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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Poltergeist. Russia

ID #1524994373
Added Sun, 29/04/2018
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
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The story of the Druk eyewitness:

This story I told a friend on the landing, say, call him Alex, because to call the true names and place of events in this case is awkward. In any case, this is not important, and the amazing event that occurred with a man proving that the world works differently than we think it is. And there is in this world the wonders of a truly inexplicable. However, let's hear of Alexei, here's what he says:

"In my life there was a time when two years had to live in the country. And then my neighbor was elderly but still strong man named Nikolai.

In the estate of Ivanovich stood a good cellar under a pitched roof. However, due to the fact that our plots were located in lowland, neighbor's basement constantly flooding in the spring water. Its level generally does not exceed half a meter. With this in mind, isn't so built shelves, that water did not reach them. In addition, over the flooded area he has installed two rod thick and rebar on them, as if on rails, went for vegetables. It was easier than every time to wear zabrody. Summer isn't pumped water, and until the following spring in his cellar was dry.

But in that fateful year the rains went in August and did not stop for several days. As a result, the basement of a neighbor again filled with water. Ivanovich saw it when I climbed to hide under the ground collected in a rare Sunny day the potato crop. Here's what I learned from him then...

...In the cellar Nikolai Ivanovich was dark because the bulb burned out the day before and new it to by not have time. But he had a flashlight, worn on the head. Wearing it, Ivanovich has got from a bag of potatoes into the pit and found that the rain water has run under the its "rails". Under the weight of men valves bent, and he scooped galoshes water.

Well all - thought my neighbor - now the potatoes will throw, and tomorrow the water pump and at the same time the light bulb will be replaced.

And then one foot slipped off the rail - and isn't fall in the water. Potatoes of course he dropped it, but managed to grab hold of the shelf and literally hung on it. And when he started to pull his feet out of the water, I felt that for one it someone's holding. Or she might have fallen into some "trap". The man jerked his leg harder – capture, respectively, increased. Then this "trap" and did start to vigorously suck on the leg like a pipe of some sort. Fear Ivanovich cried out so desperately and beat that managed to escape. From the cellar he flew like a cork, and his boot got that "something", who was sitting in the water. The last thing my neighbor heard in the dungeon is a strange squishing sounds, as if someone gets their hands on the surface of the water. Closing the hatch, Ivanovich pinned him down another sack of potatoes and ran into the house.

A few days after that he was afraid even to go into the basement. And then told me what happened, and asked me to go with him. Opening the hatch, we shined a flashlight into the cellar. Water was no longer there, but the dampness remained. I went first and replaced the bulb, but then Ivanovitch followed me.

Fallen into the water a bag of potatoes we found, as well as the boot. Was not in the cellar and nothing resembling a suction pipe, which seemed Ivanovich. All this, coupled with the implausible story of my neighbor made me strongly doubt the veracity of his words.

A few days later, in the evening, I called the wife of Nicholas Ivanovich. They said that once in the morning asked him to go down into the cellar, and then the husband disappeared. The woman was sick, had difficulty walking on crutches, out of the house almost did not go. Of course, I rushed to the site to the neighbors.

Going under a pitched canopy, I saw that the cellar is open. Called me – silence. But no, not quite silence: I clearly heard water splashing nearby.

Not again? But how?" I thought as I chattered breaker. The light in the cellar caught fire. And when did she burn?..

Finding the lantern a neighbor, I shone down. Indeed, the water, and a lot of: "rails" Ivanovich completely disappeared under it. But most striking was the fact that the water splashed as though it drove the wind or disturbed something inside. I remembered the story of his neighbor and felt real horror. Slamming the hatch, and rushed into the house.

When the wife Ivanovich found out about it, she immediately called the police (then the police). However, the police arrived only the next morning. I brought them to the cellar, they opened the hatch, turned on the light (!) and saw the most ordinary, dry basement. No trace of water. On the shelves, neatly stacked vegetables. Nikolai Ivanovich in the cellar was not there. It generally nowhere to be found: the man was gone.

...A week later I went into the city and immediately began to look for his garden buyers. Live in it after the incident with Ivanovich was for me impossible..."

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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