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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

A mystical creature with hooves and its tracks. Canada

ID #1566904884
Added Tue, 27/08/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Аксбридж, ON

On the canadian website paranormal "Paranormal Studies & Inquiry Canada" was published the story of an eyewitness who met hoofed creature in 1980 near the town of Uxbridge.

In those years, he was a teenager and was in command of the scouts, whose in the woods was a camp with wooden houses. One evening when the boys had gone to bed, the witness heard a loud snorting and other sounds look like next to their house is a large animal like a bull. And with a snort was heard and the clatter of hooves. Moreover, these sounds were the clatter of hooves on the wooden flooring, that is, this animal was right in their house in a nearby unoccupied room!

"At first I thought it was my uncle wants us to play, but then I realized what a noisy snort can issue only a large animal, but not people. Meanwhile, the sound of hooves was walking in our direction, and soon they stopped right in front of the door leading to our room. I decided that it was finally over, but then the clicking came very close, it came and was coming in my direction!

Suddenly very close with his sleeping bag I saw two huge hooves, and then something pulled me to the top, like it wanted to pull me out of the bag. When I felt that it's going to lift me off the floor, I started kicking and screaming. I still have not seen it in the dark, then flopped on the floor, it left me and retreated. Then I heard three quick step to the side and it was gone."

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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