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"Chocolate rain" falls in Swiss town

Added Thu, 20/08/2020
Дата публикации
Wed, 19/08/2020

In the city of Olten in Switzerland, located between zurich and Basel, for several days in a row there was a "rain" from... cocoa powder.

On the morning of August 15, a local took a picture of the bonnet of his car - it was strewn with small particles of cocoa.

As it turned out later, at the lindt and Spr'ngli chocolate factory, which produces Lindt chocolate, there was a breakdown in the ventilation system, which led to unusual "precipitation". According to the company, cocoa does not pose a danger to the environment, but the factory is ready for its own money to clean the washing machine sprinkled with confectionery and pay for the sink. However, so far there have been no appeals from car owners.

Currently, the company eliminates the problem with ventilation.

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