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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Peru

ID #1602150284
Added Thu, 08/10/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
14.01.1975 06:30
Акайя Пакте

Charles Silva again met a short, dark-haired woman who called herself Rama, and was taken to the clearing.

Up ahead, he could see a flickering rainbow-colored light directly above the ground, which he was told was an electromagnetic field that hid the landed ship. 

As they crossed the field, they saw an object in the shape of a metal soccer ball land. It rested on metal legs. A ramp descended from a triangular door to the ground. 

A humanoid with two pairs of shoes that looked like shoes came out to meet them. He was ordered to remove his shoes. The humanoid was described as lean, 4 to 5 feet (1.2-1.5 m) tall, with a large head and a long face. He had a long nose with wide-open nostrils, a small mouth, and huge almond-shaped eyes. They were wearing one-piece suits of shining gray. 

Silva had an eerie feeling, even though they were very peaceful. As soon as he took a few steps into the ship, he came face to face with their commander, who looked like the others, without eyelashes, his eyes did not seem to blink. The chief rose from the triangular chair, greeted Rama, and communicated with Silva via telepathy. 

At first, Silva could only hear muffled sounds, but then everything became clear and he was able to understand what was being said. The creature conducted a tour of the object, and then, apparently, took it to the South pole. 

Later, the object sank into the water and into an underwater complex, apparently in lake Titicaca. 

He was also told that they had bases on Mars and Venus. They also told the witness that they came from the constellation of Taurus, located somewhere near the Pleiades.

Original news

Date: January 14 1975
Location: Acaya Pacte Peru
Time:  0630A
Summary: Charles Silva again met the short dark haired woman that called herself Rama and was taken to a clearing. Ahead he could see a rainbow colored shimmering light just above the ground, he was told that it was electro magnetic field that was hiding a landed craft. As they crossed the field a landed metallic football shaped object came into view. It rested on metallic legs. A ramp descended to the ground from a triangular shaped door. A humanoid carrying two pairs of clog like shoes came out to meet them. He was instructed to remove his shoes. The humanoid was described as thin about 4 ft to 5 ft tall with a large head and long face. He had a long nose with wide-open nostrils, a small mouth, and huge almond shaped eyes. They wore one-piece suits of a shining gray color. Silva had a creepy feeling even though they were very peaceful in demeanor. As soon as he took several steps into the craft he came face to face with their crew leader, similar in appearance to the others, without any eyelashes, his eyes did not appear to blink. The leader got up from a triangular chair and greeted Rama and communicated with Silva via telepathy. At first Silva could only hear muffled sounds but then everything became clear and he was able to understand what was said. The witness was given a tour of the object by the creature then apparently taken to a ride down to the South Pole. Later the object plunged into the water and into an underwater complex apparently in Lake Titicaca. He was also told that they had bases in Mars and Venus. They also told the witness that they originated from the Tauri constellation located somewhere near the Pleiades.
Source:  Joseph Randazzo, Witness ET, The Contactee Manuscript


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