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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Spain

ID #1598889868
Added Mon, 31/08/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
06.01.1969 21:15
Понтехос Cantabria

Maren Merino was working in the kitchen of a small cafe owned by her family when she looked out the window and saw a bright glow, but initially did not attach any importance to it.

Her daughter, 25-year-old Felicidad Fernandez Merino, went into the kitchen, looked out the window and watched the light. Felicidad asked her mother about the light, but she continued to ignore the light, thinking it was something abnormal, and she screamed at two other women, including a woman named Paquita.

Then all three women opened the window and watched an incredible scene: on the field at a distance of about 30 meters, hovering at a height of about 3 meters from the ground, they see a glowing square four to five meters wide, intensely illuminated with orange-white light.

Inside the glowing square, they see the silhouette of a man walking. Suddenly, another similar figure appears on the right, and both go to the left side of the glowing square. Then three more squares appear on the opposite side of the square, which adds up to five figures inside the glowing square. 

By then, the witnesses were completely charmed and calling out to the creatures when they were joined by another witness, 35-year-old Antonio. 

At that moment, Antonio was looking out of the window, and the ship disappeared from view. According to eyewitnesses, the humanoid movements were somewhat mechanical, with straight arms at the sides with no visible joint movements. 

The creatures were tall and very well built, with normal features, brown hair, and fair skin. They were wearing what looked like dark or black, very tight jumpsuits with sleeves and turtlenecks.

The incident lasted about 5 minutes. Suddenly, as the witnesses began to search for the object, a small glittering sphere descended from the middle of the sky, falling to the ground in a curved trajectory. The UFO also became visible, clearly showing a shiny square section and a section of the object in the shape of a hat.

Until now, it had remained invisible to witnesses, an ash-silver dome of a hemispherical shape with a slightly fluorescent light. Then the object slowly rose and disappeared very quickly, leaving behind a shiny greenish trail that persisted for about 15 minutes after the object left.

Original news

Date: January 6 1969
Location: Pontejos Santander Spain
Time: 2115
Summary: Maren Merino was working in the kitchen of a small café owned by her family when she looked out the kitchen window and sees an intense brilliance but originally does not give it any importance. Her daughter, 25-year old Felicidad Fernandez Merino then enters the kitchen and also looks out the window and observes the light. Felicidad asks her mother about the light, but this one continues to ignore the light, thinking that it was something abnormal she yells out to two other women, including a woman called Paquita. All three women then open the window and observe an incredible scene, on a field about 30 meters in distance, hovering about 3 meters from the ground they see a luminous square of four to five meters wide, intensely illuminated with a light of orange-white color. Inside the luminous square they see the silhouette of man walking about. Suddenly from the right another similar figure appears and both walk towards the left side of the luminous square. Then from the opposite of the square three more squares appear, thus making a total of five figures within the luminous square. By now the witnesses are totally fascinated and cry out to the beings, they are now joined by another witness, 35-year old Antonio. At this moment Antonio looks out the window and the craft disappears from sight. According to the witnesses the movements of the humanoids was somehow mechanical, with arms straight on their sides without any apparent joint movement. The beings were tall and very well built, with normal features, chestnut-color hair and light skin. They wore something similar to dark or black, very tight-fitting coveralls with sleeves and turtlenecks. The incident lasted for about 5 minutes. Suddenly as the witnesses look for the object a small shiny sphere descended from the middle of the air falling to the soil in a curvilinear trajectory, the body of the UFO also became visible clearly displaying the shiny square section and the section of the object hat had remained invisible to the witnesses thus far, it was an ash-silver color, lightly fluorescent half spherical cupola. The object then rose slowly and disappeared very quickly leaving behind a brilliant greenish track that persisted for about 15 minutes after the object left.
Source: Manuel Pedrajo, Ballester-Olmos


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