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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. United States

ID #1594125804
Added Tue, 07/07/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
02.11.1967 21:30
Рири, ID
United States

Two 23-year-old Navajo (guy Tossi and Willie Begej), traveling to the South of the city, was blinded by a flash of white light.

Their car stopped, and immediately in front of them, hovering five feet (1.5 m) from the ground, they saw an object with a diameter of 6-8 ft (1.8-2.4 m) and a thickness of 3 feet (0.9 m) in the form of two saucers joined together. The top was a transparent bubble dome, occupied by two small entities.

The dome swung open and one of his two passengers swam to land and walked up to the car. The flashing lights, the Indians saw that he was no more than 3 ft (0.9 m) tall and bald, with high-set ears. His skin was covered with scars and wrinkles, "like a cantaloupe," his eyes were round and without pupils, and her lips were so thin that they were barely visible. They saw no nose. He was dressed in a slinky jumpsuit and wore a backpack on his back.

To the horror of the Indian, the little creature opened the car door and sat down behind the wheel. They moved to the right as far as he could, when the car otrocineves or left the highway and went into the field of stubble wheat.

As soon as he stopped, scared of tossi jumped from the right side of the car and ran to the farm of William Hammon, located a quarter mile. When he fled, he found that his shadow precedes him, as if a bright light shines from behind. (It was assumed that the second creature went after him with light, while Run, which was concerned about the other, could not confirm this).

The car Run was compressed in the right front seat when the little creature was trying to communicate with him. Twice he said something unintelligible in a high voice, similar to Twitter. Receiving no answer, the creature stepped out of the car and joined to the second creature (apparently, it returned from its short chase), and both swam in an object which flew in a zigzag motion.

On the farm Hammon Tossi knocked on the door, shouting for help. The farmer and his son Bob found him, and it took some time to calm him sufficiently so that he told the whole story.

By the time when they accompanied him back to the field, the object is already gone, and the Run was discovered in a state of shock in the front seat.

The farmer had to accompany young people on the car, because their fear was so great.

In this area was related observations, and that night the cattle were "scared" on several farms.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

Two 23-year old Navajo Indians, Guy Tossie and Willy Begay, driving south of town, were blinded by a flash of white light; their car came to a stop and immediately ahead of them, hovering five feet of the ground, they saw an object 6-8 feet in diameter and 3 feet thick, shaped like two saucers joined together; and on top was a transparent bubble dome, occupied by two small entities. The dome flipped open and one of the two occupants floated out and to the ground, approached the car. By the flashing lights, the Indians were able to see that he was no more than 3-feet tall, and bald, with ears set up high on his head; his facial skin was scarred and wrinkled, “like a cantaloupe,” his eyes were round and showed no pupils, and his mouth had lips so thin as to be barely visible. They saw no nose. He was wearing tight fitting coveralls and carried a pack on his back. To the Indian’s horror, the little being opened the car door and seated himself behind the wheel; they drew over to the right as far as they could as the car towed, or driven, off the highway and out into a field of stubble wheat. As soon as it stopped, a terrified Tossie Jumped out of the right side of the car and began running to the farmhouse of William Hammon, a quarter of a mile away. As he ran, he found his shadow preceding him, as though a bright light were shining on him from behind. (It was presumed that the second occupant gave chase with a light, although Begay, who was otherwise preoccupied, could not confirm this). In the car, Begay cowered in the right side of the front seat as the little being attempted to communicate with him, twice saying something incomprehensible in a high, chirruping voice. Getting no response, the being got out of the car and joined the second being (presumably returned from his brief chase), and the two floated into the object, which took off in a zigzag motion. At the Hammon farmhouse, Tossie banged on the door, screaming for help. The farmer and his son Bob admitted him, and it took a period of time to calm him sufficiently to get his story; by the time they accompanied him back to the field, the object had departed and Begay was found in a state of near shock in the front seat. The farmer had to escort the youths by car; their fear was so great. There were attendant sightings in the area, and cattle had been “spooked” on several farms that night.


Date: November 2 1967
Location: Between Ririe & Rigby Idaho
Time: 2330
Summary: Two Indian youths in a car saw a disc with a transparent dome on top and multicolored lights along the rim (body lights). The object hovered in front of the car which stopped (EM effects). Two occupants were seen in the craft. One occupant got out and entered the driver’s seat of the car. The car either followed the craft or was towed into a field where one witness got out and ran off for help, followed by the second occupant, while the other frightened youth stayed in the car with the first occupant, who tried to communicate with him. The second occupant returned, and the two re-entered the craft, which rose and departed, a yellow flame-like light coming from the bottom. An anonymous witness, two hours after the previous case, was driving to Rigby in his truck; a few miles northwest of Ririe, “a small UFO came down in front of his truck and stopped it,” and a small humanoid being got out and tried to get in the truck, tapping on the side window and scratching on the windshield. The man, who had been drinking, thought he was losing his mind. He confided the story to a co-worker the following day when news of the Begay-Tossie sighting was known, and the co-worker told Ricks. The man was very reluctant to co-operate in Rick’s inquiries and, a year later, when follow up inquiries were made, the man had moved away.
Source: C Reed Ricks; Hall, 2001, pp. 480-82; Keyhoe and Lore, 1969a, pp. 31-32; Keyhoe and. Lore, 1969b, pp. 23-27.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information

Rocket launches (from

  • Site: Vandenberg AFB, California (USA) Vehicle: Thorad-SLV2G Agena-D Payload: KH-4A 44 (Corona 121, Mission 1044, OPS 0562) Facade (P-11 4410)


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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