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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. United States

ID #1553866096
Added Fri, 29/03/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
13.11.1952 02:43
Глазго, MT
United States

The crew of the 779-th station AC&W US air force were tracking an unidentified target on the radar FPS-3 at a height of 158 000 ft (30 miles) and 240 mph. 1 hour 28 min.

Evaluation of Blue book:

I. a description of the incident

At 02:43 GMT 13 Nov 1952 observer of the weather, capturing the readings on the theodolite weather balloon at Glasgow (Montana), reported he observed five oval-shaped objects with "lights around them" flying in V-shaped formation.

Every object seemed changed position, climbing or diving as if to hold formation. The speed seemed very high. Total observation time was 20 seconds.

Objects reported, came from the North-East coast, passed directly over the city center, turned 90° and headed to the southwest.

At 02:20 MST station AC&W got unidentified radar label, which began at 47° 48 N - 108° 05 W, lost her 47° 38 N - 105° 05'W. Height was estimated at 153 000 ', and the speed was 210 knots.

II. The Discussion Of The Incident

If these data are plotted it shows that it is doubtful that the track observed on radar and was visually observed objects were the same. While the radar flash was directly to the East, South of Glasgow (Glasgow North of the radar track), the observer saw something come from the Northwest, turned and headed South-East over my position. Because the objects were registered directly over the observer, and could not hear any sound, it is doubtful whether these objects are aircraft.

III. Conclusion: it was not a combination radar-visual observations of the same object. No conclusions about the nature of the reported visual observations. Radar path, may be because of the weather.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

Crew of USAF 779th AC&W station tracked an unidentified target on FPS-3 radar at 158,000 ft altitude (30 miles) and 240 mph. 1 hr 28 min.

Project Blue Book Assessment:

I. Description of Incident

At 0243 MST on 13 November 1952 a weather observer taking a theodolite reading on a weather balloon at Glasgow, Montana, reported he observed five oval-shaped objects with “lights all around them” flying in a V-formation. Each object seemed to be changing position vertically by climbing or diving, as if to hold formation. The speed appeared to be very fast, the total time of observation being 20 seconds. The reported objects came from the NE, went straight over the center of the town, made a 90° turn, and departed toward the SW. At 0220 MST an AC&W Station obtained an unidentified radar trade beginning at 47°48 N – 108°05 W and lost it at 47°38 N – 105°05’W. The altitude was estimated to be 153,000′ and the speed was 210 knots.

II. Discussion of Incident

If these data are plotted it shows that it is doubtful that the track observed on radar and the reported visually observed objects were the same. While the radar blip was going straight east, south of Glasgow (Glasgow being north of the radar track), the observer saw something come in from the NW, turn, and go to the SE over his position. Since, the objects were reported directly over the observer and no sound was heard, it is doubtful as to whether the objects were aircraft.

III. Conclusion: This was not a combination radar-visual sighting of the same object. There are no conclusions as to the nature of the reported visual sighting. The radar track, however. could be due to weather.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

False targets on the radar

Marks from unknown unidentified targets appeared on the radar indicator screens. Mysterious reflected signals were also received in a clear atmosphere from areas where there seemed to be nothing…


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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