and his body is covered with moss.


In the beliefs in the northeast of Japan, the demon looks like a monkey with an elongated muzzle and lips. They steal the breath from sleeping people by sucking it out with pointed lips.

After sucking everything out, the yamatiti pat the victim on the chest, and then run away into the night.

A person whose breath was stolen in this way will die the next day.


A creature from Japanese mythology. These are terrible old women-witches of mountains and forests, who were born ordinary people, but turned into monsters. Sometimes she walks with horns or fangs, but most often she looks like an ordinary elderly woman. She usually tries to eat the guests, often using magic.


Chinese dragon living in the waters of the Ruoshui. This strange animal with the head of a dragon, body of a bull, horse legs and claws of a tiger.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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