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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Ghost. United Kingdom

ID #1549381679
Added Tue, 05/02/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Source date: 
Стаффордшир, Англия
United Kingdom

When they celebrated the 90th anniversary of his grandfather, the family accidentally took a picture of what could be a real Ghost. Invisible creature has caused confusion among many experts.

That day the family gathered in the old house Ron Jackson (Staffordshire, England) to celebrate his birthday. The guests were at the table when Julia Houghton, one of his daughters took the picture. When, after 3 years she looked at the photo, she saw a misty form:

"I was surprised when I saw a photo taken in a very old part of the house of my grandfather. It is assumed that it pursues a woman who committed suicide after falling from the stairs."

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

Alors qu’ils fêtaient les 90 ans de leur grand-père, une famille a malencontreusement photographié ce qui semblerait être un véritable fantôme … . L’être invisible a rendu beaucoup d’experts plutôt perplexes.

Ce jour-là, toute la famille s’était rassemblée dans la vieille maison de Ron Jackson (dans le comté de Staffordshire, en Angleterre), pour célébrer son anniversaire. Les convives étaient à table lorsque Julia Houghton, une de ses petites filles, a pris une photo. Lorsque, 3 ans plus tard, elle regarda le cliché, elle constata une forme nébuleuse :

« J’ai été surprise quand j’ai vu la photo qui a été prise dans une partie très ancienne de la maison de mon grand-père, qui est censée être hantée par une dame qui s’est tuée en tombant dans les escaliers ».

De nombreux visiteurs sont venus dans cette demeure, puisqu’elle sert de B&B (« bed and breakfast »), et ont affirmé avoir rencontré une dame blanche.

Jason Karl, qui anime la série télévisée « Most Haunted », a déclaré que cette image était très intéressante :

« Ceci semble montrer une manifestation partielle, étant donné qu’elle a été prise dans une salle qui a la réputation d’être hantée ».

La température qui chute brutalement, le sentiment d’une présence, et maintenant une photo d’un revenant : tout indique que ce lieu abrite une âme tourmentée … .


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

Objects in motion, captured on a long exposure

Most often this artifact is called skayfish if the lens gets a passing bird or insect. It is based on the discrepancy between the speed of the video and the frequency of the flapping of insect wings. Essentially, each video drops a few strokes of the wings of an insect, which when viewed looks like "arrow", provided with long protuberances. The motion of the insect by its translucent body seems to "boom" and vibration of the wings give the appearance of bumps.


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials

On the basis of the appearance of "Ghost" is an ordinary girl who was in the process of moving at the time the photo was taken.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation

Objects in motion, captured on a long exposure

Most often this artifact is called skayfish if the lens gets a passing bird or insect. It is based on the discrepancy between the speed of the video and the frequency of the flapping of insect wings. Essentially, each video drops a few strokes of the wings of an insect, which when viewed looks like "arrow", provided with long protuberances. The motion of the insect by its translucent body seems to "boom" and vibration of the wings give the appearance of bumps.

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