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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Mexico

ID #1600339293
Added Thu, 17/09/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
22.10.1972 22:00

Enrique Mercado (who had participated in other meetings) was lounging on the terrace of his house when a very tall young man suddenly appeared behind him. 

The man asked:  

"Enrique, do you want to come with me?»

Enrique agreed. The young man sat astride the Enrique, grabbing the waistband of his coveralls. Then they flew through the air inside the visible of the invisible beam and hit a flying ship in the form of plates.

Inside Mercado is surprised by the apparent simplicity of the ship's decoration. There was a table with colored buttons, a screen on the wall, and two chairs. The saucer then flew into the hovering carrier ship, with other saucers hovering around it. 

Then Mercado was given a green jumpsuit and introduced to the ship's commander, a huge man, more than two meters tall, in a blue jumpsuit. 

The commander introduced himself as Yastek and showed Mercado what he calls "sky maps". He was told that he was about 100,000 km from Mexico city. 

Suddenly he was on the balcony of his house, two hours passed.

Original news

Date: October 22 1972
Location: Mexico City, Mexico
Time: 2200
Summary: Enrique Mercado (involved in other encounters) was lounging in the terrace of his house when suddenly a very tall young man appeared behind him. The man asked: “Enrique do you want to come with me?” Enrique agreed. The young man straddles Enrique as he grabs a girdle on the man’s coveralls. Then they fly through the air inside an apparent invisible beam and into a hovering saucer-shaped craft. Inside Mercado is surprised at the apparent simplicity of the craft’s furnishings. There is a table with multi-colored buttons, a screen on the wall and two armchairs. The saucer then flies into a hovering mothership, around which other saucers are hovering. Mercado is then given a green coverall to wear and he is introduced to the commander of the vessel, a huge man, over two meters in height, wearing a blue coverall. The commander’s name is Yastek and shows Mercado what he calls “sky charts”. He is told he is at a point about 100,000 km from Mexico City. Suddenly he finds himself in the balcony of his house, two hours have passed.
Source: UFO Geheimnisse, Berlin January 1998


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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