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Land creatures. Belarus

ID #1570107347
Added Thu, 03/10/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Брестский район
Брестская область

Incredible story about a wonderful creature decided to tell a resident of Brest CG

This incident occurred in the summer of 2003 in August. I live in Brest, and in the area we have the home of my grandparents, which has now become a cottage. Every summer we with children live there, also live there and my parents are pensioners. The house is near the forest. A forest of small, sparse, summer, and autumn mushroom pickers and tourists there's more than trees. Forest I know well, as all my childhood passed in the village. The village is near the town, only 8-10 km away. nothing like this is happening to me in all my 36 years, a year ago I could not even imagine that this is possible, though in your paper you read what did not happen. But it was somewhere, with someone, but not me.

So, in August 2003 I went to the forest for mushrooms, to me the dog was a mongrel, our clever "old man", who is 14 years old. I took about an hour from the house was not far, about 300 meters. The dog all this time with me running around, looking at the tops of the trees, looking for squirrels. And then the dog ran up to my feet and began to whine piteously.

I was scared because I knew that mushroom he is barking, and no animal, except squirrels in our woods never was. I leaned down, patted the dog, "What happened, dick?" And when he straightened up, he saw that right in front of me is something. No other word I can not pick up. I was scared at first, I was just thinking, for some reason, where we have an ostrich in the woods.

The creature that was rising between Turkey and the ostrich, and appearance reminded them. On two legs, gray color whether small feathers, or wool, the impression, like wearing a gray skirt-bell. Small hands flutter in front on the chest, a long nose-beak and small eyes.

They were staring at me. The creature that stood about two minutes motionless, then he made a few weird sounds and disappeared. It instantly disappeared, did not run away, not hidden (and nowhere to hide - open place), and dissolved in my eyes.

I broke out in a cold sweat, and his feet were rooted to one place. For a moment I stood motionless, and then slowly walked home, running feet were heard, and I. remember, for some reason I thought if I run, this creature will run after me.

When I got home, mom immediately asked what happened. I didn't want to speak for one reason – thought it would not believe it. But desire someone to share took over, I took the mother into the kitchen and told her everything. Do you think I heard in response? Not what I expected. Mother looked at me and said, "And I, my daughter, saw him. Last autumn (i.e. in September-October 2002) Just never told this to anyone, afraid that they will say: "old woman do crazy". And the mother told me, as the evening closed the chickens into the coop. When I cried the rooster. Mom looked over the gate, thought the dog, and saw near the gate that opens to the forest, this creature. It stood motionless, and then suddenly disappeared. Mom didn't feel fear, but only curiosity. She came out of the gate, looked all around, herded the chickens and went home. She admitted that a few months it stood in front of her eyes. All converged to the smallest detail, and when I asked my mother what she thought the answer was that the first thing she came up with the cottagers brought in someone from the zoo.

My mom is 68 years old. All her life, she was a skeptic in relation to all unusual, and even then she tried to find a suitable, in her opinion, the explanation.

Then in the fall we left the cottage because the children had to go to school.

Over time, the fear subsided, remained a curiosity. But in the summer I would be scared to walk in the woods, and suddenly see him again. The strangest thing about this story is that it happened here with me, and even that won't tell anyone.

If not for that sudden disappearance right before my eyes, I could assume that it is unknown to me animal or bird. Although this is unlikely. But for one moment literally disappear into thin air... I Want to reiterate that when I saw this creature, my first thought was a hybrid of an ostrich and a Turkey, just unlike them on the chest was some strange legs or underdeveloped wings. And feathers very reminiscent of gray wool and hung the dome from the neck down vertically almost to the ground. Well remembered two legs, where the creature was standing just as a person, but the overall impression is a bird, strange, ugly, unusual, but still a bird.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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