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The Alien. Canada

ID #1599146702
Added Thu, 03/09/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
01.01.1970 05:00
Дункан, BC

On the first day of 1970, around five o'clock in the morning, miss Doreen Kendall, a practical nurse at Cowichan district hospital on Vancouver island, noticed that one of the elderly patients in her room was worried. Deciding that the patient was too hot, she went to the window and pulled back the curtains to let in some air.

"As soon as I closed the curtains, a bright light hit my eyes," she said. "It was still dark outside, but about 60 feet (18.2 m) away, just above the children's ward to my left, there was an object so large and bright that I could see everything clearly."

"The object was round and had, I believe, a top and a bottom. The bottom was silvery as metal, and shaped like a bowl. Around him, like a necklace, was a string of bright lights. The top was a dome of some sort of glass. It was lit from the inside, and I could see right through it."

Continuing her story in the form of questions and answers, miss Kendall said that two male-like figures were standing in the machine, one after the other, looking at her. The one in front seemed taller, or perhaps higher than the other. Their heads were covered with a tight-fitting dark cloth.

She looked at it with great curiosity, but was not at all afraid:

"I've never felt so peaceful in my life. I'd like to talk to them."

She noticed that she could see more of the interior of the ship, and realized that it was leaning. After a moment, she saw a point just below their knees and noticed that they were standing in front of what looked like stools.

"They looked like beautiful, tall, well-built men," she said. "They were wearing tight suits of the same material that covered their heads, but their arms were bare, and I noticed how much they looked like people. Their flesh seemed the same as ours."

Intrigued by the appearance of these two figures, miss Kendall found her interest focused on what looked like a dashboard.

"The person in front was looking at the panel as if something very important was happening, and I wondered if they might have a mechanical failure. I even thought they might have landed on the roof of the hospital and then failed to take off."

She described the panel as very large, taking up almost half of the interior of the object and reaching almost to the top of the dome. The tools, if any, seemed to be embedded in the chrome-plated metal panel and were of various sizes.

The sight was so exciting that at first miss Kendall's thoughts were lost to everything else, and for a moment she forgot that Mrs. Frida Wilson, a registered nurse, was in the same room.

"Then when I thought about it, I probably hesitated. I felt that I shouldn't make any noise or do anything that might break the trend of what was happening."

At that moment, as if her mind was being read, she saw the figure behind her slowly turn right in her direction.

"He seemed to be looking directly at me, but I couldn't see his face. He was covered in a dark material that looked softer than the rest of his suit. I'm sure he saw me, because then he touched another man on the back. As he did so, the man in front reached out and took hold of a sort of lever next to him. I'll never forget how deliberately he did it. He pushed it back and forth, and the saucer, or whatever you would call it, began to spin slowly, still close to the building, counterclockwise."

This movement seemed to break miss Kendall's spell, for then she remembered that Mrs. Wilson was there, and called to her.

The coroner later spoke separately to Mrs Wilson, who said:

"I noticed miss Kendall standing by the window and wondered what she was looking at. In fact, I was just going to watch for myself as she beckoned to me, and then I saw this big big light over the patio outside the children's ward. I would say it was a bit more of a car. (According to both witnesses, the object was about five Windows wide in the children's ward. This gave it a diameter of at least 50 feet (15.2 m)) It was round in shape, and the far side seemed higher than the side next to it. It moved slowly, then began to move away. I really didn't see the top or bottom of it. Everything was just incredibly bright."

Original news

Drawing of the sighting by artist Brian James. (Canadian UFO Report)

It was turning five in the morning on New Year’s Day 1970, when Miss Doreen Kendall, a practical nurse at the Cowichan District Hospital on Vancouver Island, noticed that one of the elderly patients in her ward was restless. Deciding the patient was too warm, she went to a window and parted the drapes to let in a little air.

“Just as I pulled the drapes a brilliant light hit me in the eyes,” she said. “It was still dark outside, but about 60 feet away right above the children’s ward to my left there was this object so big and bright I could see everything clearly.”

“The object was circular and had what I guess you would call a top and bottom. The bottom was silvery, like metal, and was shaped like a bowl. There was a string of bright lights around it like a necklace. The top was a dome made of something like glass. It was lit up from inside and I could see right into it.”

Continuing her account in question-and-answer form, Miss Kendall told me there were two male-like figures in the craft, one behind the other, facing to her right away from the hospital. The one in front appeared taller, or perhaps was positioned higher, than the other. Their heads were encased in close-fitting dark material.

As she watched with intense curiosity, yet completely unfrightened – “I never felt so peaceful in all my life. I wish I could have talked to them” – she became aware of seeing more of the interior of the craft and realized it was tilting. In a moment she could see to a point just below their knees and noticed they were standing in front of what looked like stools.

“They looked like fine, tall, well-built men,” she said. “They were dressed in tight-fitting suits of the same material that covered their heads but their hands were bare and I noticed how human they looked. Their flesh seemed just like ours.”

Intrigued as she was by the appearance of the two figures, Miss Kendall found her interest centered on what looked like an instrument panel facing the one in front.

“The man in front was staring at the panel as if something very important was going on, and I wondered if they might have had mechanical trouble. I even thought they might have landed on the roof of the hospital and then had trouble taking off.”

She described the panel as a very large one, taking up almost half the interior of the object and reaching nearly to the top of the dome. The instruments, if that is what they were, seemed to be inset in the chrome-like metal of the panel and there was a variety of sizes.

The total sight was so absorbing that at first Miss Kendall’s thoughts were lost to everything else, and for a moment she forgot Mrs. Frieda Wilson, a registered nurse, was in the same room.

“Then when I did think of it, I guess I hesitated. I felt I mustn’t make a noise or do anything that would break the trend of what was happening.”

At this point, almost as if her thoughts were being read, she saw the figure in the rear turn slowly and face squarely in her direction.

“He seemed to look right at me but I couldn’t see his face. It was covered by a darkish material that looked softer than the rest of his suit. I’m sure he saw me because then he touched the other man on the back. When he did this, the man in front reached down and took hold of something like a lever beside him. I’ll never forget how deliberately he did it. He pushed it back and forth and the saucer, or whatever you’d call it, started to circle slowly, still close to the building, in an anticlockwise direction.”

The motion seemed to break the spell for Miss Kendall, for then she remembered Mrs. Wilson was there and called her over.

Later I spoke separately to Mrs. Wilson, who said, “I noticed Miss Kendall standing at the window and wondered what she was looking at. In fact, I was just going to see when she beckoned to me, and then I saw this great big light over the patio outside the children’s ward. I’d say it was quite a bit larger than a car. (By the estimate of both witnesses, the object spanned a width of about five windows of the children’s ward. This gave it a diameter of at least 50 feet.) It looked circular in shape and the far side seemed to be higher than the side near us. It was moving around slowly and then it started to move away. I didn’t really see any top or bottom to it. It was all just tremendously bright.”


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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