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Chupacabra. India

ID #1535456650
Added Tue, 28/08/2018
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Таманад в округе Ганджам

The last time the farmers of India are looking for ways to catch the mysterious creature that mocks the sheep. Predator one time drank the blood, and the meat itself was not touched, and the other would eat only the insides.

In early August of this year in the village of Tamang, which is located in the County Ganja, happened a new event. Unknown beast tore ten sheep and pulled out of their stomachs. Themselves animal carcasses remained untouched.

The farmer part of his household found in the barn, and some in the middle of the street. The beast, it is important to note, do not leave traces, so identification is not possible. The behavior of the establishment resembles no known predator.

The first such attack occurred on the farm Nira Nayak. The man left the sheep in the pen at night and in the morning found her dead with bites to the neck. Subsequent cases have touched on other animals the farmer.

Officials were powerless. Who killed the sheep is a mystery to all, even to experienced hunters. Some residents blame the Chupacabra, although this mystical creature has never been seen.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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