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Sharks found that glow in the dark

Added Thu, 04/03/2021
Дата публикации
Wed, 03/03/2021

Belgian scientists have discovered a new species of deep-sea shark off the coast of New Zealand that has an unexpected ability — they glow in the dark.

According to marine biologist Jerome Malefet, during the expedition, representatives of three species were caught, then in the course of observations, the ability of the creatures to luminesce was documented. Among sharks, this property is met for the first time, while many other sea creatures have long been known for an unusual skill. According to experts, luminescence now needs to be considered in terms of its crucial role in the life of creatures living at great ocean depths.

The catalog of species that can arrange a kind of disco in the ocean darkness has now been supplemented by lantern sharks (southern and black-bellied), as well as kitefin. The creatures live at a depth of 200-1000 m.

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