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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. United States

ID #1567518071
Added Tue, 03/09/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
2003 22:30
Спрингфилд, IL
United States

Incredible story once happened to an American named Mike, who told the researchers involved in the strangest anomalies. The young man from Illinois told me that he happened to see in the sky of a humanoid on a small motorbike without wheels. Thus believe this would be much more complicated if the network is not appeared the. Someone took a picture of a striking phenomenon, similar to that seen Mike, and shared entertaining content to the world wide web.

The foreign press reported that a resident of the city of Springfield was at the center of strange events in 2003, but only at the end of last month he decided that he should contact the conspiracy. Soon he created the material began to study the company's representatives, The Singular Fortean Society, having considerable experience in dealing with such incidents.

"It happened on the forest near the now open bar, Four Seasons. It was evening, 10:30, as I recall, the rails, and then pointed me the way home, and I came back from the place. Then I started to pass by the home, located right near the railroad, and someone near him, as if afraid of my presence, began to call on his mobile. Then I got excited, thinking that there'll be law enforcement, he fled into the bushes, having been there about half an hour", — he began his story Mike.

"The police never came, and I quietly continued on his way home. But I walked about ten meters, like the place where I stayed earlier, was heard a strange sound. It seemed that it was footsteps. I decided that now I may have a problem with the homeless and hid behind the first tree. Behind him I stood for another thirty minutes, and then realized that the man whose steps I had heard, goes on my trajectory, that is where I am," he continued.

At some point the man decided it was better to go back to the bar. He tried to put this idea into life, but suddenly realized that he somehow became even scarier, so he decided to go back to where he was before, in particular, towards the house.

American could not know what was happening with him, but quite clearly aware of his great desire to get away from the forest. After some time, the forest was behind, but caught up with something else, and no less unpleasant.

At first Mike scared the tops of the trees, which were moving like they were alive and frustrated due to the fact that they were unable to capture him. Then he did and was in a stupor, because I have seen back something awful. At this point, apparently, it would be better not to look back, but curiosity was stronger. The young man noticed a strange creature flying over the trees, and it was there where he most recently was hiding. The sight of him stood the hair on end.

"The strange stranger was sitting on some machine that reminded me of a scooter, only it had no wheels, and the noise he was making absolutely no. I immediately rushed forward, not to look anymore and so I got to the house. After some time I came across the magazine which featured a creature on the estimated air motorcycle. It looked exactly the same as what I saw then of the evening in the forest" — said a resident of Illinois.

The photo, seen a guy on the page of the edition, was made in the summer of 2005. According to ufologists, the photographer captured this humanoid on an extraordinary aircraft.

Staff The Singular Fortean Society was so fascinated strange story and asked him to tell me more about all that happened to him that night, in particular, about the strange steps.

"I had no doubt that it was some kind of tramp. I even grabbed a stick lying on the ground when hiding behind a tree deciding what to protect will be very helpful. Cell phone I have at the moment has not been, therefore, to inform the police about the trouble I could not. In General, then I just decided to fight back, if necessary, to those who followed me. Interestingly, the place where all this happened, I remembered from childhood, and knew that there is a ravine with wooden buildings. But homeless people in the neighborhood never had," explained Mike researchers.

"I also noticed that the pilot of the strange aircraft had some unusual wear. I can't say what exactly was on it, but he seemed to have been wrapped in some cloth. The creature seemed rather large, two meters, I think, and it was clearly heavy. His ship reminded me of scooter brands "Honda", just in front of him, something glittered," concluded the defendant in a strange turn of events.

After a while Mike came back to place by selecting for this case, of course, the daytime. You come there in the night, as in twilight, he has never tried. And every day he is glad that he managed to avoid the more dense the meeting with a strange creature in the forest.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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