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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. United States

ID #1561729133
Added Fri, 28/06/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Хьюстон, TX
United States

A UFO was photographed in the heart of the city of Houston (Texas).

This glowing car was taken the night of August 11, 2014, when over this city in the South of the United States swept the storm. The object consisted of many small white lights positioned in a circle. According to the witness, he silently hovered over the houses, without being concerned about the weather, over the dark.

Many Internet users searched in vain for the explanation of the origin of this anomaly. At the moment the only hypothesis that seems true is the hypothesis of a space ship!

Responding to a media question, a specialist from the Houston Museum of natural science said he could not interpret these curious images.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

Les OVNI font de nouveau le buzz sur Twitter après qu’un de ces objets, aux caractéristiques exceptionnelles, ait été photographié en plein cœur de la ville de Houston, dans l’Etat du Texas.

Cet engin lumineux a été filmé dans la nuit du 11 août 2014 alors qu’une tempête déferlait sur cette ville du Sud des Etats-Unis. L’objet était constitué d’une multitude de petites lumières blanches placées en formation circulaire. Selon le témoin, il planait sans bruit au-dessus des habitations sans être perturbé, le moins du monde, par la météo plus que maussade.

De quoi s’agit-il ?

Devant le succès remporté par ces images, beaucoup d’internautes ont cherché en vain une explication sur l’origine de cette anomalie. Pour le moment, la seule hypothèse qui semble tenir est celle du vaisseau spatial !

Interrogé par les médias du pays, un spécialiste du Museum de Sciences Naturelles de Houston s’est déclaré être dans l’incapacité à interpréter ces curieuses images.

Et vous, qu’en pensez-vous ?


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence


Tethered flying machine heavier than air. Supported in the air by wind pressure on a surface set at an angle to the direction of movement of the wind and held by the guard rails from the ground. The first mention of kites are found in the II century BC in China (the so-called snake-dragon). At the moment there are many shapes and designs of kites.

There are also kites, equipped with LEDs. The forms that emerge LEDs can be different: echoing the shape of the kite to Supplement his picture or absolutely independent. Color, frequency and sequence of blinking LEDs is varied.


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials

The appearance of UFOs coincides with the object, captured over the city a day later.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation


Tethered flying machine heavier than air. Supported in the air by wind pressure on a surface set at an angle to the direction of movement of the wind and held by the guard rails from the ground. The first mention of kites are found in the II century BC in China (the so-called snake-dragon). At the moment there are many shapes and designs of kites.

There are also kites, equipped with LEDs. The forms that emerge LEDs can be different: echoing the shape of the kite to Supplement his picture or absolutely independent. Color, frequency and sequence of blinking LEDs is varied.

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