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Land creatures. Canada

ID #1560939495
Added Wed, 19/06/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 

From time to time people see in remote parts of the Earth animals, like surviving to our time of the dinosaurs. This happens most often in Africa and South America, where the jungles, the tropics, and very warm.

However, there is one story from eyewitnesses who saw it like an ancient t-Rex creature in the jungle, and in the North of Canada. And it's not a modern story from the Internet, and the story of a hundred years ago. That is, from the time when palaeontology was in its infancy only.

This story was published in 1908 in the French magazine "Je Sais Tout" and happened a couple of years before that. It told about the two hunters from the cold wastes of the Yukon, which borders Alaska. Banker from San Francisco, James Lewis Butler and a local gold miner That Limor went to the Yukon in the area of Clear Creek to hunt moose.

They managed to trace three moose and they're getting very close to animals, but here it happened something strange.

When two men watched the moose from a short distance, one large moose suddenly twitched anxiously and stared at something in the trees that the hunters have not seen. Then the moose let out a loud warning roar, and all three elk then ran away in a panic. Hunters were more surprised that so much could scare the moose than the fact that they missed their prey.

They soon went back on the trail of those moose to still catch up and shoot them. Trail running animals came from the thickets on marshy wasteland and all of a sudden moose tracks crossed the tracks of an entirely different and unknown to the hunters of the animal.

These new tracks were huge, about 80 cm wide and about 150 cm in length. And between the traces was the trace of the drawing, as if left by a giant tail. A depression in the mud was so deep that quickly filled with muddy water.

The hunters tried to pass on these tracks, but those soon turned to the rocks and disappeared into the dark ravine near the Creek Partridge Creek. The hunters did not dare to go there and turned back.

Further, Butler and Limor went to a remote Outpost called Armstrong Creek to find assistants and from them again to go on the trail of a huge unknown beast. There they met with the writer Georges Dupuy, who later published an article about this case in the journal. With the hunters and Dupuis in search of a monster went, five of the local Indians and French-canadian missionary Pierre Lavagne.

This reckless company of adventurers returned to the gorge, which was missing tracks of the beast and soon they saw something that they found very hard to describe as anything like it before none of them had seen.

At length the strange animal was about 15 feet and weighed not less than 40 tons. His body was covered with sparse and coarse black hair like the bristles of a boar. The creature stood on two strong hind legs, his mouth was full of sharp teeth, and the muzzle sported a single horn.

Having survived the first shock of the strange beast, the team settled down in the shelter behind the rocks and watched the creature for about 10 minutes. According to the scientist, the missionary Lavagno this creature resembled the extinct ancient lizards and he even remembered his name - Ceratosaur.

Interestingly, the first skeleton of ceratosaurus were found in the late 19th century in North America.

While people watched the dinosaur, the monster don't seem to notice the people and slowly walked further into the wasteland. Only when he disappeared from sight, people fear haze of panic, especially Indians, and they refused to take action against the creatures.

Back in Armstrong Creek, Butler and Limor tried to find more volunteers to return to the wasteland and get more weapons and supplies. But alas, nobody believed him and they didn't go anywhere.

The most courageous of the companions of the two hunters was a missionary Lavagno. Through the winter he went to hunt in the same area and again saw the same dinosaur. This time he was in the teeth of reindeer and caribou ran along the frozen stream.

In the history of the Yukon this dinosaur is known as the "Monster of the partridge river" and subsequently, many biologists attempted to solve the mystery. According to most, the whole story was just fiction, and among the factors they pointed to what they saw hunters trail from dragging the tail. And the dinosaurs of this family had kept the tails raised in the air balancing on land they did not drag.

Or maybe it was not ceratosaur, but only similar to him? Or because of the evolution he began to drag the tail? Considering that since of the Yukon no longer reported no observations of a dinosaur, a mystery we will solve it soon.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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