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This section contains information about phenomena that are generally believed to have a supernatural, mystical nature, and the very existence of which is currently in doubt.Phenomena Hierarchy


Added Wed, 05/10/2016
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Bigfoot, yeti, sasquatch, bigfoot, engey, avdoshka, almasts - all these are the names of one kind of creatures that supposedly live in forests and mountains in different parts of the planet.

According to eyewitnesses, bigfoot looks like a large ape up to 3 meters tall, covered with dark brown, dark red or gray fur. This creature has large feet (the number of fingers varies from 2 to 6 from case to case). It is assumed that the creature moves well in a wooded area, climbs trees.

Geographically, the phenomenon is spread all over the world. Most often, residents of sparsely populated areas and mountains tell about it, but sometimes there are also reports from national parks and nature reserves.

The exact date of the phenomenon is unknown. Reports of creatures with a similar description have appeared over the past few centuries. However, in the old legends, one can also find a description of "a tall, overgrown man with hair, who is stronger and denser than an ordinary peasant, perhaps has the ability to influence people's consciousness, instilling powerful fear or forcing them not to notice their presence, and lives in the forest." So some eyewitnesses told about the meeting with the goblin.


As in the case of other similar phenomena, there are those who believe in bigfoot, and those who doubt his reality. Most modern scientists are skeptical about the possibility of the existence of a snowman, because, despite a lot of evidence, there are still no sufficient grounds to confirm the existence of someone new and unexplored.

Many versions have been collected explaining many stories of encounters with the Yeti.

Deliberate hoaxes. During periods of increased interest in the topic, there are a lot of deliberate falsifications associated with the phenomenon of bigfoot. These are not only the stories of "eyewitnesses", but also traces, photographs, wool, feces, etc. There can be many reasons for such actions, from confirming one's own theory to attracting attention.

Observer errors. Real animals (for example, a bear, because not only its appearance is similar, but also its fur and other traces of its presence are most often detected during research by scientists), and in some cases inanimate objects (the movement of plants in the wind, the play of light and shadows) could be taken for the yeti in conditions of poor visibility.

Folklore. Stories about bigfoot can be completely folklore fiction, modified and embellished with a real story or a story based on folklore.

Among those who believe in the existence of bigfoot, the most popular versions are that he is a mammal belonging to the order of primates and the genus of man, preserved to this day from prehistoric times, a creature of alien origin and even a time traveler or a guest from another dimension.

There is an opposite theory, according to which the yeti are feral people with mental disabilities.

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In the Maori tradition Maero, Maero (or Mohoao) are called iwi-atua or supernatural people from Aotearoa. They are sometimes called giants, they inhabit mountains and forests, especially in Te Wai Poonamu.

Maero is characterized as wild, vicious, and often violent, armed with a stone club. They are covered with dark fur on the body and have long bony fingers with sharp nails. They kill and eat people and animals.

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