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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. United States

ID #1598964491
Added Tue, 01/09/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
06.1969 01:10
Солт-Лейк-Сити, UT
United States

Bill McGuire and Nora Johnson and Nora's two-year-old son, Alan, were driving West from salt lake city when they saw a light in the air following them. 

It came within 100 feet (30.4 m) of them, and they saw that it was a fish-shaped object with a "fin" on its back, a flat bottom, and a red light at the top. 

It made a strange humming sound and made them feel "funny vibrations" in their bodies. 

Nora hit the gas pedal, but the car slowed and couldn't accelerate above 55 mph. The object continued to follow them until they reached the roadside recreation area where the camper was parked. 

Inside the camper, looking out, they saw a" bony, peculiar, not quite human " face. Next to them, bill saw the figure of a "snowman" in a white rubber suit walking toward them. Nora couldn't see it, because the car's lights were on, and bill couldn't see it either. But when they switched off, he saw it again, coming closer. 

They drove off, and the UFO was still following them and holding a top speed of 55 mph. He left them only at dawn. 

After a two-hour NAP, they drove West again. They drove up to the camper, which seemed to be the same one they had seen, and passed it. Nora looked at her drivers and screamed.

They were creatures in black leather suits and had only the" dim outline " of their heads, except for the grin of a Cheshire cat. 

5 years later, while under hypnosis, Nora remembered leaving her body and swimming out of the car into a UFO, in which she saw a curved dashboard with sensors and levers. There were about 20 short humanoids with huge heads and large green insects that looked like eyes. They communicated by " buzzing or muttering." They scared her. 

Bill also remembered being led out of the car into a white "round room" with a transparent dome, where he saw white "men" with big heads, no hair, tiny round mouths and very large light green eyes. He felt paralyzed in the reclining chair.

He felt that the creatures had telepathic knowledge of his thoughts. When they read his mind, he felt tired. 

There was a large device in the room around which they were gathered. Then he fell asleep, even though he was afraid of it, and didn't remember anything else until he was in the car. He thought the experience lasted 20-30 minutes.

Original news

Date: mid June 1969
Location: Near Salt Lake City Utah
Time: after midnight
Summary: Bill McGuire and Nora Johnson, with Nora’s 2-year old son Alan, were driving westward from Salt Lake City when they saw a light in the air following them. It came up to within 100 feet of them, & they could see that it was a fish shaped object, with a back “fin” and a flat bottom, with a red light on top. It emitted a strange humming sound, and made them feel “funny vibrations” in their bodies. Nora stepped on the accelerator, but the car slowed down, and would not go above 55 mph. The object continued to follow them until they reached a roadside rest area, where a camper was parked. Inside the camper, looking out, they saw a “bony, peculiar, not quite human” face. Beside it Bill saw a figure “like a snowman” dressed in a white rubbery suit that walked toward them. Nora could not see it. When the car’s headlights were turned on, Bill could not see it either, but when they were switched off, he saw it again, coming closer. They drove away, with the UFO still following them and holding their maximum speed at 55 mph. It left them only with the coming of dawn. After a 2-hour sleep, they again drove westward. They came up with a camper that seemed to be the same one they had seen, and passed it; Nora looked at its drivers and screamed. Wearing black leather suits, they had only “dim outlines” of heads, except for Cheshire-cat-like grins. Under hypnosis 5 years later, Nora remembered leaving her body and floating from the car into the UFO, in which she saw a curved instrument panel with gauges and levers. About 20 short humanoids were in it, having oversized heads and large green insect like eyes; they communicated by “buzzing or mumbling.” They terrified her. Bill, likewise remembered being floated up out of the car and into a white “round room” with a clear dome, where she saw white “little people” with big heads, no hair, minute round mouths, and very big light green eyes. He felt himself to be in a reclining chair, paralyzed. He felt that the creatures had telepathic knowledge of his thoughts; when they read his thoughts, it made him feel tired. There was some large device in the room around which they clustered. Then he fell asleep, although he was afraid to do so, and remembered nothing more until he found himself back in the car. He thought the experience lasted 20-30 minutes.
Source: Jerome Clark


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