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The Alien. Sweden

ID #1532100010
Added Fri, 20/07/2018
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 

The author indicates that in 1933, in the summer, to Pitee (Sweden), was a close encounter of the third kind with unidentified "aircraft". This is the beginning of a wave, which broke out in Scandinavia in the early 1930-ies. These objects had the shape of a propeller aircraft, but were not identified. They had no stamps, numbers, letters, symbols, colors, nationality, etc.

Jean sider indicates that their behavior in flight indicates that they were UFO's, which took the form of modest monoplanes and biplanes of that time.

Then he quotes:

The vicar of Langtrask claimed to have seen the mysterious aircraft in the area was poyavlyalis in the last two years. Last summer these ghostly planes flew over the area a dozen times.

In four cases the handset at a very low altitude, but on his fuselage did not show any signs of identification.

One day, the unit flew just a few meters from the ground. For a few seconds in the cockpit was noticed by two people. The machine was a monoplane grayish color.

The vicar had not previously reported his observation.


Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

The author indicates that in 1933, in the summer, in Pitea, Sweden, there was a close encounter of the third kind amidst a wave of unknown “aeroplanes” which broke on Scandinavia at the beginning of the 1930’s, that had the shape of propeller planes, but were never identified, which did not carry any mark, figures, letters, symbols, color of nationality, etc. Jean Sider indicates that their flight behaviour, sometimes under the most terrible weather conditions, strongly indicates that they were UFOs which had taken the shape of the modest monoplanes and biplanes of the time. He then quotes: “The vicar of Langtrask claimed to have seen mysterious airplanes in the area during the two last years. Last summer, these ghost planes flew over the area a dozen time. On four occurrences an apparatus appeared at very low altitude, but no sign of identification was observed on its fuselage. Once, the apparatus flew at only a few meters of the ground. During a few seconds two people were seen in the cabin. The machine was a monoplane of greyish color. The vicar did not report his observation earlier because he believed that these incidents had been reported by the coastal population.” Jean Sider indicates that this some from “FSR, vol. 16, #4, July/August, 1970, p. 17, according to the Dagens Nyheter for January 22, 1934, according to a compilation by Mr. Ake Franzen, of Stockholm, who browsed the Press of the time in his country.” The author, not noticing that it is the same case, indicates as a separate case that in 1933, in the summer, in Langtrask, Sweden, there was a close encounter of the third kind reported by a witness who noticed a strange object of the monoplane type going down on the area on several occasions. In one of these flights at very low altitude, two men are seen in the cockpit.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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