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Mysterious glowing stone found in Michigan

Added Fri, 12/10/2018
Дата публикации
Fri, 12/10/2018

Expert on precious stones and minerals Rintamaki Eric (Erik Rintamaki) in June of 2017 made its next discovery: during the night tour of the shores of lake superior (Lake Superior) with ultraviolet radiation, he found stones that glowed like burning lava. He called these stones "Sopernitsi" ("Yooperlites") and sent specimens for research at Michigan technology University (Michigan Tech University), and University of Saskatchewan (University of Saskatchewan). The stones were identified as syenite (Syenite) containing sodalite (Sodalite).

Sodalite is usually found in Canada, and thanks to him some of the stones have a glow effect. Sodalite is usually blue, but discovered Eric rocks consist mainly of granite or basalt, so I have more gray shades. Geologists noted that although similar rocks have previously discovered, this is the first time they officially fell into the hands of scientists for analysis and tests.

Michigan is a state in the Great lakes region of the Midwestern United States. The name is the French form of the word mishigamaa — the "big lake". It is located on two peninsulas — Lower and Upper, separated by the Strait of Mackinac channel width of eight kilometers, connecting lake Huron and lake Michigan. The lower Peninsula has the shape of a mitten. The two peninsulas are connected by the Mackinac bridge. The state has the longest freshwater coastline of any political subdivision in the world, surrounded by four of the five Great lakes, plus lake Saint Clair. The state has 64, 980 to lakes and ponds.

Eric turned his discovery into a solid business: a 43-year-old resident of the town of Brimley (Brimley) sells the stones that he finds, at a price of about thirty dollars per pound. In addition, he conducts tours of areas where you can find these gems. His social media pages filled with photos of tours from the shore of the lake.

The name "Ipernity" was given to the stones by Eric in honor of the place where they were found on Michigan's Upper Peninsula (Michigan Upper Peninsula), which is vulgarly called "Ieper" ("Yooper"). These stones in Michigan were due to the movement of glaciers.

Translation into Russian website "World of secrets"

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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