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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Yeti. Australia

ID #1481139260
Added Wed, 07/12/2016
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 

The Himalayan Yeti, the North American Sasquatch, AUI or just "Bigfoot" was filmed in New South Wales, Australia.

Tourists from Queensland saying that they noticed a mythical Australian AWI during a hike along the mountain ridges of the darling downs near Toowoomba.

Hunched black creature boldly walked through the dense forest. It was about 100 metres from the shocked witnesses, who silently watched him until it disappeared. At first the travelers thought it was a kangaroo. But then realized that the kangaroo can not be this thick, dark fur.

At the same time with the tourists received a message from a woman who refused to give his name, which saw an APE-like animal sitting just six feet away. According to her, it was "six-foot muscular creature with a head like a gorilla and long arms".

She wanted him to turn, but out of caution decided not to do it, not to displease him. The woman told about this case, hunter Dean Harrison, who has several years of experience in researching the Australian AUI.

Sam Harrison says that over the past five years have received more than 10 reports on the emergence in Queensland of mysterious bipedal creatures.

This video is trustworthy. About the same powerful animal was reported in other observations. He has no neck and broad shoulders, and his eyes sit deep under the superciliary ridges.

- said the researcher.

Awe that are part of the folklore of the indigenous Australian aborigines, far from settlements, in the most remote areas of Australia.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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