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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Puerto Rico

ID #1598784821
Added Sun, 30/08/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
31.12.1968 19:30
Puerto Rico

Two men (a nephew and his uncle) we drove along a clear straight stretch of highway from Isabela to San Juan. The nephew was driving when they noticed an object standing on the right side of the road. 

Only the nephew noticed the figure (only visible for a few seconds), which was short and looked like a man. His mouth gave the impression of toothless. The most distinctive features were the eyes that shone brightly in the dark, "like a cat's." He was standing about 10 feet (3 m) away from the car.

The uncle did not see the figure, as the young man quickly drove away from the scene. 

Uncle turned around and saw that the UFO lit up like a blue-green light bulb, and then rose and turned reddish. At the same time, he heard a faint sound.

Another version of the case, told by a representative of APRO in Puerto Rico.

The witnesses are an 80-year-old farmer and rancher, as well as his nephew, a 38-year-old dental technician and farmer. The witnesses don't want their names released. 

Two witnesses were driving at about 40-45 mph from the city of Isabela to San Juan. Shortly after passing VEGA Baja, as they were driving along a straight section of road, their headlights illuminated a" pure white " stationary object] on the right side of the road.

The nephew, who was driving, exclaimed: "Look at this!" and then accelerated away from the object. 

He described it as short and round, and a human figure stood before it. 

Within seconds, while he had a clear view of the entity, he saw what he later described as a" dwarf " 5 feet (1.5 m) tall. His mouth gave the impression that (like the elderly) he had no teeth. Mostly, however, he remembered the eyes of creatures that supposedly glowed brightly in the dark, "like a cat's." 

Presumably, the creature was about 10 feet (3 m) away from the Ford Cortina when they drove past. 

The elderly uncle did not notice the entity standing in front of the object. However, he claims that as they were leaving, he turned around and saw the object "light up" like a blue-green light bulb. 

He also claims that he saw the object start to rise (it then turned reddish) and he heard a faint sound, "no stronger than a car." The nephew rode fearfully, did not hear or see anything further.

The nephew dropped his uncle off at his home in San Jose and went to his home. However, he did not celebrate the New year with his mother as every year, but instead he went to bed and tried to sleep. She was "very nervous," he told his wife and children about the incident the next day. 

Today, he says, " No one believes it." 

His uncle says: "It was something. What it was, I do not know."

Representative Robiu makes the following observations: both witnesses are natives of Isabela, where they left that night, and now live in San Juan. VEGA Baia is about 40 km from San Juan. Between 19:30 and 21:00 PM, and especially on New year's eve, highway 2, according to eyewitnesses, was most likely closed to traffic. 

An elderly uncle wears a lassas and is known to suffer from cataracts. Both witnesses said the object was the size of a European car, but definitely not a car: it was round, like an overturned ashtray.

Original news

Date: December 31 1968
Location: Near Vega Baja Puerto Rico
Time: 1930
Summary: Two men, a nephew and his uncle, were driving along a clear, straight stretch of highway from Isabela to San Juan. The nephew was driving when they observed an object sitting on the right hand side of the road. Only the nephew observed a figure; seen only for several seconds, it was short and human like. Its mouth gave the impression of being toothless. The most distinctive features were the eyes, shining brightly in the dark, “like a cat.” It stood about 10 feet from the car at its closest. The uncle did not see the figure, for the young man pulled rapidly away from the scene. The uncle turned around in time to observe the UFO light up like a blue green bulb, and then to rise, turning a reddish color. He also heard a faint sound at the same time.
Another case investigated by APRO’s Representative in Puerto Rico concerns an incident which occurred between 7:30 and 9:00 p,m. o4 December3 l, 1968 on the PR-2 !oad, near “Los Quemados,” Vega Baja. The witnesses are an 80 year old farmer and rancher and his nephew, a 38 year old dental mechanic and farmer. The witnesses do not wish their names to be made public. The two witnesser were driving at about 40-45 mph from the town of Isabela to San Juan. Shortly after passing Vega Baja, while they were on a straight stretch of road, their headlights illuminated a “clear white” object stationary] on the right side of the road. The nephew, who was driving, exclaimed “Look at that!” and then accelerated away from the object. He described it as while and round and a human-like figure was standing before it. For the few seconds that he had a clear view of the entity, he saw what he later described as “a midget” 5 feet ta1l. Its mouth gave him the impression that (like in elderly persons) it had no teeth. However, what he recalled mostly were the entities eyes, which allegedly shone brightly in the dark, “like a cat.” The entity was supposedly about 10 feet from the Ford Cortina as they drove by. The elderly uncle did not observe the entity standing before the object. However, he claims that as they drove away he turned back and saw that the object “lit-up” like a blue Green light bulb. He also claims that he saw the object begin to rise (it then had a reddish color) and he heard a faint sound, “no stronger tharr a car,” The nephew, ^ho was driving off frightened, did not hear or see anything further, The nephew dropped his uncle off at his home in San Jose and went to his own home. However, he did not see the New Year in with his mother, as he did every year. instead he went to bed and tried to sleep, she was ‘pretty nervous, “The next day he informed his wife and children of the incident. Today he says: “Nobody believes it.” His uncle says: “It was something. What it was, I don’t know.” Representative Robiou makes the following observations: both witnesses are natives of Isabela, from where they drove that night, and now live in San Juan. Vega Baja is about 25 miles from San Juan. Between 7:30 and 9:00 p,m., and especially on New Year’s Eve, highway No. 2 was very probably void of traffic, as the witnesses claim. The elderly uncle wearsg lassesa nd is known to suffer from cataracts. Both witnesses said the object was about the size of a European car, but was definitely not a car; it was round, like “an ashtray turned upside down.”
Source: Sebastian Robiou Lamarche, Apro Bulletin


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