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A blood-red haze covered Oregon

Added Fri, 11/09/2020
Дата публикации
Thu, 10/09/2020

Drought and wind in Oregon led to a complication of the fire situation, killing two people. As noted by employees of the fire services, never before have they observed such favorable conditions for the occurrence and spread of fires. A state of emergency was declared, fires are operating throughout the state, the fire covered 93 thousand hectares.

Thousands of local residents were evacuated in Marion, Douglas, Clackamas and lane counties, and more than 1,400 people were displaced from three prisons. At least 100 homes were burned in lane County. In some areas, people were urgently evacuated along roads where grass was burning on the roadsides.

The smoke also worsened the environmental situation, for several days in the city of Staton and its surroundings in the West of the state is a red haze. Traffic on the roads was blocked due to lack of visibility. Eyewitnesses say that ash settles on the roads, and even closed doors and Windows do not save from smoke.

Oregon Governor Kate brown believes this fire season could be the most devastating in terms of damage and number of victims. In total, there are 96 hotspots in California, Washington and Oregon with an area of 1.3 million hectares.

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