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Meteor rain of orionid peaked

Added Mon, 22/10/2018
Дата публикации
Sun, 21/10/2018

Right now the Earth is plunged into a stream of debris from Halley's comet, which means it's time to look at the sky. The annual meteor shower of orionid lasts from October 2 to November 7. Its peak falls on the 21-22 of October.

According to information on the website of the Moscow planetarium, is expected to 20 meteors per hour. However, observations can prevent the bright Moon, which is approaching the phase of full moon. It is best to catch shooting stars from midnight until morning in the South-Eastern part of the sky.

Orionid hit the atmosphere at a speed of about 66 km/s. Usually, the meteors are white, but there are other colors — yellow, red, orange and blue-green.

Halley's comet approaches the Sun and Earth every 76 years. Last time she came to visit in 1986, and now visit our shores in July 2061. It crosses earth's orbit twice, and cometary dust twice a year, reaches our atmosphere in spring and autumn. In the first case, it forms a meteor shower the May Aquarids.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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