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Lev Fedotov's from the future

Added Thu, 25/07/2019
Дата публикации
Wed, 24/07/2019

Friends Lev knew he was 12 years old kept a diary – together was reading it about myself. And then it turned out that it was a diary of predictions: and the great Patriotic war and space exploration, and more distant future. Last entry 20-year-old army soldier Lev Fedotov did on the 23rd of July, 1943, two days before his death.

Today Leva Fedotov credited the prophecies of the LHC, swine flu pandemic in 2009, even murder "black US President", which is about to happen. All this would seem taken from found unknown diggers unknown part of Levin's diary. The very discovery, however, submitted no.

About the student with the prophetic gift first told the writer Yuri Trifonov's novel "the house on the embankment". Loew also lived in this famous Moscow house, went to the same school with George and stood out phenomenal abilities in any field. He was a talented writer, artist, musician, he had a deep interest in the natural Sciences and an unusually broad for a teenager horizons. Besides his distinguished bravery was demonstrated, for example, a passage on the railing of the balcony on the 9th floor or during studies with the boys deep underground tunnels. There were many in pre-war Moscow.

Especially appreciated his ability to stand up for friends: Fedotov was storm hooligans were well versed in JIU-jitsu, and I trained the edge of the palm for a killer blow and was able to master the most extreme situation. The diaries he kept for eight years. It was 15 thick handwritten notebooks, of which after the war survived only four.

The main and most reliable associated with the great Patriotic war, its course from first to last days.

Fedotov gives a fairly accurate forecast of its beginning in 1941.

"The war will start or the second half of June or in early July, not late – the Germans will seek to end the war before the frost".

He foretells first destruction – casualties, the surrender of the city:

"We lose a lot of territory, but it will be taken back".

There are accurate predictions of a number of victorious battles and a brilliant overall victory in the war.

"But there are not incredible insight," says Irina Volkova: "it is Surprising that even two and a half weeks before the start of the great Patriotic war, he predicted the cold war. He even points the opposing side is the Soviet Union and its allies: "we Will fight with them after their joint victory over Nazi Germany," writes Lev. He has a prediction of human flight to another planet.

But he's not talking about the moon and about Mars. States that first landed on the planet the Americans and that it will happen in 1969 – the date specified precisely".

In addition to the predictions that already came true, there were other, no less fantastic for its time, today they are especially intriguing.

Lev Fedotov wrote about that in the future will invent a pill that "if it enters the human body will allow you to control his will and mood." Now the "pills control" is logical to call a built-in microchip.

He predicted that humanity, having mastered the Land and overhead space, to inhabit the depths as "the underground apartments." And over time, transformed itself bodily shell of a person until they achieve immortality. Irina Volkova believes that Lev Fedotov was fascinated by the ideas of Russian cosmism. The so-called philosophical period of the beginning of the XX century, founded by futurist Nikolai Fedorov. Among the famous cosmists was Konstantin Tsiolkovsky. Fedotov, most likely, shared the views of biochemism – utopia about the spread of human influence in space.

According to Irina Volkova, which is professionally engaged in the memoirs of the youth of the pre-war period, almost every one of them was a seer:

"Was another interesting young subject Yuri Baranov. He died in the war, foresaw his own death. These young people were many. I think it's a very unusual organization of their personalities and their thinking. All of them, anyway, was cosmists, felt a unity with their planet. The feeling of belonging to everything worked out they have a more subtle perception of reality and the ability to extrapolate current events into the future. In the base forecasts are not wrong, never."

Lev Fedotov lived only 20 years. And his main nickname since childhood was "Leonardo" in honor of da Vinci. Perhaps he really was a genius. In genetics is the observation that the child with the makings of genius is born, as a rule, marriage of the ordinary people is unusual, with some pathology.

"Normal" a Lion mom, her in the diaries he called "mother" or "mother of mine". Unusual was the father to whom the lion was tied, and which gave him a heroic inclinations, and interest in everything, and a strong literary talent. Father had epilepsy too early and died as a son.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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