Added | Mon, 09/07/2018 |
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Дата публикации | Mon, 09/07/2018
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South Dakota at first sight a little remarkable American state, but his story was influenced by a very dark event. In 1890, during the "battle of Wounded knee" American soldiers ruthlessly massacred hundreds of local Lakota Indians, including many women and children. Decades later, after that among the survivors of the Indians on the reservation at pine ridge began to see unusual creatures.
There are stories about the huge dark figure, which is mainly seen roaming here and there at night. She has many nicknames - "Hobo Sam", "Big man", "Tall man" and so on. Basically, the figure described as a person whose height exceeds 2 meters, and hands and feet are thin and long. The description may seem similar to the description of Slenderman from modern urban legends, but most likely the Slender man was created on the basis of legends about the "Hobo Sam".
This dark figure was hard to distinguish facial features, but all clearly saw red piercing eyes. Sometimes it added some clothes, a hat or cloak, and sometimes he described him as a barely perceptible shadow.
One of the first descriptions of this creature was made in 1983 in the book of Peter Matissen "the Spirit of Crazy Horse" ("Spirit of Crazy Horse"), in which he describes what he told the Indian medicine man.
"There is a huge man who appears just standing there, as if greets the arrival of a new day. He and the spirit and real being, but he can also run through the forest like a moose with big antlers, and does it so deftly, like trees he's not an obstacle. I know he's my brother and I always want him to touch me. Then I will receive a blessing that can bring and give it to their children and grandchildren. Once I was there, I went up to him and he touched me."
Most often, "Hobo Sam" is described as evil wandering Wraith, something like werewolves-skinwalkers of the myths of the Navajo Indians. Tell that sometimes the piece just wanders aimlessly along roads, and sometimes can seize people and somewhere to carry them. One of the drivers collided with something evil and supernatural, when was driving from South Carolina. And the creatures had two. Maybe it was "Tramp Semy", and maybe something else.
"The first of them shone a dim light as the old lamp and you could see objects through it. His eyes were like that of a man, and his nose was very long and a huge mouth. His hands were thin and straight as a stick. In height he was hardly more than a metre, but the arms were very long. On the other side of the road was another similar creature. His face was like a beast, very ugly and wrinkled. He stood poluprisev and legs resembled the legs of a goat. He also glowed a reddish-brown light, was short and wide."
Then followed the more bizarre developments. One of the creatures climbed into the cockpit and scared the driver then drove him a couple miles before disappearing, as if into thin air.
Another man told a similar story, it also happened on one of the roads of South Dakota near an Indian reservation, pine ridge. He claimed that he was driving at night and suddenly saw a dark hunched figure walking on the side of the road. When he drove closer, he saw a tall man dressed in a cloak and top hat. The man's face was not seen even when he approached the driver and asked to let him inside and ride. However, the whole appearance of the stranger scared the driver and he hastily drove away.
When he later told the stranger to local residents, he said he met a "Tall man". A new series of mystical events associated with the "Hobo Sam" began on the reservation at pine ridge in 2009. Teenagers often start to talk about high translucent figure, which began to approach the children and tell them to kill themselves.
When Teens are told, they were scared and said that after meeting with "Hobo Sam" they felt like his words got into their brain is "like worms" and pressed on their minds, urging to submit to their will and commit suicide. Many of the locals were sure that all this is actually someone's evil will, and not just stories and fiction. One of the elders of Indian tribes even made a special statement during the tribal meeting, claiming that the phantom is so real that he even informed the police.
It seems that people the word "Hobo Sam" managed to have too much influence. In 2013, there were 5 suicides. In 2014, it was reported more than a hundred attempts to commit suicide. Among the frightened people were rumors that in fact attempts were about 240 and that nine of them ended tragically. Who killed themselves were between 12 and 24 years.
Basically killed themselves by hanging. The peak of the obsession came when chief Thomas Poor Bear said that in the wilds he found the place where it was tied with many loops for a mass suicide. When people came to this place to destroy it, there was already a crowd of teenagers who wanted to kill himself by hanging. Many people believed that all this is really something sinister and supernatural, while no less a man were sure that the thing in the excessive superstition of the Indians and their rich folklore.
There was also a version of suicides because of the General depression of the area, people here live in trailers is very poor and they have problems with medicine and clean water. The reservation is described as a third world country inside the United States.
Translated by «Yandex.Translator»
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