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Objects in motion, captured on a long exposure

Added Thu, 06/10/2016
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Most often this artifact is called skayfish if the lens gets a passing bird or insect. It is based on the discrepancy between the speed of the video and the frequency of the flapping of insect wings. Essentially, each video drops a few strokes of the wings of an insect, which when viewed looks like "arrow", provided with long protuberances. The motion of the insect by its translucent body seems to "boom" and vibration of the wings give the appearance of bumps. If desired, this effect can play anyone who has a video camera and experience of shooting flying insects is located at a certain distance from the camera".

This effect also operates when taking pictures of people in motion. The use of long exposure shooting of a moving object allows to achieve the "Ghost effect". The background is sharp and the subject blurred. The degree of blur of the object depends on the shutter speed and the speed of his movement. A similar effect can be obtained if the object for some time is in the frame motionless, and then quickly disappears from it - the object can be blurred and a clear but transparent, depending on the movement of an object or its part.

Also interested in the effect looks at objects in motion with any backlight (satellites, planes, helicopters, etc.), This method even allows you to "draw" a certain figure. This technique is called Freezelight / light graffiti. To paint it in the night the twilight or in a dark room. Governed by three parameters: shutter speed, aperture and sensitivity. When Amateur photography like effects often use only exposure. It allows you to capture trace from a moving luminous object. This same technique can be used not moving the light source and the camera.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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