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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Circles on the field and other formations. South Africa

ID #1571156745
Added Tue, 15/10/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
South Africa

During an extensive wave of sightings in 1965, police officers in Exeter (state of NY) and Damon (Texas) had on 3 September close encounters with UFOs - structured objects with body lights - on September 3.

On the night of September 16 two Pretoria, South Africa constables stumbled across a disc-shaped object on highway Pretoria - Bronkhorstspruit. Lights of their police van lit up an object copper color with a diameter of about 30 feet. On top of the UFO was a small dome.

Constables John Lockem and Koos de Klerk were patrolling the highway just after midnight when they suddenly drove up to the object. After a few seconds the UFO suddenly rose from the road, emitting tongues of flame from two tubes or channels on the underside.

"His isolation was faster than I have ever seen" - said the late constable Lockem.

The flames from the road surface of macadam (tar and gravel) flew three feet in the air when the UFO flew away, shining for a long time after he disappeared from sight. Subsequent investigation showed that part of the road was fell, apparently due to heavy weight, and gravel was separated from the resin in a badly burned area with a diameter of about six feet.

Constable Lockem drew a sketch of the UFO with the help of staff artist of the newspaper Die Vaterland. The district commandant of Pretoria North, Colonel John. B. Brights told the newspaper that the event was considered "very secret, and in the leading circles of investigation".

Samples of the damaged road surface was analysed leading research Agency in South Africa. NICAP was unable to obtain copies of analytical reports.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

During an extensive wave of sightings in 1965, police officers in Exeter, N.H. and Damon, Texas both had close-range encounters with UFOs – structured objects with body lights – on September 3.  On the night of September 16 two Pretoria, S. Africa, constables came upon a disc-shaped object resting on the Pretoria – Bronkhorstspruit highway. The headlights of their police van illuminated the copper-colored object which appeared to be about 30 feet in diameter. On top of the UFO was a small dome.

Constables John Lockem and Koos de Klerk had been patrolling the highway just after midnight when they suddenly drove up on the object. In seconds the UFO suddenly lifted off the road, emitting tongues of flame from two tubes or channels on the underside. “Its lift-off was quicker than anything I have ever seen,” Constable Lockem reported later. Flames from the macadam (tar and gravel) road surface shot up three feet in the air as the UFO departed, blazing long after it was out of sight. Later investigation showed that part of the road was caved in, evidently from a heavy weight, and gravel had been separated from the tar in a severely burned area about six feet in diameter.

Constable Lockem drew a sketch of the UFO with the aid of a staff artist of the newspaper Die Vaterland. The District Commandant of Pretoria North, Lt. Col. J.B. Brits, told the newspaper that the event was considered “as being of a highly secret nature and an inquiry is being conducted in top circles.”

Samples of the damaged road surface were analyzed by a leading scientific agency in South Africa. NICAP has been unable to obtain copies of the analysis reports.

Flying Disc Lands on Highway, Pretoria, South Africa, 09-16-65

Features: Vehicle encounter, confrontation, police witnesses, landing, physical traces, official secrecy.

Constables John lockem and Koos de Klerk were patrolling on the Pretoria-Bronkhorstspruit highway just after midnight when their police van headlights suddenly illuminated a domed, disc-shaped object sitting on the road. The UFO was copper colored and about 30 feet in diameter In seconds, the object lifted off the road, emitting tongues of flame from two tubes or channels on the underside.

“Its lift-off was quicker than anything I have ever seen.” Constable Lockem said.

Flames from the macadam road surface shot up in the air about 3 feet as the UFO departed, blazing long after it was out of sight. Later investigation showed that part of the road was caved in as if from a heavy weight, and gravel had been separated from the tar in a severely burned area about 6 feet in diameter.

Lt. Col. J.B. Brits, District Commandant of Pretoria North, told the newspaper that the incident was considered “as being of a highly secret nature and an inquiry is being conducted in top circles”. Samples of the road surface were taken for analysis by a leading scientific agency; whose report has never been made public.


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