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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Turkmenistan

ID #1563378887
Added Wed, 17/07/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 

A young woman named Lyudmila Vartanantz, Armenian by nationality, a student of the Ashgabat Medical Institute. She was resting in the yard near his house after a very hot and busy day.

Suddenly she felt discomfort and unwarranted fear swept over her. After a few moments she felt her body completely paralyzed. Fear completely enveloped her, paralyzing her will. She couldn't take a step or even open his eyes. She struggled and was finally able to slightly open them.

But, to her horror, she saw two three-meter giants standing over her. The humanoids were grotesque head with what looked like several eyes on them (!), they had habitablezone protrusions (gas masks?), and a few cracks (as the cracks of the mouth) on a gray-greenish skin.

She closed her eyes and opened them again, but the terrible creature was still next to her.

Monster leaned over her, and she apparently lost consciousness. (She may have been abducted and subjected to medical examination).

She came to herself only the morning feeling completely sick and exhausted. Her face was swollen, as if it was an allergic reaction. She was ill for many weeks after the meeting, her bones and joints are continuously ill and she had trouble sleeping.

But, to her extreme surprise, her intelligence suddenly increased after the incident, and she passed all the exams at the Institute of very easily. Strange, but she apparently knew the answers to any of the questions before they were asked. It seemed to her that this knowledge is “transferred” directly into her brain.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

A young woman named Ludmila Vartanyants, of Armenian nationality and a student at the AshgabatMedical Institute, was resting in the yard outside her home after a very hot and busy day. Suddenly she felt discomfort and an unreasonable fear overcame her. Moments later she felt her body become completely paralyzed. The fear enveloped her completely, paralyzing her will; she could not make a move or even open her eyes. She struggle and was finally able to open her eyes slightly. But to her horror she saw two 3-meter tall giants standing over her. The humanoids had grotesque looking heads with what appeared to be several eyes on them (!), they had trunk-like protrusions (gas masks?), and several slits (like mouth slits) on a gray-greenish skin. She closed her eyes and again opened them, but the horrible entities were still present, standing near her. The “monsters” then leaned over her and she apparently lost consciousness. (She was possibly abducted and subjected to a medical examination). She returned to her senses only in the morning feeling completely sick and jaded. Her face was swollen, as if having an allergic reaction. She was ill for many weeks after the encounter, her bones and joints ached continuously and she had trouble sleeping. But to her outmost amazement, her intellectual abilities suddenly increased after the incident, and she passed all the exams at the Institute very easily—strangely she apparently knew the answers to any of the questions before they were asked. She felt as if the knowledge was being “transmitted” directly into her brain.


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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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