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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Belarus

ID #1572612202
Added Fri, 01/11/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 

A. Grakhovskaya from Krichev interviewed A. Kovalyov, who told the following story.

"Sleep to dream. A sharp flash of lightning color (brightness flash can be compared with the flash of the camera right in front of the eyes), flash gradually fading. He opened his eyes, severe pain in the head, lying but not know what, not feeling, not hardness, not softness. The feeling was such that lie at a height of about one meter.

The room in which I was, was well lit, but no light sources I was watching. Light (white) were distributed evenly throughout the room. The walls had a strange pattern is not something vague, not clear (the pattern was on the Wallpaper, but it wasn't a Wallpaper, it's not like them - the pattern was a Burgundy color, sometimes darker, sometimes lighter). Doors and Windows in the room I saw, as my attention was caught by three of silhouette, while approaching me (two left side, one on the right). The creature was like without clothes, they were all the same, the same (beige) color.

Their bodies were absent, as I noticed the nipples, wrinkles. The body was smooth, it seemed to me, without hair. Growth they were not higher than 1.5 meters, although the body parts below the belt I haven't seen (so I thought). The head was triangular in shape, similar in size to a human. The eye was large (clearly more than human, ellipsoid shape, without eyelashes, without pupils - are uniformly black) as I noticed they didn't blink, the eyes have no eyelids, no eyebrows. Small nose, flat in width about an inch and a length of about 1.5 inches. Lips absent, small mouth, 2 cm in length. Ears not to be (at least, I didn't see a side to me they didn't turn). They had narrow shoulders, thin neck, about 10 centimeters in length, width 5 centimeters.

The creature that was left is closer to my head touched his right hand to my forehead (hands were thin). When I tried to stand up, in the eyes dimmed.

I blacked out, but I felt like I made a cut in the middle of the chest, then I felt that they were doing something inside me chest, and then again the same flash. I open my eyes - lying on his bed. He touched a hand to his chest, but did not feel anything special, I turned on the light, no scars on the breast was not. No pain and that surprised me "fear" I felt.. Although in my dream of fear felt by not less than Java (even if I know I'm dreaming). After these events, nothing strange in their behavior, life, health is not noticed prior to this occasion in your life like nothing happened. Before going to sleep like movies, books, conversations I don't remember. And anyway, I never was fond of.

Ah, Yes. More! These creatures are humanoids, they talked to each other as if telepathically. Their thoughts, like a ribbon, slipped my mind, they spoke no Russian, and indeed I think probably in a foreign language. But the strange thing is that I clearly understood. I very vaguely remember what they said, but to say Russian can't, there are no such words in the language, but it (if you try to say in Russian) would be something like: "don't worry, nothing's going to happen!". They spoke without any facial expressions - that is, their lips did not move.

August 13, 2002"

Conclusion КричевUFOкома: according to the eyewitness, we can say that he had a contact of the 3rd kind.

We compared his testimony with the testimony of other people who had such contact and has identified common traits:

1) a Bright flash of light

2) the appearance of aliens

3) Telepathic communication

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

The state of sleep and dreams

Sleep is a natural physiological process of stay in a condition with minimal level of brain activity and reduced reaction to the world around us.


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials

The witness indicated that he was clearly dreaming. The material evidence of the contact on the body or in the room left. Why it was decided that this is the real contact, in the conclusion of OUTCOME, unfortunately, is not specified.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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