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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Circles on the field and other formations. Canada

ID #1598961028
Added Tue, 01/09/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
11.05.1969 02:00
Пембрука, ON

Quebec [there is some confusion about the location of this event, and it is sometimes referred to as the city across the river, Pembroke, Ontario]. 

The dog howled. The husband and wife woke up and saw a bright light source about 600 feet (182.8 m) away in the field of their farm. The man went outside, noticing that the source was so strong that it easily cast shadows. It hovered apparently 15 feet (4.5 m) or less above the ground. 

The lights went out, but the man could still hear the " purr." This "purring" seemed to die away in the distance, and everything returned to normal. 

Before switching off, my husband thought that he could look at the structure of the object as a dome-shaped object with a flat bottom. 

The next day, the man went to the place where he thought the disk was located and found "three circular depressions placed at equal distances from each other to form a triangle with a rectangular recess from one to two inches deep (2.54-5 cm) near the middle of the base of the triangle." 

He explained it as if there were three "support posts" and a hatch that came out of the object and pressed into the ground. 

Here it must be admitted that the various references describing this case do not coincide. What has just been described was the most conservative of them [J. Allen Hynek], but probably not the most accurate. 

Expert  Ted Phillips says that Yes, there was such a mark, but it was only one of four such marks. Phillips describes circles of 32 feet (9.7 m), 28 feet (8.4 m), a semicircle of 28.5 feet (9 m), and a circle of 9 feet (2.7 m). The first was most similar to Heineck's description with a real outer ring [2 feet 6 inches wide] of depressed grass and three "marks" located in the center of the grass. The second was similar, again with three internal marks in a perfect triangle. In the center of the semicircle was a stone pile. The small circle was all crushed grass. 

Since Phillips is a trace specialist, this is probably pretty accurate. However, one piece of information from the Newspapers could be true, as it was allegedly obvious that there was arson on the grass. As a result, samples were taken and sent to the Ontario Department of lands and forests for testing. Obviously, this happened, but we received a message that nothing unusual was found. 

As a post-scenario to the case, less than a month later, and less than 15 miles from [in Meath, Ontario], another large ring trail was discovered [33 ft (10 m)] formed during the night. In this case, plants will not grow on the affected land for three years.

Original news

Date: May 11, 1969
Location: Pembroke, Ontario, Canada
Time: 2:00 AM. 
Summary: Chapeau/Ile aux Allumettes, Quebec [there is some confusion about the location of this event, and it is sometimes labelled for the town across the river, Pembroke, Ontario]. The dog was making a howling racket. The husband and wife were awakened and saw about 600 feet away in their farm field a bright light source. The man went outside noting that the source was so intense that it was easily casting shadows. The thing was hovering, apparently, 15 feet or less above the ground. The light switched off, but he could still hear a purring sound. This purring seemed to recede into the distance and all was back to normal. Before the switch-off the husband thought he could resolve the structure of the object into a dome-shaped object with a flat bottom. The following day, the man went out to the location where he judged the disk to have been and found “three circular depressions, equally spaced to form a triangle with a rectangular depression one to two inches in depth near the midpoint of the base of the triangle”. A guess to explain this would be three “landing legs” and a hatchway which extended out of the object to press into the earth. Now, at this point it must be admitted that the various references describing this case don’t agree. What has just been described was the most conservative of them [by J.Allen Hynek], but it is probably not the most accurate. Landing trace expert, Ted Phillips, says that yes such a trace was there but it was only one of four such markings. Phillips describes the circles as 32ft, 28ft, a 28 1/2ft half-circle, and a 9ft circle. The first was most like Hynek’s with a true external ring [2ft 6in wide] of depressed grass and the three “pod-marks” arranged in the center grass. The second was similar, with again three internal marks in a perfect triangle. The half-ring had a rockpile placed at the centerpoint. The small circle was entirely of depressed grass. As Phillips is a trace specialist, this is probably fairly accurate and everyone else is dealing with second-hand newsprint. One element of the newsprint may have been true, however, in that some burning was allegedly evident. This caused samples to be taken and sent to the Ontario Department of Lands and Forests for testing. This apparently did happen but the report came back that nothing unusual was found. As a post-script to the case, less than a month later, and less than 15 miles away [at Meath,Ontario] another large [33ft] annular ring trace was found that had occurred overnight. In this case the affected ground would not grow plants for three years.
Source: Mike Swords; References: a) Ted Phillips. Trace Catalog; and b) J.Allen Hynek. The UFO Experience; and c) Lore and Keyhoe. Strange Effects from UFOs (1969); and a more sensational presentation in Saucers, Space, and Science 56: 1969 (“Farm Invaded by Flying Saucers”). 


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