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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Poltergeist. Russia

ID #1482223947
Added Tue, 20/12/2016
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Voronezhskaya oblast

In the evening of Friday October 5 2012 there was the first of a series of facts, which was classified as a witness poltergeist (or brownie).

Chronology fact:

"The first time was about ten o'clock in the evening of 5 October 2012. I was almost asleep, but suddenly heard the rolling cat toy. Then came the sound of jangling cat ball. I thought it was a cat playing (still surprised to this fact, usually he already sleeps at this time somewhere near the bed). At first it comforted me, but then, in the light of the street, I saw the cat, which was lying in the corner of the bed and looked warily into the corridor. The ball hit the wall and more of the ringing is not repeated. I decided that I thought it, or dreamed, because for many years this is the first such case.

The next morning (about 6 hours) I woke up from the quiet jingle cat ball. The first thing I did was look cat: he was sitting on the windowsill and looked at me.

The next time the ringing is repeated time and again about four o'clock in the afternoon".

At the request of the witness in the General publication of the name is not specified.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

The wind

Wind — flow of air, which quickly moves parallel to the earth's surface.

Wind is the result of uneven distribution of atmospheric pressure and is directed from areas of high pressure to the low pressure zone. Due to the continuous pressure changes in time and space speed and wind direction are constantly changing. With height wind speed varies with the decrease of the friction force.

Winds can affect the formation of the relief, causing Eolian deposits that form different kinds of soils (e.g., loess) or erosion.


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials

At the time of the questioning of a witness in the hallway there was a rustling and clinking from the fact that the cat toy rolled across the floor. Then abandoned in a wad of napkins was also rolling on the floor.
Initially, according to an eyewitness, drafts, as reason is excluded, as the Windows overlook one side, and the draught even to achieve is extremely difficult. In addition, the witness of the draught is not felt. But still the coincidence of several factors: the direction and force of the wind, a particular solution of vents, the arrangement of open and closed doors and the location of the cat toys – consistently to obtain the described effect. However, the place was made an impromptu experience proves otherwise, and the time for the onset of the phenomenon coincides with the time of the strong wind.

If the above factors (eg, closed Windows) the phenomenon was not repeated. The witness will continue to monitor in light of already known information.

For final confirmation of the hypothesis, an experiment was conducted. It was used similar conditions for the manifestation of the fact: the Windows that are open on one side, the wind speed on the street is 7-8 m/s, wind direction – on the window.
For clarity, was used 3 pieces of different density and weight:

  • Ball with a bell inside (1)
  • The wad of A4 paper (2)
  • Single layer tissue paper (3)


Items are placed in ascending order of weight: a lump of a single layer of tissue paper (3), a wad of A4 paper (2), ball with a bell inside (1)

In the video you can observe how exactly is the motion of objects under the action of the wind in terms of experience.


The investigation revealed that the cause of the phenomenon was the wind gusts acting on cat toys that are on the floor. As the air currents moved mainly in the lower part of the room, the witness is lying on a bed or other elevated position, they are not felt.

It is the fourth fact this year, when the impact of the air flow is taken for anomalous phenomena.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation

The wind

Wind — flow of air, which quickly moves parallel to the earth's surface.

Wind is the result of uneven distribution of atmospheric pressure and is directed from areas of high pressure to the low pressure zone. Due to the continuous pressure changes in time and space speed and wind direction are constantly changing. With height wind speed varies with the decrease of the friction force.

Winds can affect the formation of the relief, causing Eolian deposits that form different kinds of soils (e.g., loess) or erosion.

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