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Poltergeist. Belarus

ID #1572088256
Added Sat, 26/10/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
пр. Партизанский, д.5

In ' 87, my wife and daughter 1.5 years lived in a Studio apartment on Partizansky Ave., D. 5. Daughter grew very naughty, days and nights long gave life. While the apartment is not infested by a Ghost, or more correctly the house. First it was knocking. Someone is banging dishes in the kitchen, carefully rearranged the dishes, open-shut kitchen door, someone reversed the pans on the stove, etc. Then the activities spread to the bathroom and the room. Once my wife woke up to the rumble in the night the digestion of soaked children's underwear (soaked himself) with a noise on the tile passed to the other end of the bathroom. Extraction weighed about 15 kilos.

At first it bothered. But as ever, nothing was missing, not been spoiled, is broken, no one is scared, my wife quickly got used to. Friends and relatives is also not bothered. When I had to leave a crying child in the crib in the room one to cook porridge, to do linens etc., we noticed that the scandal soon stopped, the room came the sound of the game, the voice and laughter of his daughter (say, small children and cats can see and contact with other entities). This could go on for an hour or two. When we returned to the room, everything stopped, the lost daughter turned her head, as if someone were trying to find, toys and other trifles were not in their places. As if we interrupted a fun game with a good friend.

Who raise troubled children will understand what is happiness, when for a couple of hours to sit quietly in the kitchen with a book, spudded in the tub, to hang on the phone.

In General, all was good, all by itself successfully worked at home and at work, relationship with his wife was the best, my daughter has become calmer, and even her teeth grew without the usual problems. Until someone out of ignorance or out of meanness not advised "to strengthen good relations with the family" to leave the kitchen for a saucer a glass of milk, a loaf of bread, and say children's quatrain. Do not remember the words, but the meaning was the desire to make the offering.

After about an hour he heard the sound of breaking glass. We ran to the kitchen - broken glass lying on the floor in a puddle of milk. In a few minutes, while his wife mopped up the floor and I collected the broken glass in the bathroom there was a strong cotton - porcelain sink cracked floors exactly like it broke. The plumber then long were surprised - the first time such a miracle been seen. After that, the house vanished, to our great regret.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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